1require 'active_support/core_ext/digest/uuid'
2require 'postcode_sanitizer'
3require 'ipaddr'
  • Class "Signature" has 762 lines. It should have 300 or less. » roodi
5class Signature < ActiveRecord::Base
6  include PerishableTokenGenerator
7  include GeoipLookup
 9  has_perishable_token
10  has_perishable_token called: 'signed_token'
11  has_perishable_token called: 'unsubscribe_token'
13  ISO8601_TIMESTAMP = /\A\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z\z/
15  PENDING_STATE = 'pending'
16  FRAUDULENT_STATE = 'fraudulent'
17  VALIDATED_STATE = 'validated'
18  INVALIDATED_STATE = 'invalidated'
20  STATES = [
23  ]
26    'government_response' => :government_response_email_at,
27    'debate_scheduled'    => :debate_scheduled_email_at,
28    'debate_outcome'      => :debate_outcome_email_at,
29    'petition_email'      => :petition_email_at
30  }
32  belongs_to :petition
33  belongs_to :invalidation
35  validates :state, inclusion: { in: STATES }
36  validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }
37  validates :email, presence: true, email: { allow_blank: true }, on: :create
38  validates :location_code, presence: true
39  validates :postcode, presence: true, postcode: true, if: :united_kingdom?
40  validates :postcode, length: { maximum: 255 }, allow_blank: true
41  validates :uk_citizenship, acceptance: true, unless: :persisted?, allow_nil: false
42  validates :constituency_id, length: { maximum: 255 }
44  attr_readonly :sponsor, :creator
46  before_create if: :email? do
47    self.uuid = generate_uuid
48    self.canonical_email = Domain.normalize(email)
50    if find_duplicate
51      raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, "Signature is not unique: #{name}, #{email}, #{postcode}"
52    end
54    if find_similar
55      raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, "Signature is not unique: #{name}, #{email}, #{postcode}"
56    end
57  end
59  before_destroy do
60    !creator?
61  end
63  after_destroy do
64    if validated?
65      now = Time.current
66      ConstituencyPetitionJournal.invalidate_signature_for(self, now)
67      CountryPetitionJournal.invalidate_signature_for(self, now)
68      petition.decrement_signature_count!(now)
69    end
70  end
72  class << self
73    def batch(id = 0, limit: 1000)
74      where(arel_table[:id].gt(id)).order(id: :asc).limit(limit)
75    end
77    def by_most_recent
78      order(created_at: :desc)
79    end
81    def column_name_for(timestamp)
82      TIMESTAMPS.fetch(timestamp)
83    rescue KeyError => e
84      raise ArgumentError, "Unknown petition email timestamp: #{timestamp.inspect}"
85    end
87    def destroy!(signature_ids)
88      signatures = find(signature_ids)
90      transaction do
91        signatures.each do |signature|
92          signature.destroy!
93        end
94      end
95    end
97    def duplicate(id, email)
98      where(arel_table[:id].not_eq(id).and(arel_table[:email].eq(email)))
 99    end
101    def duplicate_emails
102      unscoped.from(validated.select(:uuid).group(:uuid).having(arel_table[Arel.star].count.gt(1))).count
103    end
105    def pending_rate
106      (Rational(pending.count, total.count) * 100).to_d(2)
107    end
109    def similar(id, email)
110      where(canonical_email: email).where.not(id: id)
111    end
113    def for_domain(domain)
114      where("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) = ?", domain[1..-1])
115    end
117    def for_email(email)
118      where("(REGEXP_REPLACE(LEFT(email, POSITION('@' IN email) - 1), '\\.|\\+.+', '', 'g') || SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email)) = ?)", normalize_email(email))
119    end
121    def for_invalidating
122      where(state: [PENDING_STATE, VALIDATED_STATE])
123    end
125    def for_ip(ip)
126      where("inet(ip_address) <<= inet(?)", ip)
127    end
129    def for_name(name)
130      where(arel_table[:name].lower.eq(name.downcase))
131    end
133    def for_petition(id)
134      where(petition_id: id)
135    end
137    def for_postcode(postcode)
138      where(postcode: PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode))
139    end
141    def for_sector(postcode)
142      where("LEFT(postcode, -3) = ?", PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode)[0..-4])
143    end
145    def for_timestamp(timestamp, since:)
146      column = arel_table[column_name_for(timestamp)]
147      where(column.eq(nil).or(column.lt(since)))
148    end
150    def fraudulent
151      where(state: FRAUDULENT_STATE)
152    end
154    def fraudulent_domains
155      where(state: FRAUDULENT_STATE).
156      select("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) AS domain").
157      group("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1)").
158      order("COUNT(*) DESC").
159      count(:all)
160    end
162    def invalidate!(signature_ids, now = Time.current, invalidation_id = nil)
163      signatures = find(signature_ids)
165      transaction do
166        signatures.each do |signature|
167          signature.invalidate!(now, invalidation_id)
168        end
169      end
170    end
172    def invalidated
173      where(state: INVALIDATED_STATE)
174    end
176    def missing_constituency_id(since: nil)
177      if since
178        uk.validated(since: since).where(constituency_id: nil)
179      else
180        uk.validated.where(constituency_id: nil)
181      end
182    end
184    def need_emailing_for(timestamp, since:)
185      validated.subscribed.for_timestamp(timestamp, since: since)
186    end
188    def pending
189      where(state: PENDING_STATE)
190    end
192    def total
193      where(state: [PENDING_STATE, VALIDATED_STATE])
194    end
196    def petition_ids_signed_since(timestamp)
197      validated(since: timestamp).distinct.pluck(:petition_id)
198    end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)' 2 times » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 20 statements » reek
  • Method name "search" cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 8 or less. » roodi
  • Method "search" has 39 lines. It should have 20 or less. » roodi
200    def search(query, options = {})
201      query  = query.to_s
202      state  = options[:state]
203      window = options[:window]
204      page   = [options[:page].to_i, 1].max
205      scope  = preload(:petition).by_most_recent
207      if state.in?(STATES)
208        scope = scope.where(state: state)
209      end
211      if window.present?
212        if window =~ ISO8601_TIMESTAMP
213          starts_at = window.in_time_zone.at_beginning_of_hour
214          ends_at = starts_at.advance(hours: 1)
215          scope = scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)
216        elsif window =~ /\A\d+\z/
217          starts_at = window.to_i.seconds.ago
218          ends_at = Time.current
219          scope = scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)
220        end
221      end
223      if ip_search?(query)
224        scope = scope.for_ip(query)
225      elsif domain_search?(query)
226        scope = scope.for_domain(query)
227      elsif email_search?(query)
228        scope = scope.for_email(query)
229      elsif petition_search?(query)
230        scope = scope.for_petition(query)
231      elsif postcode_search?(query)
232        scope = scope.for_postcode(query)
233      elsif sector_search?(query)
234        scope = scope.for_sector(query)
235      else
236        scope = scope.for_name(query)
237      end
239      scope.paginate(page: page, per_page: 50)
240    end
242    def creator
243      where(arel_table[:creator].eq(true))
244    end
246    def sponsors
247      where(arel_table[:sponsor].eq(true))
248    end
250    def subscribed
251      where(notify_by_email: true)
252    end
254    def fraudulent_domains(since: 1.hour.ago, limit: 20)
255      select("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) AS domain").
256      where(arel_table[:created_at].gt(since)).
257      where(state: FRAUDULENT_STATE).
258      group("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1)").
259      order("COUNT(*) DESC").
260      limit(limit).
261      count(:all)
262    end
264    def fraudulent_ips(since: 1.hour.ago, limit: 20)
265      select(:ip_address).
266      where(arel_table[:created_at].gt(since)).
267      where(state: FRAUDULENT_STATE).
268      group(:ip_address).
269      order("COUNT(*) DESC").
270      limit(limit).
271      count(:all)
272    end
274    def trending_domains(since: 1.hour.ago, limit: 20)
275      select("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) AS domain").
276      where(arel_table[:validated_at].gt(since)).
277      where(arel_table[:invalidated_at].eq(nil)).
278      group("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1)").
279      order("COUNT(*) DESC").
280      limit(limit).
281      count(:all)
282    end
284    def trending_ips(since: 1.hour.ago, limit: 20)
285      select(:ip_address).
286      where(arel_table[:validated_at].gt(since)).
287      where(arel_table[:invalidated_at].eq(nil)).
288      group(:ip_address).
289      order("COUNT(*) DESC").
290      limit(limit).
291      count(:all)
292    end
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'h' » reek
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'k' » reek
294    def trending_domains_by_petition(window, threshold = 5)
295      trending_domains = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
296      domain = "SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1)"
298      where(validated_at: window)
299        .group(:petition_id, domain)
300        .having(count_star.gteq(threshold))
301        .order(:petition_id, count_star.desc)
302        .pluck(:petition_id, domain, count_star.to_sql)
303        .each_with_object(trending_domains) do |(petition_id, domain, count), hash|
304          hash[petition_id][domain] = count
305        end
306    end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 7 statements » reek
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'h' » reek
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'k' » reek
308    def trending_ips_by_petition(window, threshold = 5, ignored_domains = [])
309      trending_ips = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
310      domain_not_in = "SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) NOT IN (?)"
312      scope = where(validated_at: window)
314      unless ignored_domains.empty?
315        scope = scope.where(domain_not_in, ignored_domains)
316      end
318      scope
319        .group(:petition_id, :ip_address)
320        .having(count_star.gteq(threshold))
321        .order(:petition_id, count_star.desc)
322        .pluck(:petition_id, :ip_address, count_star.to_sql)
323        .each_with_object(trending_ips) do |(petition_id, ip_address, count), hash|
324          hash[petition_id][ip_address] = count
325        end
326    end
328    def uk
329      where(location_code: "GB")
330    end
332    def unarchived
333      where(archived_at: nil)
334    end
336    def subscribe!(signature_ids)
337      signatures = find(signature_ids)
339      transaction do
340        signatures.each do |signature|
341          signature.update!(notify_by_email: true)
342        end
343      end
344    end
346    def unsubscribe!(signature_ids)
347      signatures = find(signature_ids)
349      transaction do
350        signatures.each do |signature|
351          if signature.creator?
352            raise RuntimeError, "Can't unsubscribe the creator signature"
353          elsif signature.pending?
354            raise RuntimeError, "Can't unsubscribe a pending signature"
355          else
356            signature.update!(notify_by_email: false)
357          end
358        end
359      end
360    end
362    def validate!(signature_ids, now = Time.current, force: false, request: nil)
363      signatures = find(signature_ids)
365      transaction do
366        signatures.each do |signature|
367          signature.validate!(now, force: force, request: request)
368        end
369      end
370    end
372    def validated(since: nil, upto: nil)
373      scope = where(state: VALIDATED_STATE)
374      scope = scope.where(validated_at.gt(since)) if since
375      scope = scope.where(validated_at.lteq(upto)) if upto
376      scope
377    end
379    def validated_count(timestamp, upto)
380      validated(since: timestamp, upto: upto).pluck(count_star.to_sql).first
381    end
383    def validated_count_by_location_code(timestamp, upto)
384      validated(since: timestamp, upto: upto).group(:location_code).pluck(:location_code, count_star.to_sql)
385    end
387    def validated_count_by_constituency_id(timestamp, upto)
388      validated(since: timestamp, upto: upto).group(:constituency_id).pluck(:constituency_id, count_star.to_sql)
389    end
391    def validated?(id)
392      where(id: id).where(validated_at.not_eq(nil)).exists?
393    end
395    private
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'e' » reek
397    def ip_search?(query)
398      IPAddr.new(query)
399    rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError => e
400      false
401    end
403    def domain_search?(query)
404      query.starts_with?('@')
405    end
407    def email_search?(query)
408      query.include?('@')
409    end
411    def petition_search?(query)
412      query =~ /\A\d+\z/
413    end
415    def postcode_search?(query)
416      PostcodeSanitizer.call(query) =~ PostcodeValidator::PATTERN
417    end
419    def sector_search?(query)
420      PostcodeSanitizer.call(query) =~ /\A[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9A-Z]?XXX\z/
421    end
423    def validated_at
424      arel_table[:validated_at]
425    end
427    def count_star
428      arel_table[Arel.star].count
429    end
431    def max_validated_at
432      arel_table[:validated_at].maximum.to_sql
433    end
435    def normalize_email(email)
436      "#{normalize_user(email)}@#{normalize_domain(email)}"
437    end
439    def normalize_user(email)
440      email.split("@").first.split("+").first.tr(".", "").downcase
441    end
443    def normalize_domain(email)
444      email.split("@").last.downcase
445    end
446  end
448  attr_accessor :uk_citizenship
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'signatures.first' 2 times » reek
450  def find_duplicate
451    return nil unless petition
453    signatures = petition.signatures.duplicate(id, email)
454    return signatures.first if signatures.many?
  • Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == » roodi
456    if signature = signatures.first
457      if sanitized_name == signature.sanitized_name
458        signature
459      elsif postcode != signature.postcode
460        signature
461      end
462    end
463  end
465  def find_duplicate!
466    find_duplicate || find_similar || (raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Signature not found: #{name}, #{email}, #{postcode}")
467  end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'signatures.first' 2 times » reek
469  def find_similar
470    return nil unless petition
472    signatures = petition.signatures.similar(id, canonical_email)
473    return signatures.first if signatures.many?
  • Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == » roodi
475    if signature = signatures.first
476      if sanitized_name == signature.sanitized_name
477        signature
478      elsif postcode != signature.postcode
479        signature
480      end
481    end
482  end
484  def name=(value)
485    super(value.to_s.strip)
486  end
488  def email=(value)
489    super(value.to_s.strip.downcase)
490  end
492  def postcode=(value)
493    super(PostcodeSanitizer.call(value))
494  end
496  def sanitized_name
497    name.to_s.parameterize
498  end
500  def pending?
501    state == PENDING_STATE
502  end
504  def fraudulent?
505    state == FRAUDULENT_STATE
506  end
508  def validated?
509    state == VALIDATED_STATE
510  end
512  def invalidated?
513    state == INVALIDATED_STATE
514  end
516  def subscribed?
517    validated? && !unsubscribed?
518  end
520  def unsubscribed?
521    notify_by_email == false
522  end
524  def fraudulent!(now = Time.current)
525    retry_lock do
526      if pending?
527        update_columns(state: FRAUDULENT_STATE, updated_at: now)
528      end
529    end
530  end
  • BooleanParameter - has boolean parameter 'force' » reek
  • BooleanParameter - has boolean parameter 'force' » reek
  • ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'force' » reek
  • LongParameterList - has 4 parameters » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 16 statements » reek
  • Method name "validate!" cyclomatic complexity is 13. It should be 8 or less. » roodi
  • Method "validate!" has 45 lines. It should have 20 or less. » roodi
532  def validate!(now = Time.current, force: false, request: nil)
533    update_signature_counts = false
534    new_constituency_id = nil
536    unless constituency_id?
537      if united_kingdom? && postcode?
538        new_constituency_id = constituency.try(:external_id)
539      end
540    end
  • Block cyclomatic complexity is 7. It should be 4 or less. » roodi
542    retry_lock do
543      if force || pending?
544        update_signature_counts = true
545        petition.validate_creator!(now) unless creator?
547        attributes = {
548          number:       petition.signature_count + 1,
549          state:        VALIDATED_STATE,
550          validated_at: now,
551          invalidation_id: nil,
552          invalidated_at:  nil,
553          updated_at:   now
554        }
556        if request
557          attributes[:validated_ip] = request.remote_ip
558        end
560        if new_constituency_id
561          attributes[:constituency_id] = new_constituency_id
562        end
564        unless signed_token?
565          attributes[:signed_token] = Authlogic::Random.friendly_token
566        end
568        update_columns(attributes)
569      end
570    end
572    if update_signature_counts
573      @just_validated = true
574    end
576    if inline_updates? && update_signature_counts
577      last_signed_at = petition.last_signed_at
578      petition.increment_signature_count!(now)
580      ConstituencyPetitionJournal.increment_signature_counts_for(petition, last_signed_at)
581      CountryPetitionJournal.increment_signature_counts_for(petition, last_signed_at)
582    end
583  end
585  def just_validated?
586    defined?(@just_validated) ? @just_validated : false
587  end
589  def validated_before?(timestamp)
590    validated? && validated_at < timestamp
591  end
593  def reload(*)
594    super.tap { @just_validated = false }
595  end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 7 statements » reek
597  def invalidate!(now = Time.current, invalidation_id = nil)
598    update_signature_counts = false
600    retry_lock do
601      if validated?
602        update_signature_counts = true
603      end
605      update_columns(
606        state:           INVALIDATED_STATE,
607        notify_by_email: false,
608        invalidation_id: invalidation_id,
609        invalidated_at:  now,
610        updated_at:      now
611      )
612    end
614    if update_signature_counts
615      ConstituencyPetitionJournal.invalidate_signature_for(self, now)
616      CountryPetitionJournal.invalidate_signature_for(self, now)
617      petition.decrement_signature_count!(now)
618    end
619  end
621  def mark_seen_signed_confirmation_page!
622    update seen_signed_confirmation_page: true
623  end
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'e' » reek
625  def save(*args)
626    super
627  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
628    if creator?
629      errors.add(:name, :already_signed, name: name, email: email) and return false
630    else
631      raise e
632    end
633  end
  • ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'token' » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 6 statements » reek
635  def unsubscribe!(token)
636    if unsubscribed?
637      errors.add(:base, "Already Unsubscribed")
638    elsif unsubscribe_token != token
639      errors.add(:base, "Invalid Unsubscribe Token")
640    else
641      update(notify_by_email: false)
642    end
643  end
645  def already_unsubscribed?
646    errors[:base].include?("Already Unsubscribed")
647  end
649  def invalid_unsubscribe_token?
650    errors[:base].include?("Invalid Unsubscribe Token")
651  end
653  def constituency
654    if constituency_id?
655      @constituency ||= Constituency.find_by_external_id(constituency_id)
656    elsif united_kingdom?
657      @constituency ||= Constituency.find_by_postcode(postcode)
658    end
659  end
661  def signed_token
662    super || generate_and_save_signed_token
663  end
665  def get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp)
666    self[column_name_for(timestamp)]
667  end
669  def set_email_sent_at_for(timestamp, to: Time.current)
670    update_column(column_name_for(timestamp), to)
671  end
673  def account
674    Mail::Address.new(email).local
675  rescue Mail::Field::ParseError
676    nil
677  end
679  def domain
680    Mail::Address.new(email).domain
681  rescue Mail::Field::ParseError
682    nil
683  end
685  def rate(window = 5.minutes)
686    period = Range.new(created_at - window, created_at)
687    petition.signatures.where(ip_address: ip_address, created_at: period).count
688  end
690  def update_uuid
691    update_column(:uuid, generate_uuid)
692  end
694  def update_canonical_email
695    update_column(:canonical_email, Domain.normalize(email))
696  end
698  def number
699    super || petition.signature_count + 1
700  end
702  def email_threshold_reached?
703    email_count >= 5
704  end
706  def united_kingdom?
707    location_code == 'GB'
708  end
709  alias_method :uk?, :united_kingdom?
711  def update_all(updates)
712    self.class.unscoped.where(id: id).update_all(updates)
713  end
715  def location
716    if postcode?
717      "#{formatted_postcode}, #{location_code}"
718    else
719      location_code
720    end
721  end
723  def form_duration
724    form_requested_at? ? created_at - form_requested_at : 0
725  end
727  def form_token_reused?
728    self.class.where(form_token: form_token).count > 1
729  end
731  private
733  def formatted_postcode
734    if united_kingdom?
735      postcode.gsub(/\A([A-Z0-9]+?)([A-Z0-9]{3})\z/, "\\1 \\2")
736    else
737      postcode
738    end
739  end
  • UtilityFunction - doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
741  def inline_updates?
742    ENV["INLINE_UPDATES"] == "true"
743  end
745  def generate_uuid
746    Digest::UUID.uuid_v5(Digest::UUID::URL_NAMESPACE, "mailto:#{email}")
747  end
749  def generate_and_save_signed_token
750    token = Authlogic::Random.friendly_token
752    retry_lock do
753      if signed_token?
754        token = read_attribute(:signed_token)
755      else
756        update_column(:signed_token, token)
757      end
758    end
760    token
761  end
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'e' » reek
763  def column_name_for(timestamp)
764    self.class.column_name_for(timestamp)
765  end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 8 statements » reek
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'e' » reek
767  def retry_lock
768    retried = false
770    begin
771      with_lock { yield }
772    rescue PG::InFailedSqlTransaction => e
773      if retried
774        raise e
775      else
776        retried = true
777        self.class.connection.clear_cache!
778        retry
779      end
780    end
781  end