1require 'textacular/searchable'
  • Class "Petition" has 883 lines. It should have 300 or less. » roodi
3class Petition < ActiveRecord::Base
4  include PerishableTokenGenerator
6  PENDING_STATE     = 'pending'
7  VALIDATED_STATE   = 'validated'
8  SPONSORED_STATE   = 'sponsored'
 9  FLAGGED_STATE     = 'flagged'
10  OPEN_STATE        = 'open'
11  CLOSED_STATE      = 'closed'
12  REJECTED_STATE    = 'rejected'
13  HIDDEN_STATE      = 'hidden'
14  STOPPED_STATE     = 'stopped'
16  STATES            = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged open closed rejected hidden stopped]
17  DEBATABLE_STATES  = %w[open closed]
18  VISIBLE_STATES    = %w[open closed rejected]
19  SHOW_STATES       = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged open closed rejected stopped]
20  MODERATED_STATES  = %w[open closed hidden rejected]
21  PUBLISHED_STATES  = %w[open closed]
22  SELECTABLE_STATES = %w[open closed rejected hidden]
23  SEARCHABLE_STATES = %w[open closed rejected]
24  STOPPABLE_STATES  = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged]
26  IN_MODERATION_STATES       = %w[sponsored flagged]
27  TODO_LIST_STATES           = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged]
28  COLLECTING_SPONSORS_STATES = %w[pending validated]
29  STOP_COLLECTING_STATES     = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged]
31  DEBATE_STATES = %w[pending awaiting scheduled debated not_debated]
33  has_perishable_token called: 'sponsor_token'
35  before_save :update_debate_state, if: :scheduled_debate_date_changed?
36  before_save :update_moderation_lag, unless: :moderation_lag?
37  after_create :update_last_petition_created_at
39  extend Searchable(:action, :background, :additional_details)
40  include Browseable, Taggable
42  facet :all,      -> { by_most_popular }
43  facet :open,     -> { open_state.by_most_popular }
44  facet :rejected, -> { rejected_state.by_most_recent }
45  facet :closed,   -> { closed_state.by_most_popular }
46  facet :hidden,   -> { hidden_state.by_most_recent }
47  facet :stopped,  -> { stopped_state.by_most_recent }
49  facet :awaiting_response,    -> { awaiting_response.by_waiting_for_response_longest }
50  facet :with_response,        -> { with_response.by_most_recent_response }
52  facet :awaiting_debate,      -> { awaiting_debate.by_most_relevant_debate_date }
53  facet :awaiting_debate_date, -> { awaiting_debate_date.by_waiting_for_debate_longest }
54  facet :with_debate_outcome,  -> { with_debate_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
55  facet :with_debated_outcome, -> { with_debated_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
56  facet :debated,              -> { debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
57  facet :not_debated,          -> { not_debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
59  facet :collecting_sponsors,  -> { collecting_sponsors.by_most_recent }
60  facet :in_moderation,        -> { in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
61  facet :in_debate_queue,      -> { in_debate_queue.by_waiting_for_debate_longest }
63  facet :recently_in_moderation,       -> { recently_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
64  facet :nearly_overdue_in_moderation, -> { nearly_overdue_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
65  facet :overdue_in_moderation,        -> { overdue_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
66  facet :tagged_in_moderation,         -> { tagged_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
67  facet :untagged_in_moderation,       -> { untagged_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached }
69  has_one :creator, -> { creator }, class_name: 'Signature'
70  accepts_nested_attributes_for :creator, update_only: true
72  belongs_to :locked_by, class_name: 'AdminUser'
74  has_one :debate_outcome, dependent: :destroy
75  has_one :email_requested_receipt, dependent: :destroy
76  has_one :government_response, dependent: :destroy
77  has_one :note, dependent: :destroy
78  has_one :rejection, dependent: :destroy
79  has_one :statistics, dependent: :destroy
81  has_many :signatures
82  has_many :sponsors, -> { sponsors }, class_name: 'Signature'
83  has_many :country_petition_journals, dependent: :destroy
84  has_many :constituency_petition_journals, dependent: :destroy
85  has_many :emails, dependent: :destroy
86  has_many :invalidations
87  has_many :trending_ips, dependent: :delete_all
88  has_many :trending_domains, dependent: :delete_all
90  validates :action, presence: true, length: { maximum: 80, allow_blank: true }
91  validates :background, presence: true, length: { maximum: 300, allow_blank: true }
92  validates :additional_details, length: { maximum: 800, allow_blank: true }
93  validates :open_at, presence: true, if: :open?
94  validates :creator, presence: true
95  validates :state, inclusion: { in: STATES }
97  with_options allow_nil: true, prefix: true do
98    delegate :name, :email, to: :creator
 99    delegate :code, :details, to: :rejection
100    delegate :summary, :details, :created_at, :updated_at, to: :government_response
101    delegate :date, :transcript_url, :video_url, :overview, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: :debate
102    delegate :debate_pack_url, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: false
103  end
105  alias_attribute :opened_at, :open_at
107  class << self
108    def by_most_popular
109      reorder(signature_count: :desc, created_at: :desc)
110    end
112    def by_most_recent
113      reorder(created_at: :desc)
114    end
116    def by_most_recent_debate_outcome
117      reorder(debate_outcome_at: :desc, created_at: :desc)
118    end
120    def by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached
121      reorder(moderation_threshold_reached_at: :desc, created_at: :desc)
122    end
124    def by_most_recent_response
125      reorder(government_response_at: :desc, created_at: :desc)
126    end
128    def by_most_relevant_debate_date
129      reorder('scheduled_debate_date ASC NULLS LAST, debate_threshold_reached_at ASC NULLS FIRST')
130    end
132    def by_oldest
133      reorder(created_at: :asc)
134    end
136    def by_waiting_for_debate_longest
137      reorder(debate_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc)
138    end
140    def by_waiting_for_response_longest
141      reorder(response_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc)
142    end
144    def current
145      open_state.by_most_recent
146    end
148    def open_state
149      where(state: OPEN_STATE)
150    end
152    def closed_state
153      where(state: CLOSED_STATE)
154    end
156    def hidden_state
157      where(state: HIDDEN_STATE)
158    end
160    def rejected_state
161      where(state: REJECTED_STATE)
162    end
164    def sponsored_state
165      where(state: SPONSORED_STATE)
166    end
168    def stopped_state
169      where(state: STOPPED_STATE)
170    end
172    def awaiting_debate
173      where(debate_state: %w[awaiting scheduled])
174    end
176    def awaiting_debate_date
177      debate_threshold_reached.not_scheduled
178    end
180    def awaiting_response
181      response_threshold_reached.not_responded
182    end
184    def collecting_sponsors
185      where(state: COLLECTING_SPONSORS_STATES)
186    end
188    def debate_threshold_reached
189      where.not(debate_threshold_reached_at: nil)
190    end
192    def debateable
193      where(state: DEBATABLE_STATES)
194    end
196    def debated
197      where(debate_state: 'debated').preload(:debate_outcome)
198    end
200    def for_state(state)
201      where(state: state)
202    end
204    def in_debate_queue
205      where(threshold_for_debate_reached.or(scheduled_for_debate))
206    end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times » reek
208    def in_moderation(from: nil, to: nil)
209      if from && to
210        where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.between(from..to))
211      elsif from
212        where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.gt(from))
213      elsif to
214        where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.lt(to))
215      else
216        where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)
217      end
218    end
220    def moderated
221      where(state: MODERATED_STATES)
222    end
224    def not_debated
225      where(debate_state: 'not_debated')
226    end
228    def not_hidden
229      where.not(state: HIDDEN_STATE)
230    end
232    def not_responded
233      where(government_response_at: nil)
234    end
236    def not_scheduled
237      where(scheduled_debate_date: nil)
238    end
240    def respondable
241      where(state: RESPONDABLE_STATES)
242    end
244    def response_threshold_reached
245      where.not(response_threshold_reached_at: nil)
246    end
248    def selectable
249      where(state: SELECTABLE_STATES)
250    end
252    def stoppable
253      where(state: STOPPABLE_STATES)
254    end
256    def show
257      where(state: SHOW_STATES)
258    end
260    def threshold
261      where(arel_table[:signature_count].gteq(Site.threshold_for_debate))
262    end
264    def todo_list
265      where(state: TODO_LIST_STATES)
266    end
268    def visible
269      where(state: VISIBLE_STATES)
270    end
272    def with_debate_outcome
273      where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil)
274    end
276    def with_debated_outcome
277      debated.where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil)
278    end
280    def with_response
281      where.not(government_response_at: nil).preload(:government_response)
282    end
284    def trending(since = 1.hour.ago, limit = 3)
285      select('petitions.*, COUNT(signatures.id) AS signature_count_in_period').
286      joins(:signatures).
287      where('petitions.state = ?', OPEN_STATE).
288      where('petitions.last_signed_at > ?', since).
289      where('signatures.validated_at > ?', since).
290      where('signatures.invalidated_at IS NULL').
291      group('petitions.id').order('signature_count_in_period DESC').
292      limit(limit)
293    end
295    def close_petitions!(time = Time.current)
296      in_need_of_closing(time).find_each do |petition|
297        petition.close!
298      end
299    end
301    def close_petitions_early!(time = Parliament.dissolution_at)
302      open_at_dissolution(time).find_each do |petition|
303        petition.close!(time)
304      end
305    end
307    def stop_petitions_early!(time = Parliament.dissolution_at)
308      in_need_of_stopping.find_each do |petition|
309        petition.stop!(time)
310      end
311    end
313    def in_need_of_closing(time = Time.current)
314      where(state: OPEN_STATE).where(arel_table[:open_at].lt(Site.opened_at_for_closing(time)))
315    end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'scope.stoppable' 2 times » reek
317    def in_need_of_stopping(time = nil)
318      scope = preload(:creator)
319      time ? scope.stoppable.created_after(time) : scope.stoppable
320    end
322    def created_after(time)
323      where(arel_table[:created_at].gteq(time))
324    end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'arel_table[:closed_at]' 2 times » reek
326    def open_at_dissolution(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at)
327      if dissolution_at
328        opened_at_for_closing = Site.opened_at_for_closing(dissolution_at)
330        where(
331          arel_table[:state].eq(OPEN_STATE).
332          and(arel_table[:open_at].gteq(opened_at_for_closing).
333          and(arel_table[:closed_at].eq(nil)).
334          or(arel_table[:closed_at].gteq(dissolution_at)))
335        )
336      else
337        none
338      end
339    end
341    def popular_in_constituency(constituency_id, count = 50)
342      popular_in(constituency_id, count).for_state(OPEN_STATE)
343    end
345    def all_popular_in_constituency(constituency_id, count = 50)
346      popular_in(constituency_id, count).for_state(PUBLISHED_STATES)
347    end
349    def sanitized_tag(tag)
350      "[#{tag.gsub(/[\[\]%]/,'')}]"
351    end
353    def in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date = Date.current)
354      where(scheduled_debate_state.and(debate_date_in_the_past(date)))
355    end
357    def mark_petitions_as_debated!(date = Date.current)
358      in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date).update_all(debate_state: 'debated')
359    end
361    def unarchived
362      where(archived_at: nil)
363    end
365    def recently_in_moderation
366      in_moderation(from: moderation_near_overdue_at)
367    end
369    def nearly_overdue_in_moderation
370      in_moderation(from: moderation_overdue_at, to: moderation_near_overdue_at)
371    end
373    def overdue_in_moderation
374      in_moderation(to: moderation_overdue_at)
375    end
377    def tagged_in_moderation
378      tagged.in_moderation
379    end
381    def untagged_in_moderation
382      untagged.in_moderation
383    end
385    def signed_since(timestamp)
386      where(arel_table[:last_signed_at].gt(timestamp))
387    end
389    def in_need_of_validating
390      where(grouping(last_signed_at.gt(signature_count_validated_at)).eq(true))
391    end
393    private
395    def grouping(expression)
396      Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(expression)
397    end
399    def last_signed_at
400      arel_table[:last_signed_at]
401    end
403    def signature_count_validated_at
404      arel_table[:signature_count_validated_at]
405    end
407    def moderation_threshold_reached_at
408      arel_table[:moderation_threshold_reached_at]
409    end
411    def moderation_near_overdue_at
412      Site.moderation_near_overdue_in_days.ago
413    end
415    def moderation_overdue_at
416      Site.moderation_overdue_in_days.ago
417    end
419    def popular_in(constituency_id, count)
420      klass = ConstituencyPetitionJournal
421      constituency_signature_count = klass.arel_table[:signature_count].as('constituency_signature_count')
422      constituency_signatures_for = klass.with_signatures_for(constituency_id).ordered
424      select(arel_table[Arel.star], constituency_signature_count).
425      joins(:constituency_petition_journals).
426      merge(constituency_signatures_for).
427      limit(count)
428    end
430    def threshold_for_debate_reached
431      arel_table[:debate_threshold_reached_at].not_eq(nil)
432    end
434    def scheduled_for_debate
435      arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].not_eq(nil)
436    end
438    def awaiting_debate_state
439      arel_table[:debate_state].eq('awaiting')
440    end
442    def debate_date_in_the_past(date)
443      arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].lt(date)
444    end
446    def scheduled_debate_state
447      arel_table[:debate_state].eq('scheduled')
448    end
449  end
451  def statistics
452    super || create_statistics!
453  end
455  def reset_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
456    update_column(:signature_count_reset_at, time)
457    update_signature_count!(time)
458    ConstituencyPetitionJournal.reset_signature_counts_for(self)
459    CountryPetitionJournal.reset_signature_counts_for(self)
460    update_column(:signature_count_reset_at, nil)
461  end
463  def update_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
464    sql = "signature_count = ?, last_signed_at = ?, updated_at = ?"
465    count = signatures.validated_count(nil, time)
467    if update_all([sql, count, time, time]) > 0
468      self.reload
469    end
470  end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'self.reload' 2 times » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 14 statements » reek
  • Method name "increment_signature_count!" cyclomatic complexity is 10. It should be 8 or less. » roodi
  • Method "increment_signature_count!" has 36 lines. It should have 20 or less. » roodi
472  def increment_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
473    sql = "signature_count = signature_count + ?, last_signed_at = ?, updated_at = ?"
474    count = signatures.validated_count(last_signed_at, time)
476    return false if count.zero?
  • Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == » roodi
478    if result = update_all([sql, count, time, time]) > 0
479      self.reload
481      updates = []
483      if at_threshold_for_moderation? && collecting_sponsors?
484        updates << "state = '#{SPONSORED_STATE}'"
485        updates << "moderation_threshold_reached_at = :now"
486      elsif pending?
487        updates << "state = '#{VALIDATED_STATE}'"
488      end
490      if at_threshold_for_response?
491        updates << "response_threshold_reached_at = :now"
492      end
494      if at_threshold_for_debate?
495        updates << "debate_threshold_reached_at = :now"
496        updates << "debate_state = 'awaiting'"
497      end
499      updates = updates.join(", ")
501      if updates.present?
502        if update_all([updates, now: time]) > 0
503          self.reload
504        end
505      end
506    end
508    result
509  end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 7 statements » reek
511  def decrement_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
512    updates = ""
514    if below_threshold_for_debate?
515      updates << "debate_threshold_reached_at = NULL, "
516      updates << "debate_state = 'pending', "
517    end
519    if below_threshold_for_response?
520      updates << "response_threshold_reached_at = NULL, "
521    end
523    updates << "signature_count = greatest(signature_count - 1, 1), "
524    updates << "updated_at = :now"
526    if update_all([updates, now: time]) > 0
527      self.reload
528    end
529  end
531  def signature_count_difference
532    signature_count - signatures.validated_count(nil, last_signed_at)
533  end
535  def valid_signature_count?
536    signature_count_difference.zero?
537  end
539  def valid_signature_count!
540    valid_signature_count? && touch(:signature_count_validated_at)
541  end
543  def will_reach_threshold_for_moderation?
544    unless moderation_threshold_reached_at?
545      signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_moderation
546    end
547  end
549  def at_threshold_for_moderation?
550    unless moderation_threshold_reached_at?
551      signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_moderation + 1
552    end
553  end
555  def at_threshold_for_response?
556    unless response_threshold_reached_at?
557      signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_response - 1
558    end
559  end
561  def at_threshold_for_debate?
562    unless debate_threshold_reached_at?
563      signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_debate - 1
564    end
565  end
567  def below_threshold_for_response?
568    if response_threshold_reached_at?
569      signature_count <= Site.threshold_for_response
570    end
571  end
573  def below_threshold_for_debate?
574    if debate_threshold_reached_at?
575      signature_count <= Site.threshold_for_debate
576    end
577  end
579  def signatures_by_country
580    country_petition_journals.joins(:location).preload(:location).to_a.sort_by(&:name)
581  end
583  def signatures_by_constituency
584    constituency_petition_journals.preload(:constituency).to_a.sort_by(&:constituency_id)
585  end
587  def approve?
588    moderation == 'approve'
589  end
591  def reject?
592    moderation == 'reject'
593  end
595  def flag?
596    moderation == 'flag'
597  end
599  def moderation=(value)
600    @moderation = value if value.in?(%w[approve reject flag])
601  end
603  def moderation
604    @moderation
605  end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 6 statements » reek
607  def moderate(params)
608    self.moderation = params[:moderation]
610    if approve?
611      publish
612    elsif reject?
613      reject(params[:rejection])
614    elsif flag?
615      flag
616    else
617      errors.add :moderation, :blank
618      false
619    end
620  end
622  def publish(time = Time.current)
623    update(state: OPEN_STATE, open_at: time)
624  end
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'e' » reek
626  def reject(attributes)
627    begin
628      build_rejection(attributes) && rejection.save
629    rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
630      rejection(true).update(attributes)
631    end
632  end
634  def flag
635    update(state: FLAGGED_STATE)
636  end
638  def rejection(*args)
639    super || build_rejection
640  end
642  def close!(time = deadline)
643    if open?
644      update!(state: CLOSED_STATE, closed_at: time)
645    else
646      raise RuntimeError, "can't stop a petition that is in the #{state} state"
647    end
648  end
650  def stop!(time = Time.current)
651    if state.in?(STOPPABLE_STATES)
652      update!(state: STOPPED_STATE, stopped_at: time)
653    else
654      raise RuntimeError, "can't stop a petition that is in the #{state} state"
655    end
656  end
658  def validate_creator!(now = Time.current)
659    if pending?
660      # Set the validated_at time to 1 second ago so that if
661      # the signature count update runs for it then it won't
662      # prevent this signature being missed.
663      creator && creator.validate!(1.second.ago(now)) && reload
664    end
665  end
667  def count_validated_signatures
668    signatures.validated.count
669  end
671  def collecting_sponsors?
673  end
675  def awaiting_moderation?
676    state == VALIDATED_STATE
677  end
679  def in_moderation?
680    state.in?(IN_MODERATION_STATES)
681  end
683  def moderated?
684    state.in?(MODERATED_STATES)
685  end
687  def open?
688    state == OPEN_STATE
689  end
690  alias_method :can_be_signed?, :open?
692  def rejected?
693    state == REJECTED_STATE
694  end
696  def hidden?
697    state == HIDDEN_STATE
698  end
700  def closed?
701    state == CLOSED_STATE
702  end
704  def stopped?
705    state == STOPPED_STATE
706  end
708  def flagged?
709    state == FLAGGED_STATE
710  end
712  def pending?
713    state == PENDING_STATE
714  end
716  def validated?
717    state == VALIDATED_STATE
718  end
720  def published?
721    state.in?(PUBLISHED_STATES)
722  end
724  def visible?
725    state.in?(VISIBLE_STATES)
726  end
728  def closed_for_signing?(now = Time.current)
729    rejected? || closed_at? && closed_at < 24.hours.ago(now)
730  end
732  def archiving?
733    archiving_started_at? && !archived_at?
734  end
736  def archived?
737    archived_at?
738  end
740  def editing_disabled?
741    archiving_started_at? || archived_at?
742  end
  • ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'user' » reek
744  def update_lock!(user, now = Time.current)
745    if locked_by == user
746      update!(locked_at: now)
747    end
748  end
750  def checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
751    with_lock do
752      if locked_by.present? && locked_by != user
753        false
754      else
755        update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now)
756      end
757    end
758  end
760  def force_checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
761    update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now)
762  end
  • ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'user' » reek
764  def release!(user)
765    with_lock do
766      if locked_by.present? && locked_by == user
767        update!(locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil)
768      end
769    end
770  end
772  def can_have_debate_added?
773    state.in?(DEBATABLE_STATES)
774  end
776  def in_todo_list?
777    state.in?(TODO_LIST_STATES)
778  end
780  def government_response?
781    government_response_at? && government_response
782  end
784  def debate_outcome?
785    debate_outcome_at? && debate_outcome
786  end
788  def deadline
789    open_at && (closed_at || Site.closed_at_for_opening(open_at))
790  end
792  def closing_early_for_dissolution?(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at)
793    open_at && dissolution_at ? deadline > dissolution_at : false
794  end
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))' 2 times » reek
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.sec' 2 times » reek
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5' 2 times » reek
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5)' 2 times » reek
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.utc' 2 times » reek
  • DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)' 2 times » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 9 statements » reek
796  def cache_key(*timestamp_names)
797    case
798    when new_record?
799      "petitions/new"
800    when timestamp_names.any?
801      timestamp = max_updated_column_timestamp(timestamp_names)
802      timestamp = timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))
803      timestamp = timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)
804      "petitions/#{id}-#{timestamp}"
805    when timestamp = max_updated_column_timestamp
806      timestamp = timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))
807      timestamp = timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)
808      "petitions/#{id}-#{timestamp}"
809    else
810      "petitions/#{id}"
811    end
812  end
  • UtilityFunction - doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
814  def update_last_petition_created_at
815    Site.last_petition_created_at!
816  end
818  def has_maximum_sponsors?
819    sponsors.validated.count >= Site.maximum_number_of_sponsors
820  end
822  def update_all(updates)
823    self.class.unscoped.where(id: id).update_all(updates)
824  end
826  def email_requested_receipt!
827    email_requested_receipt || create_email_requested_receipt
828  end
830  def get_email_requested_at_for(name)
831    email_requested_receipt!.get(name)
832  end
834  def set_email_requested_at_for(name, to: Time.current)
835    email_requested_receipt!.set(name, to)
836  end
  • NilCheck - performs a nil-check » reek
838  def signatures_to_email_for(name)
839    timestamp = get_email_requested_at_for(name)
840    raise ArgumentError if timestamp.nil?
841    signatures.need_emailing_for(name, since: timestamp)
842  end
844  def awaiting_debate?
845    debate_state.in?(%w[awaiting scheduled])
846  end
848  def debated?
849    debate_state == 'debated'
850  end
852  def not_debated?
853    debate_state == 'not_debated'
854  end
856  def update_debate_state
857    self.debate_state = evaluate_debate_state
858  end
860  def evaluate_debate_state
861    if scheduled_debate_date?
862      scheduled_debate_date > Date.current ? 'scheduled' : 'debated'
863    else
864      'awaiting'
865    end
866  end
868  def fraudulent_domains
869    @fraudulent_domains ||= signatures.fraudulent_domains
870  end
872  def fraudulent_domains?
873    !fraudulent_domains.empty?
874  end
876  def closed_early_due_to_election?(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at)
877    closed_at == dissolution_at
878  end
880  def update_moderation_lag
881    if open_at_changed? || rejected_at_changed?
882      self.moderation_lag = calculate_moderation_lag(Date.current)
883    end
884  end
886  def calculate_moderation_lag(today)
887    if moderation_threshold_reached_at?
888      today - moderation_threshold_reached_at.to_date
889    else
890      0
891    end
892  end