1require 'postcode_sanitizer' |
3class PetitionCreator |
4 extend ActiveModel::Naming |
5 extend ActiveModel::Translation |
6 include ActiveModel::Conversion |
8 STAGES = %w[petition replay_petition creator replay_email] |
10 PETITION_PARAMS = [:action, :background, :additional_details] |
11 SIGNATURE_PARAMS = [:name, :email, :postcode, :location_code, :uk_citizenship, :notify_by_email] |
12 PERMITTED_PARAMS = [:q, :stage, :move_back, :move_next, petition_creator: PETITION_PARAMS + SIGNATURE_PARAMS] |
14 attr_reader :params, :errors, :request |
16 def initialize(params, request) |
17 @params = params.permit(*PERMITTED_PARAMS) |
18 @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self) |
19 @request = request |
20 end |
22 def read_attribute_for_validation(attribute) |
23 public_send(attribute)
24 end |
26 def to_partial_path |
27 "petitions/create/#{stage}_stage" |
28 end |
30 def duplicates |
31 Petition.current.search(q: action, count: 3).presence |
32 end |
34 def stage |
35 @stage ||= stage_param.in?(STAGES) ? stage_param : STAGES.first |
36 end |
38 def save |
39 if moving_backwards? |
40 @stage = previous_stage and return false |
41 end |
43 unless valid? |
44 return false |
45 end |
47 if done? |
48 @petition = Petition.new do |p| |
49 p.action = action
50 p.background = background
51 p.additional_details = additional_details
53 p.build_creator do |c| |
54 c.name = name
55 c.email = email
56 c.postcode = postcode
57 c.location_code = location_code
58 c.uk_citizenship = uk_citizenship
59 c.constituency_id = constituency_id
60 c.notify_by_email = notify_by_email
61 c.ip_address = request.remote_ip
62 end |
63 end |
65 @petition.save! |
66 send_email_to_gather_sponsors(@petition) |
68 return true |
69 else |
70 @stage = next_stage and return false |
71 end |
72 end |
74 def to_param |
75 if @petition && @petition.persisted? |
76 @petition.to_param |
77 else |
78 raise RuntimeError, "PetitionCreator#to_param called before petition was created" |
79 end |
80 end |
82 def action |
83 (petition_creator_params[:action] || query_param).to_s.strip |
84 end |
86 def action? |
87 action.present?
88 end |
90 def background |
91 petition_creator_params[:background].to_s.strip |
92 end |
94 def background? |
95 background.present?
96 end |
98 def additional_details |
99 petition_creator_params[:additional_details].to_s.strip |
100 end |
102 def name |
103 petition_creator_params[:name].to_s.strip |
104 end |
106 def email |
107 petition_creator_params[:email].to_s.strip |
108 end |
110 def postcode |
111 PostcodeSanitizer.call(petition_creator_params[:postcode]) |
112 end |
114 def location_code |
115 petition_creator_params[:location_code] || "GB" |
116 end |
118 def uk_citizenship |
119 petition_creator_params[:uk_citizenship] || "0" |
120 end |
122 def notify_by_email |
123 petition_creator_params[:notify_by_email] || "0" |
124 end |
126 private
128 def query_param |
129 @query_param ||= params[:q].to_s.first(255) |
130 end |
132 def stage_param |
133 @stage_param ||= params[:stage].to_s |
134 end |
136 def petition_creator_params |
137 params[:petition_creator] || {} |
138 end |
140 def moving_backwards? |
141 params.key?(:move_back) |
142 end |
144 def stage_index |
145 STAGES.index(stage) |
146 end |
148 def previous_stage |
149 STAGES[[stage_index - 1, 0].max] |
150 end |
152 def next_stage |
153 STAGES[[stage_index + 1, 3].min] |
154 end |
156 def validate_petition |
157 errors.add(:action, :blank) unless action.present? |
158 errors.add(:action, :too_long, count: 80) if action.length > 80 |
159 errors.add(:background, :blank) unless background.present? |
160 errors.add(:background, :too_long, count: 300) if background.length > 300 |
161 errors.add(:additional_details, :too_long, count: 800) if additional_details.length > 800 |
163 if errors.any? |
164 @stage = "petition" |
165 end |
166 end |
168 def validate_creator |
169 errors.add(:name, :blank) unless name.present? |
170 errors.add(:name, :too_long, count: 255) if action.length > 255 |
171 errors.add(:email, :blank) unless email.present? |
172 errors.add(:location_code, :blank) unless location_code.present? |
173 errors.add(:uk_citizenship, :accepted) unless uk_citizenship == "1" |
174 errors.add(:postcode, :too_long, count: 255) if postcode.length > 255 |
176 if email.present? |
177 email_validator.validate(self) |
178 end |
180 if location_code == "GB" |
181 errors.add(:postcode, :blank) unless postcode.present? |
183 if postcode.present? |
184 postcode_validator.validate(self) |
185 end |
186 end |
188 if replay_email? |
189 @stage = "replay_email" |
190 elsif errors.any? |
191 @stage = "creator" |
192 end |
193 end |
195 def validate |
196 validate_petition
198 if errors.empty? && stage_index > 1 |
199 validate_creator
200 end |
201 end |
203 def valid? |
204 errors.clear
205 validate
206 errors.empty?
207 end |
209 def replay_email? |
210 stage == "replay_email" && errors.keys == [:email] |
211 end |
213 def done? |
214 stage == "replay_email" |
215 end |
217 def email_validator |
218 EmailValidator.new(attributes: [:email]) |
219 end |
221 def postcode_validator |
222 PostcodeValidator.new(attributes: [:postcode]) |
223 end |
225 def constituency |
226 @constituency ||= Constituency.find_by_postcode(postcode) |
227 end |
229 def constituency_id |
230 constituency.try(:external_id) |
231 end |
233 def send_email_to_gather_sponsors(petition) |
234 GatherSponsorsForPetitionEmailJob.perform_later(petition) |
235 end |
236end |