1class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
3 SYSADMIN_ROLE = 'sysadmin'
4 MODERATOR_ROLE = 'moderator'
6 PASSWORD_REGEX = /\A.*(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[\W_]).*\z/
8 class CannotDeleteCurrentUser < RuntimeError; end
9 class MustBeAtLeastOneAdminUser < RuntimeError; end
11 acts_as_authentic do |config|
12 config.check_passwords_against_database = true
13 config.ignore_blank_passwords = true
14 config.logged_in_timeout = Site.login_timeout
15 config.require_password_confirmation = true
17 config.merge_validates_length_of_password_field_options minimum: 8
18 config.merge_validates_uniqueness_of_email_field_options case_sensitive: false
19 config.merge_validates_format_of_email_field_options unless: ->(u) { u.email.blank? }
20 config.merge_validates_length_of_email_field_options unless: ->(u) { u.email.blank? }
21 config.merge_validates_length_of_password_field_options unless: ->(u) { u.password.blank? }
22 config.merge_validates_confirmation_of_password_field_options unless: ->(u) { u.password.blank? }
26 validates_presence_of :email, :first_name, :last_name
27 validates_presence_of :password, on: :create
28 validates_format_of :password, with: PASSWORD_REGEX, allow_blank: true
29 validates_inclusion_of :role, in: ROLES
32 before_update if: :crypted_password_changed? do
33 self.force_password_reset = false
34 self.password_changed_at = Time.current
38 scope :by_name, -> { order(:last_name, :first_name) }
39 scope :by_role, ->(role) { where(role: role).order(:id) }
43 defined?(@current_password) ? @current_password : nil
46 def current_password=(value)
47 @current_password = value
- TooManyStatements - has approx 8 statements » reek
- Complexity 6 » saikuro
50 def update_with_password(attrs)
51 if attrs[:password].blank?
52 attrs.delete(:password)
53 attrs.delete(:password_confirmation) if attrs[:password_confirmation].blank?
56 self.attributes = attrs
59 if current_password.blank?
60 errors.add(:current_password, :blank)
61 elsif !valid_password?(current_password)
62 errors.add(:current_password, :invalid)
63 elsif current_password == password
64 errors.add(:password, :taken)
67 errors.empty? && save(validate: false)
- ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'current_user' » reek
- Complexity 3 » saikuro
70 def destroy(current_user: nil)
71 if self == current_user
72 raise CannotDeleteCurrentUser, "Cannot delete current user"
73 elsif self.class.count < 2
74 raise MustBeAtLeastOneAdminUser, "There must be at least one admin user"
81 "#{last_name}, #{first_name}"
85 "#{first_name} #{last_name}"
89 self.role == 'sysadmin'
93 self.role == 'moderator'
- DuplicateMethodCall - calls 'self.password_changed_at' 2 times » reek
- Complexity 1 » saikuro
96 def has_to_change_password?
97 self.force_password_reset or (self.password_changed_at and self.password_changed_at < 9.months.ago)
100 def can_take_petitions_down?
101 is_a_sysadmin? || is_a_moderator?
104 def can_edit_responses?
105 is_a_sysadmin? || is_a_moderator?
109 self.failed_login_count >= DISABLED_LOGIN_COUNT
112 def account_disabled=(flag)
113 self.failed_login_count = (flag == "0" or !flag) ? 0 : DISABLED_LOGIN_COUNT
116 def elapsed_time(now = Time.current)
117 (now - last_request_at).floor
120 def time_remaining(now = Time.current)
121 [Site.login_timeout - elapsed_time(now), 0].max