1require 'tmpdir' |
2require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip' |
3require 'aws-sdk' |
4require 'faraday' |
5require 'slack-notifier' |
7class PackageBuilder |
8 class << self |
9 def build!(environment = :staging) |
10 new(environment).build!
11 end |
13 def deploy!(environment) |
14 new(environment).deploy!
15 end |
16 end |
18 attr_reader :environment, :release, :revision, :tmpdir, :timestamp |
20 def initialize(enviroment) |
21 @environment = enviroment.to_s |
22 @revision = %x[git rev-parse #{treeish}].strip |
23 @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir |
24 @timestamp = Time.now.getutc |
25 @release = @timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') |
26 end |
28 def build! |
29 info "Building to #{tmpdir}" |
31 create_archive
32 extract_archive
33 remove_archive
34 write_appspec
35 write_scripts
37 Dir.chdir archive_path do |
38 package_gems unless skip_gems? |
39 create_revision_file
40 remove_artifacts
41 end |
43 build_package
45 info "Built package #{package_name}" |
46 end |
48 def upload! |
49 s3 = Aws::S3::Resource.new(region: region, profile: profile) |
50 bucket = s3.bucket(release_bucket)
51 release_obj = bucket.object(release_key)
53 info "Uploading package #{package_name} to S3 ..." |
54 start_time = Time.now |
56 release_obj.upload_file(package_path)
58 duration = Time.now - start_time |
59 info "Upload completed in #{duration} seconds." |
60 end |
62 def deploy! |
63 WebMock.allow_net_connect! if defined? WebMock |
65 if ci? && !deploy_build? |
66 info "Skipping deployment ..." |
67 else |
68 unless skip_build? |
69 build!
70 upload!
71 end |
73 create_deployment! if deploy_release? |
74 end |
75 end |
77 private
79 def application_name |
80 "#{ENV.fetch('AWS_DEPLOYMENT_APP_NAME', 'epetitions')}-#{environment}" |
81 end |
83 def archive_file |
84 File.join(tmpdir, "#{archive_name}.tar") |
85 end |
87 def archive_name |
88 'source' |
89 end |
91 def archive_path |
92 File.join(tmpdir, archive_name) |
93 end |
95 def build_package |
96 Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless Dir.exist?('pkg') |
98 args = %w[tar] |
99 args.concat ['-cz'] |
100 args.concat ['-f', package_path] |
101 args.concat ['-C', tmpdir] |
102 args.concat ['.'] |
104 info "Building package ..." |
105 Kernel.system *args |
106 end |
108 def ci? |
109 ENV.fetch('CI', 'false') == 'true' |
110 end |
112 def create_archive |
113 args = %w[git archive] |
114 args.concat ['--format', 'tar'] |
115 args.concat ['--prefix', 'source/'] |
116 args.concat ['--output', archive_file] |
117 args.concat [treeish]
119 info "Creating archive ..." |
120 Kernel.system *args |
121 end |
123 def create_deployment! |
124 client = Aws::CodeDeploy::Client.new(credentials) |
125 response = client.create_deployment(deployment_config)
126 info "Deployment created." |
128 track_progress(response.deployment_id) do |deployment_info| |
129 notify_appsignal
130 notify_slack
131 end |
132 end |
134 def create_revision_file |
135 File.write(revision_file, revision) |
136 end |
138 def credentials |
139 { region: region, profile: profile } |
140 end |
142 def deploy_branch? |
143 ENV.fetch('TRAVIS_BRANCH', 'master') == 'master' |
144 end |
146 def deploy_build? |
147 !pull_request? && deploy_branch?
148 end |
150 def deployment_config |
151 {
152 application_name: application_name, |
153 deployment_group_name: deployment_group_name, |
154 revision: { |
155 revision_type: 'S3', |
156 s3_location: { |
157 bucket: release_bucket, |
158 key: deployment_key, |
159 bundle_type: 'tgz' |
160 },
161 },
162 deployment_config_name: deployment_config_name, |
163 description: description, |
164 ignore_application_stop_failures: true |
165 }
166 end |
168 def deployment_config_name |
169 type = ENV.fetch('AWS_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_NAME', '0') |
171 case type |
172 when '2' |
173 'CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce' |
174 when '1' |
175 'CodeDeployDefault.HalfAtATime' |
176 else |
177 'CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime' |
178 end |
179 end |
181 def deployment_group_name |
182 ENV.fetch('AWS_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME', 'RailsAppServers') |
183 end |
185 def deployment_key |
186 skip_build? ? latest_key : release_key
187 end |
189 def description |
191 end |
193 def extract_archive |
194 args = %w[tar] |
195 args.concat ['-C', tmpdir] |
196 args.concat ['-xf', archive_file] |
198 info "Extracting archive ..." |
199 Kernel.system *args |
200 end |
202 def info(message) |
203 $stdout.puts(message) |
204 end |
206 def latest_key |
207 "/latest.tar.gz" |
208 end |
210 def package_gems |
211 args = %w[bundle package --all --all-platforms] |
213 info "Packaging gems ..." |
214 Bundler.with_clean_env do |
215 Kernel.system *args |
216 end |
217 end |
219 def package_name |
220 "#{timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%I%S')}.tar.gz" |
221 end |
223 def package_path |
224 File.join('pkg', package_name) |
225 end |
227 def profile |
228 ENV.fetch('AWS_PROFILE', 'epetitions') |
229 end |
231 def deploy_release? |
232 ENV.fetch('RELEASE', '1').to_i.nonzero? |
233 end |
235 def notify_appsignal |
236 if appsignal_push_api_key |
237 conn = Faraday.new(url: "https://push.appsignal.com") |
239 response = conn.post do |request| |
240 request.url '/1/markers' |
242 request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' |
244 request.params = {
245 api_key: appsignal_push_api_key, |
246 name: application_name, |
247 environment: 'production' |
248 }
251 {
252 "revision": "#{revision}", |
253 "repository": "master", |
254 "user": "#{username}" |
255 }
256 JSON |
257 end |
259 if response.success? |
260 info "Notified AppSignal of deployment of #{revision}" |
261 end |
262 end |
263 end |
265 def appsignal_push_api_key |
266 ENV.fetch('APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY', nil) |
267 end |
269 def username |
270 ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || 'unknown' |
271 end |
273 def notify_slack |
274 if slack_webhook |
275 notifier = Slack::Notifier.new(slack_webhook) |
276 notifier.ping slack_message, slack_options
277 end |
278 end |
280 def slack_webhook |
281 ENV.fetch('SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL', nil) |
282 end |
284 def slack_message |
285 "Deployed revision <#{commit_url}|#{short_revision}> to <#{website_url}>" |
286 end |
288 def slack_options |
289 { channel: '#epetitions', username: 'deploy', icon_emoji: ':tada:' } |
290 end |
292 def pull_request? |
293 ENV.fetch('TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST', 'false') != 'false' |
294 end |
296 def region |
297 ENV.fetch('AWS_REGION', 'eu-west-1') |
298 end |
300 def release_bucket |
301 "epetitions-#{environment}-releases" |
302 end |
304 def release_key |
305 "#{release}.tar.gz" |
306 end |
308 def remove_archive |
309 args = %w[rm] |
310 args.concat [archive_file]
312 info "Removing archive ..." |
313 Kernel.system *args |
314 end |
316 def remove_artifacts |
317 args = %w[rm -rf] |
318 args.concat %w[.bundle log tmp] |
320 info "Removing build artifacts ..." |
321 Kernel.system *args |
322 end |
324 def revision_file |
325 File.join(archive_path, 'REVISION') |
326 end |
328 def short_revision |
329 revision.first(7) |
330 end |
332 def commit_url |
333 "https://github.com/alphagov/e-petitions/commit/#{revision}" |
334 end |
336 def website_url |
337 if environment == "production" |
338 "https://petition.parliament.uk/" |
339 else |
340 "https://#{environment}.epetitions.website/" |
341 end |
342 end |
344 def skip_build? |
345 ENV.fetch('SKIP_BUILD', '0').to_i.nonzero? |
346 end |
348 def skip_gems? |
349 ENV.fetch('SKIP_GEMS', '0').to_i.nonzero? |
350 end |
352 def track_progress(deployment_id, &block) |
353 client = Aws::CodeDeploy::Client.new(credentials) |
354 completed = false |
356 while !completed do |
357 response = client.get_deployment(deployment_id: deployment_id) |
359 if response.successful? |
360 deployment = response.deployment_info
361 status = deployment.status
362 completed = !deployment.complete_time.nil?
364 if completed |
365 deployment_complete(deployment)
366 else |
367 if status == "InProgress" |
368 deployment_progress(deployment)
369 end |
371 sleep(5) |
372 end |
374 yield deployment if status == "Succeeded" |
375 else |
376 raise RuntimeError, "Error getting status for deployment: #{deployment_id}" |
377 end |
378 end |
379 end |
381 def deployment_complete(deployment) |
382 id = deployment.deployment_id
383 created_at = deployment.create_time
384 completed_at = deployment.complete_time
385 duration = completed_at - created_at
386 status = deployment.status.downcase
388 info ("Deployment %s %s in %0.2f seconds" % [id, status, duration]) |
389 end |
391 def deployment_progress(deployment) |
392 id = deployment.deployment_id
393 created_at = deployment.create_time
394 duration = Time.current - created_at |
395 overview = deployment.deployment_overview
396 progress = "Pending: %d, InProgress: %d, Succeeded: %d, Failed: %d, Skipped: %d" % overview.values |
398 info ("Deploying %s (%s) in %0.2f seconds" % [id, progress, duration]) |
399 end |
401 def treeish |
402 ENV['TAG'] || ENV['BRANCH'] || 'HEAD' |
403 end |
405 def write_appspec |
406 File.write(appspec_file, appspec_yaml) |
407 end |
409 def write_scripts |
410 Dir.mkdir(scripts_path) unless Dir.exist?(scripts_path) |
412 write_script(application_start_script_file, application_start_script)
413 write_script(application_stop_script_file, application_stop_script)
414 write_script(after_install_script_file, after_install_script)
415 write_script(common_functions_script_file, common_functions_script)
416 write_script(deregister_from_elb_script_file, deregister_from_elb_script)
417 write_script(register_with_elb_script_file, register_with_elb_script)
418 end |
420 def write_script(path, script, mode = 0755) |
421 File.write(path, script) |
422 File.new(path).chmod(mode) |
423 end |
425 def scripts_path |
426 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts') |
427 end |
429 def appspec_file |
430 File.join(tmpdir, 'appspec.yml') |
431 end |
433 def appspec_yaml |
435 version: 0.0 |
436 os: linux |
437 files: |
438 - source: ./source |
439 destination: /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release} |
441 hooks: |
442 ApplicationStop: |
443 - location: scripts/deregister_from_elb |
444 runas: root |
445 - location: scripts/application_stop |
446 runas: root |
447 AfterInstall: |
448 - location: scripts/after_install |
449 runas: root |
450 ApplicationStart: |
451 - location: scripts/application_start |
452 runas: root |
453 - location: scripts/register_with_elb |
454 runas: root |
455 FILE |
456 end |
458 def application_start_script_file |
459 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'application_start') |
460 end |
462 def application_start_script |
464 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
465 /etc/init.d/epetitions start |
466 SCRIPT |
467 end |
469 def application_stop_script_file |
470 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'application_stop') |
471 end |
473 def application_stop_script |
475 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
476 /etc/init.d/epetitions stop || true |
477 SCRIPT |
478 end |
480 def after_install_script_file |
481 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'after_install') |
482 end |
484 def after_install_script |
486 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
487 chown -R deploy:deploy /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release} |
489 if [ ! -e /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release}/tmp ]; then |
490 su - deploy -c 'mkdir /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release}/tmp' |
491 fi
493 su - deploy -c 'ln -nfs /home/deploy/epetitions/shared/log /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release}/log' |
494 su - deploy -c 'ln -nfs /home/deploy/epetitions/shared/bundle /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release}/vendor/bundle' |
495 su - deploy -c 'ln -nfs /home/deploy/epetitions/shared/assets /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release}/public/assets' |
496 su - deploy -c 'ln -s /home/deploy/epetitions/releases/#{release} /home/deploy/epetitions/current_#{release}' |
497 su - deploy -c 'mv -Tf /home/deploy/epetitions/current_#{release} /home/deploy/epetitions/current' |
498 su - deploy -c 'cd /home/deploy/epetitions/current && bundle install --without development test --deployment --quiet' |
499 su - deploy -c 'cd /home/deploy/epetitions/current && bundle exec rake db:migrate' |
500 su - deploy -c 'cd /home/deploy/epetitions/current && bundle exec rake assets:precompile' |
502 # Run cron jobs only on workers, as webservers autoscale up and down. |
503 # ${SERVER_TYPE} is pre-populated for the deploy user by the build scripts |
504 su - deploy -c 'if [ ${SERVER_TYPE} = "worker" ] ; then cd /home/deploy/epetitions/current && bundle exec whenever -w ; else echo not running whenever ; fi' |
505 SCRIPT |
506 end |
508 def common_functions_script_file |
509 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'common_functions') |
510 end |
512 def deregister_from_elb_script_file |
513 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'deregister_from_elb') |
514 end |
516 def register_with_elb_script_file |
517 File.join(tmpdir, 'scripts', 'register_with_elb') |
518 end |
520 def common_functions_script |
522 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
523 # |
524 # Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. |
525 # |
526 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). |
527 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
528 # A copy of the License is located at |
529 # |
530 # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 |
531 # |
532 # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed |
534 # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing |
535 # permissions and limitations under the License. |
537 # ELB_LIST defines which Elastic Load Balancers this instance should be part of. |
540 # Under normal circumstances, you shouldn't need to change anything below this line. |
541 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
543 export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" |
545 # If true, all messages will be printed. If false, only fatal errors are printed. |
546 DEBUG=true |
548 # Number of times to check for a resouce to be in the desired state. |
551 # Number of seconds to wait between attempts for resource to be in a state. |
554 # AutoScaling Standby features at minimum require this version to work. |
555 MIN_CLI_VERSION='1.3.25' |
557 # Usage: get_instance_region |
558 # |
559 # Writes to STDOUT the AWS region as known by the local instance. |
560 get_instance_region() {
561 if [ -z "$AWS_REGION" ]; then |
562 AWS_REGION=$(curl -s \ |
563 | grep -i region \
564 | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') |
565 fi
567 echo $AWS_REGION |
568 }
570 AWS_CLI="aws --region $(get_instance_region)" |
572 # Usage: autoscaling_group_name <EC2 instance ID> |
573 # |
574 # Prints to STDOUT the name of the AutoScaling group this instance is a part of and returns 0. If |
575 # it is not part of any groups, then it prints nothing. On error calling autoscaling, returns |
576 # non-zero. |
577 autoscaling_group_name() {
578 local instance_id=$1 |
580 # This operates under the assumption that instances are only ever part of a single ASG. |
581 local autoscaling_name=$($AWS_CLI autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ |
582 --instance-ids $instance_id \ |
583 --output text \
584 --query AutoScalingInstances[0].AutoScalingGroupName) |
586 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
587 return 1 |
588 elif [ "$autoscaling_name" == "None" ]; then |
589 echo "" |
590 else |
591 echo $autoscaling_name |
592 fi
594 return 0 |
595 }
597 # Usage: autoscaling_enter_standby <EC2 instance ID> <ASG name> |
598 # |
599 # Move <EC2 instance ID> into the Standby state in AutoScaling group <ASG name>. Doing so will |
600 # pull it out of any Elastic Load Balancer that might be in front of the group. |
601 # |
602 # Returns 0 if the instance was successfully moved to standby. Non-zero otherwise. |
603 autoscaling_enter_standby() {
604 local instance_id=$1 |
605 local asg_name=$2 |
607 msg "Checking if this instance has already been moved in the Standby state" |
608 local instance_state=$(get_instance_state_asg $instance_id) |
609 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
610 msg "Unable to get this instance's lifecycle state." |
611 return 1 |
612 fi
614 if [ "$instance_state" == "Standby" ]; then |
615 msg "Instance is already in Standby; nothing to do." |
616 return 0 |
617 fi
619 if [ "$instance_state" == "Pending:Wait" ]; then |
620 msg "Instance is Pending:Wait; nothing to do." |
621 return 0 |
622 fi
624 msg "Checking to see if ASG $asg_name will let us decrease desired capacity" |
625 local min_desired=$($AWS_CLI autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ |
626 --auto-scaling-group-name $asg_name \ |
627 --query 'AutoScalingGroups[0].[MinSize, DesiredCapacity]' \ |
628 --output text)
630 local min_cap=$(echo $min_desired | awk '{print $1}') |
631 local desired_cap=$(echo $min_desired | awk '{print $2}') |
633 if [ -z "$min_cap" -o -z "$desired_cap" ]; then |
634 msg "Unable to determine minimum and desired capacity for ASG $asg_name." |
635 msg "Attempting to put this instance into standby regardless." |
636 elif [ $min_cap == $desired_cap -a $min_cap -gt 0 ]; then |
637 local new_min=$(($min_cap - 1)) |
638 msg "Decrementing ASG $asg_name's minimum size to $new_min" |
639 msg $($AWS_CLI autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ |
640 --auto-scaling-group-name $asg_name \ |
641 --min-size $new_min) |
642 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
643 msg "Failed to reduce ASG $asg_name's minimum size to $new_min. Cannot put this instance into Standby." |
644 return 1 |
645 fi
646 fi
648 msg "Putting instance $instance_id into Standby" |
649 $AWS_CLI autoscaling enter-standby \ |
650 --instance-ids $instance_id \ |
651 --auto-scaling-group-name $asg_name \ |
652 --should-decrement-desired-capacity
653 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
654 msg "Failed to put instance $instance_id into Standby for ASG $asg_name." |
655 return 1 |
656 fi
658 msg "Waiting for move to Standby to finish" |
659 wait_for_state "autoscaling" $instance_id "Standby" |
660 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
661 local wait_timeout=$(($WAITER_INTERVAL * $WAITER_ATTEMPTS)) |
662 msg "Instance $instance_id did not make it to standby after $wait_timeout seconds" |
663 return 1 |
664 fi
666 return 0 |
667 }
669 # Usage: autoscaling_exit_standby <EC2 instance ID> <ASG name> |
670 # |
671 # Attempts to move instance <EC2 instance ID> out of Standby and into InService. Returns 0 if |
672 # successful. |
673 autoscaling_exit_standby() {
674 local instance_id=$1 |
675 local asg_name=$2 |
677 msg "Checking if this instance has already been moved out of Standby state" |
678 local instance_state=$(get_instance_state_asg $instance_id) |
679 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
680 msg "Unable to get this instance's lifecycle state." |
681 return 1 |
682 fi
684 if [ "$instance_state" == "InService" ]; then |
685 msg "Instance is already InService; nothing to do." |
686 return 0 |
687 fi
689 if [ "$instance_state" == "Pending:Wait" ]; then |
690 msg "Instance is Pending:Wait; nothing to do." |
691 return 0 |
692 fi
694 msg "Moving instance $instance_id out of Standby" |
695 $AWS_CLI autoscaling exit-standby \ |
696 --instance-ids $instance_id \ |
697 --auto-scaling-group-name $asg_name |
698 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
699 msg "Failed to put instance $instance_id back into InService for ASG $asg_name." |
700 return 1 |
701 fi
703 msg "Waiting for exit-standby to finish" |
704 wait_for_state "autoscaling" $instance_id "InService" |
705 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
706 local wait_timeout=$(($WAITER_INTERVAL * $WAITER_ATTEMPTS)) |
707 msg "Instance $instance_id did not make it to InService after $wait_timeout seconds" |
708 return 1 |
709 fi
711 return 0 |
712 }
714 # Usage: get_instance_state_asg <EC2 instance ID> |
715 # |
716 # Gets the state of the given <EC2 instance ID> as known by the AutoScaling group it's a part of. |
717 # Health is printed to STDOUT and the function returns 0. Otherwise, no output and return is |
718 # non-zero. |
719 get_instance_state_asg() {
720 local instance_id=$1 |
722 local state=$($AWS_CLI autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ |
723 --instance-ids $instance_id \ |
724 --query "AutoScalingInstances[?InstanceId == \'$instance_id\'].LifecycleState | [0]" \ |
725 --output text)
726 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
727 return 1 |
728 else |
729 echo $state |
730 return 0 |
731 fi
732 }
734 reset_waiter_timeout() {
735 local elb=$1 |
737 local health_check_values=$($AWS_CLI elb describe-load-balancers \ |
738 --load-balancer-name $elb \ |
739 --query 'LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].HealthCheck.[HealthyThreshold, Interval]' \ |
740 --output text)
742 WAITER_ATTEMPTS=$(echo $health_check_values | awk '{print $1}') |
743 WAITER_INTERVAL=$(echo $health_check_values | awk '{print $2}') |
744 }
746 # Usage: wait_for_state <service> <EC2 instance ID> <state name> [ELB name] |
747 # |
748 # Waits for the state of <EC2 instance ID> to be in <state> as seen by <service>. Returns 0 if |
749 # it successfully made it to that state; non-zero if not. By default, checks $WAITER_ATTEMPTS |
750 # times, every $WAITER_INTERVAL seconds. If giving an [ELB name] to check under, these are reset |
751 # to that ELB's HealthThreshold and Interval values. |
752 wait_for_state() {
753 local service=$1 |
754 local instance_id=$2 |
755 local state_name=$3 |
756 local elb=$4 |
758 local instance_state_cmd
759 if [ "$service" == "elb" ]; then |
760 instance_state_cmd="get_instance_health_elb $instance_id $elb" |
761 reset_waiter_timeout $elb |
762 elif [ "$service" == "autoscaling" ]; then |
763 instance_state_cmd="get_instance_state_asg $instance_id" |
764 else |
765 msg "Cannot wait for instance state; unknown service type, '$service'" |
766 return 1 |
767 fi
769 msg "Checking $WAITER_ATTEMPTS times, every $WAITER_INTERVAL seconds, for instance $instance_id to be in state $state_name" |
771 local instance_state=$($instance_state_cmd) |
772 local count=1 |
774 msg "Instance is currently in state: $instance_state" |
775 while [ "$instance_state" != "$state_name" ]; do |
776 if [ $count -ge $WAITER_ATTEMPTS ]; then |
777 local timeout=$(($WAITER_ATTEMPTS * $WAITER_INTERVAL)) |
778 msg "Instance failed to reach state, $state_name within $timeout seconds" |
779 return 1 |
780 fi
782 sleep $WAITER_INTERVAL |
784 instance_state=$($instance_state_cmd) |
785 count=$(($count + 1)) |
786 msg "Instance is currently in state: $instance_state" |
787 done
789 return 0 |
790 }
792 # Usage: get_instance_health_elb <EC2 instance ID> <ELB name> |
793 # |
794 # Gets the health of the given <EC2 instance ID> as known by <ELB name>. If it's a valid health |
795 # status (one of InService|OutOfService|Unknown), then the health is printed to STDOUT and the |
796 # function returns 0. Otherwise, no output and return is non-zero. |
797 get_instance_health_elb() {
798 local instance_id=$1 |
799 local elb_name=$2 |
801 msg "Checking status of instance '$instance_id' in load balancer '$elb_name'" |
803 # If describe-instance-health for this instance returns an error, then it's not part of |
804 # this ELB. But, if the call was successful let's still double check that the status is |
805 # valid. |
806 local instance_status=$($AWS_CLI elb describe-instance-health \ |
807 --load-balancer-name $elb_name \ |
808 --instances $instance_id \ |
809 --query 'InstanceStates[].State' \ |
810 --output text 2>/dev/null) |
812 if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
813 case "$instance_status" in |
814 InService|OutOfService|Unknown) |
815 echo -n $instance_status |
816 return 0 |
817 ;;
818 *)
819 msg "Instance '$instance_id' not part of ELB '$elb_name'" |
820 return 1 |
821 esac
822 fi
823 }
825 # Usage: validate_elb <EC2 instance ID> <ELB name> |
826 # |
827 # Validates that the Elastic Load Balancer with name <ELB name> exists, is describable, and |
828 # contains <EC2 instance ID> as one of its instances. |
829 # |
830 # If any of these checks are false, the function returns non-zero. |
831 validate_elb() {
832 local instance_id=$1 |
833 local elb_name=$2 |
835 # Get the list of active instances for this LB. |
836 local elb_instances=$($AWS_CLI elb describe-load-balancers \ |
837 --load-balancer-name $elb_name \ |
838 --query 'LoadBalancerDescriptions[*].Instances[*].InstanceId' \ |
839 --output text)
840 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
841 msg "Couldn't describe ELB instance named '$elb_name'" |
842 return 1 |
843 fi
845 msg "Checking health of '$instance_id' as known by ELB '$elb_name'" |
846 local instance_health=$(get_instance_health_elb $instance_id $elb_name) |
847 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
848 return 1 |
849 fi
851 return 0 |
852 }
854 # Usage: get_elb_list <EC2 instance ID> |
855 # |
856 # Finds all the ELBs that this instance is registered to. After execution, the variable |
857 # "INSTANCE_ELBS" will contain the list of load balancers for the given instance. |
858 # |
859 # If the given instance ID isn't found registered to any ELBs, the function returns non-zero |
860 get_elb_list() {
861 local instance_id=$1 |
863 local elb_list="" |
865 local all_balancers=$($AWS_CLI elb describe-load-balancers \ |
866 --query LoadBalancerDescriptions[*].LoadBalancerName \ |
869 for elb in $all_balancers; do |
870 local instance_health
871 instance_health=$(get_instance_health_elb $instance_id $elb) |
872 if [ $? == 0 ]; then |
873 elb_list="$elb_list $elb" |
874 fi
875 done
877 if [ -z "$elb_list" ]; then |
878 return 1 |
879 else |
880 msg "Got load balancer list of: $elb_list" |
881 INSTANCE_ELBS=$elb_list |
882 return 0 |
883 fi
884 }
886 # Usage: deregister_instance <EC2 instance ID> <ELB name> |
887 # |
888 # Deregisters <EC2 instance ID> from <ELB name>. |
889 deregister_instance() {
890 local instance_id=$1 |
891 local elb_name=$2 |
893 $AWS_CLI elb deregister-instances-from-load-balancer \ |
894 --load-balancer-name $elb_name \ |
895 --instances $instance_id 1> /dev/null |
897 return $? |
898 }
900 # Usage: register_instance <EC2 instance ID> <ELB name> |
901 # |
902 # Registers <EC2 instance ID> to <ELB name>. |
903 register_instance() {
904 local instance_id=$1 |
905 local elb_name=$2 |
907 $AWS_CLI elb register-instances-with-load-balancer \ |
908 --load-balancer-name $elb_name \ |
909 --instances $instance_id 1> /dev/null |
911 return $? |
912 }
914 # Usage: check_cli_version [version-to-check] [desired version] |
915 # |
916 # Without any arguments, checks that the installed version of the AWS CLI is at least at version |
917 # $MIN_CLI_VERSION. Returns non-zero if the version is not high enough. |
918 check_cli_version() {
919 if [ -z $1 ]; then |
920 version=$($AWS_CLI --version 2>&1 | cut -f1 -d' ' | cut -f2 -d/) |
921 else |
922 version=$1 |
923 fi
925 if [ -z "$2" ]; then |
926 min_version=$MIN_CLI_VERSION |
927 else |
928 min_version=$2 |
929 fi
931 x=$(echo $version | cut -f1 -d.) |
932 y=$(echo $version | cut -f2 -d.) |
933 z=$(echo $version | cut -f3 -d.) |
935 min_x=$(echo $min_version | cut -f1 -d.) |
936 min_y=$(echo $min_version | cut -f2 -d.) |
937 min_z=$(echo $min_version | cut -f3 -d.) |
939 msg "Checking minimum required CLI version (${min_version}) against installed version ($version)" |
941 if [ $x -lt $min_x ]; then |
942 return 1 |
943 elif [ $y -lt $min_y ]; then |
944 return 1 |
945 elif [ $y -gt $min_y ]; then |
946 return 0 |
947 elif [ $z -ge $min_z ]; then |
948 return 0 |
949 else |
950 return 1 |
951 fi
952 }
954 # Usage: msg <message> |
955 # |
956 # Writes <message> to STDERR only if $DEBUG is true, otherwise has no effect. |
957 msg() {
958 local message=$1 |
959 $DEBUG && echo $message 1>&2 |
960 }
962 # Usage: error_exit <message> |
963 # |
964 # Writes <message> to STDERR as a "fatal" and immediately exits the currently running script. |
965 error_exit() {
966 local message=$1 |
968 echo "[FATAL] $message" 1>&2 |
969 exit 1 |
970 }
972 # Usage: get_instance_id |
973 # |
974 # Writes to STDOUT the EC2 instance ID for the local instance. Returns non-zero if the local |
975 # instance metadata URL is inaccessible. |
976 get_instance_id() {
977 curl -s |
978 return $? |
979 }
980 SCRIPT |
981 end |
983 def deregister_from_elb_script |
985 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
986 # |
987 # Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. |
988 # |
989 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). |
990 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
991 # A copy of the License is located at |
992 # |
993 # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 |
994 # |
995 # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed |
997 # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing |
998 # permissions and limitations under the License. |
1000 if [ "$SERVER_TYPE" == "worker" ]; then |
1001 msg "Workers are not registered with a load balancer" |
1002 exit 0 |
1003 fi
1005 . $(dirname $0)/common_functions |
1007 msg "Running AWS CLI with region: $(get_instance_region)" |
1009 # get this instance's ID |
1010 INSTANCE_ID=$(get_instance_id) |
1011 if [ $? != 0 -o -z "$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then |
1012 error_exit "Unable to get this instance's ID; cannot continue." |
1013 fi
1015 # Get current time |
1016 msg "Started $(basename $0) at $(/bin/date "+%F %T")" |
1019 msg "Checking if instance $INSTANCE_ID is part of an AutoScaling group" |
1020 asg=$(autoscaling_group_name $INSTANCE_ID) |
1021 if [ $? == 0 -a -n "$asg" ]; then |
1022 msg "Found AutoScaling group for instance $INSTANCE_ID: $asg" |
1024 msg "Checking that installed CLI version is at least at version required for AutoScaling Standby" |
1025 check_cli_version
1026 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1027 error_exit "CLI must be at least version ${MIN_CLI_X}.${MIN_CLI_Y}.${MIN_CLI_Z} to work with AutoScaling Standby" |
1028 fi
1030 msg "Attempting to put instance into Standby" |
1031 autoscaling_enter_standby $INSTANCE_ID $asg |
1032 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1033 error_exit "Failed to move instance into standby" |
1034 else |
1035 msg "Instance is in standby" |
1036 exit 0 |
1037 fi
1038 fi
1040 msg "Instance is not part of an ASG, continuing..." |
1042 msg "Checking that user set at least one load balancer" |
1043 if test -z "$ELB_LIST"; then |
1044 error_exit "Must have at least one load balancer to deregister from" |
1045 fi
1047 # Loop through all LBs the user set, and attempt to deregister this instance from them. |
1048 for elb in $ELB_LIST; do |
1049 msg "Checking validity of load balancer named '$elb'" |
1050 validate_elb $INSTANCE_ID $elb |
1051 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1052 msg "Error validating $elb; cannot continue with this LB" |
1053 continue
1054 fi
1056 msg "Deregistering $INSTANCE_ID from $elb" |
1057 deregister_instance $INSTANCE_ID $elb |
1059 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1060 error_exit "Failed to deregister instance $INSTANCE_ID from ELB $elb" |
1061 fi
1062 done
1064 # Wait for all Deregistrations to finish |
1065 msg "Waiting for instance to de-register from its load balancers" |
1066 for elb in $ELB_LIST; do |
1067 wait_for_state "elb" $INSTANCE_ID "OutOfService" $elb |
1068 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1069 error_exit "Failed waiting for $INSTANCE_ID to leave $elb" |
1070 fi
1071 done
1073 msg "Finished $(basename $0) at $(/bin/date "+%F %T")" |
1076 elapsed_seconds=$(echo "$end_sec - $start_sec" | /usr/bin/bc) |
1078 msg "Elapsed time: $elapsed_seconds" |
1079 SCRIPT |
1080 end |
1082 def register_with_elb_script |
1084 #!/usr/bin/env bash |
1085 # |
1086 # Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. |
1087 # |
1088 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). |
1089 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
1090 # A copy of the License is located at |
1091 # |
1092 # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 |
1093 # |
1094 # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed |
1096 # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing |
1097 # permissions and limitations under the License. |
1099 if [ "$SERVER_TYPE" == "worker" ]; then |
1100 msg "Workers are not registered with a load balancer" |
1101 exit 0 |
1102 fi
1104 . $(dirname $0)/common_functions |
1106 msg "Running AWS CLI with region: $(get_instance_region)" |
1108 # get this instance's ID |
1109 INSTANCE_ID=$(get_instance_id) |
1110 if [ $? != 0 -o -z "$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then |
1111 error_exit "Unable to get this instance's ID; cannot continue." |
1112 fi
1114 # Get current time |
1115 msg "Started $(basename $0) at $(/bin/date "+%F %T")" |
1118 msg "Checking if instance $INSTANCE_ID is part of an AutoScaling group" |
1119 asg=$(autoscaling_group_name $INSTANCE_ID) |
1120 if [ $? == 0 -a -n "$asg" ]; then |
1121 msg "Found AutoScaling group for instance $INSTANCE_ID: $asg" |
1123 msg "Checking that installed CLI version is at least at version required for AutoScaling Standby" |
1124 check_cli_version
1125 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1126 error_exit "CLI must be at least version ${MIN_CLI_X}.${MIN_CLI_Y}.${MIN_CLI_Z} to work with AutoScaling Standby" |
1127 fi
1129 msg "Attempting to move instance out of Standby" |
1130 autoscaling_exit_standby $INSTANCE_ID $asg |
1131 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1132 error_exit "Failed to move instance out of standby" |
1133 else |
1134 msg "Instance is no longer in Standby" |
1135 exit 0 |
1136 fi
1137 fi
1139 msg "Instance is not part of an ASG, continuing..." |
1141 msg "Checking that user set at least one load balancer" |
1142 if test -z "$ELB_LIST"; then |
1143 error_exit "Must have at least one load balancer to deregister from" |
1144 fi
1146 # Loop through all LBs the user set, and attempt to register this instance to them. |
1147 for elb in $ELB_LIST; do |
1148 msg "Checking validity of load balancer named '$elb'" |
1149 validate_elb $INSTANCE_ID $elb |
1150 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1151 msg "Error validating $elb; cannot continue with this LB" |
1152 continue
1153 fi
1155 msg "Registering $INSTANCE_ID to $elb" |
1156 register_instance $INSTANCE_ID $elb |
1158 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1159 error_exit "Failed to register instance $INSTANCE_ID from ELB $elb" |
1160 fi
1161 done
1163 # Wait for all Registrations to finish |
1164 msg "Waiting for instance to register to its load balancers" |
1165 for elb in $ELB_LIST; do |
1166 wait_for_state "elb" $INSTANCE_ID "InService" $elb |
1167 if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
1168 error_exit "Failed waiting for $INSTANCE_ID to return to $elb" |
1169 fi
1170 done
1172 msg "Finished $(basename $0) at $(/bin/date "+%F %T")" |
1175 elapsed_seconds=$(echo "$end_sec - $start_sec" | /usr/bin/bc) |
1177 msg "Elapsed time: $elapsed_seconds" |
1178 SCRIPT |
1179 end |
1180end |