1require 'bcrypt'
2require 'uri'
3require 'active_support/number_helper'
  • Class "Site" has 463 lines. It should have 300 or less. » roodi
5class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
6  class ServiceUnavailable < StandardError; end
8  include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
10  FALSE_VALUES = [nil, false, 0, '0', 'f', 'F', 'false', 'FALSE', 'off', 'OFF'].to_set
13    disable_constituency_api
14    disable_trending_petitions
15    disable_invalid_signature_count_check
16    disable_daily_update_statistics_job
17    disable_plus_address_check
18    disable_feedback_sending
19  ]
21  class << self
22    def table_exists?
23      @table_exists ||= connection.table_exists?(table_name)
24    end
26    def before_remove_const
27      Thread.current[:__site__] = nil
28    end
30    def instance
31      Thread.current[:__site__] ||= first_or_create(defaults)
32    end
34    def authenticate(username, password)
35      instance.authenticate(username, password)
36    end
38    def email_protocol
39      instance.email_protocol
40    end
42    def enabled?
43      instance.enabled?
44    end
46    def formatted_threshold_for_moderation
47      instance.formatted_threshold_for_moderation
48    end
50    def formatted_threshold_for_response
51      instance.formatted_threshold_for_response
52    end
54    def formatted_threshold_for_debate
55      instance.formatted_threshold_for_debate
56    end
58    def host
59      instance.host
60    end
62    def host_with_port
63      instance.host_with_port
64    end
66    def constraints_for_public
67      if table_exists?
68        instance.constraints_for_public
69      else
70        default_constraints_for_public
71      end
72    end
74    def moderate_host
75      instance.moderate_host
76    end
78    def moderate_host_with_port
79      instance.moderate_host_with_port
80    end
82    def constraints_for_moderation
83      if table_exists?
84        instance.constraints_for_moderation
85      else
86        default_constraints_for_moderation
87      end
88    end
90    def opened_at_for_closing(time = Time.current)
91      instance.opened_at_for_closing(time)
92    end
94    def closed_at_for_opening(time = Time.current)
95      instance.closed_at_for_opening(time)
96    end
98    def port
 99      instance.port
100    end
102    def protected?
103      instance.protected?
104    end
106    def login_timeout
107      instance.login_timeout
108    end
110    def reload
111      Thread.current[:__site__] = nil
112    end
114    def touch(*names)
115      instance.touch(*names)
116    end
118    def disable_signature_counts!
119      instance.update!(update_signature_counts: false)
120    end
122    def enable_signature_counts!
123      instance.update!(update_signature_counts: true)
124    end
126    def last_checked_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
127      instance.update_all(last_petition_created_at: timestamp)
128    end
130    def last_petition_created_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
131      instance.update_all(last_petition_created_at: timestamp)
132    end
134    def signature_count_updated_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
135      instance.update_all(signature_count_updated_at: timestamp)
136    end
138    def moderation_overdue_in_days
139      7.days
140    end
142    def moderation_near_overdue_in_days
143      5.days
144    end
146    def defaults
147      {
148        title:                          default_title,
149        url:                            default_url,
150        moderate_url:                   default_moderate_url,
151        email_from:                     default_email_from,
152        feedback_email:                 default_feedback_email,
153        username:                       default_username,
154        password:                       default_password,
155        enabled:                        default_enabled,
156        protected:                      default_protected,
157        login_timeout:                  default_login_timeout,
158        petition_duration:              default_petition_duration,
159        minimum_number_of_sponsors:     default_minimum_number_of_sponsors,
160        maximum_number_of_sponsors:     default_maximum_number_of_sponsors,
161        threshold_for_moderation:       default_threshold_for_moderation,
162        threshold_for_moderation_delay: default_threshold_for_moderation_delay,
163        threshold_for_response:         default_threshold_for_response,
164        threshold_for_debate:           default_threshold_for_debate
165      }
166    end
168    private
170    def default_title
171      ENV.fetch('SITE_TITLE', 'Petition parliament')
172    end
174    def default_scheme
175      ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https')
176    end
178    def default_protocol
179      "#{default_scheme}://"
180    end
182    def default_url
183      if ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https') == 'https'
184        URI::HTTPS.build(default_url_components).to_s
185      else
186        URI::HTTP.build(default_url_components).to_s
187      end
188    end
190    def default_url_components
191      [nil, default_host, default_port, nil, nil, nil]
192    end
194    def default_host
195      ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_HOST', 'petition.parliament.uk')
196    end
198    def default_domain(tld_length = 1)
199      ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_domain(default_host, tld_length)
200    end
202    def default_moderate_url
203      if ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https') == 'https'
204        URI::HTTPS.build(default_moderate_url_components).to_s
205      else
206        URI::HTTP.build(default_moderate_url_components).to_s
207      end
208    end
210    def default_moderate_url_components
211      [nil, default_moderate_host, default_port, nil, nil, nil]
212    end
214    def default_moderate_host
215      ENV.fetch('MODERATE_HOST', 'moderate.petition.parliament.uk')
216    end
218    def default_port
219      ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PORT', '443').to_i
220    end
222    def default_email_from
223      ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_FROM', %{"Petitions: UK Government and Parliament" <no-reply@#{default_host}>})
224    end
226    def default_feedback_email
227      ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_FEEDBACK', %{"Petitions: UK Government and Parliament" <petitionscommittee@#{default_domain}>})
228    end
230    def default_username
231      ENV.fetch('SITE_USERNAME', nil).presence
232    end
234    def default_password
235      ENV.fetch('SITE_PASSWORD', nil).presence
236    end
238    def default_enabled
239      !ENV.fetch('SITE_ENABLED', '1').to_i.zero?
240    end
242    def default_protected
243      !ENV.fetch('SITE_PROTECTED', '0').to_i.zero?
244    end
246    def default_login_timeout
247      ENV.fetch('SITE_LOGIN_TIMEOUT', '1800').to_i
248    end
250    def default_petition_duration
251      ENV.fetch('PETITION_DURATION', '6').to_i
252    end
254    def default_minimum_number_of_sponsors
255      ENV.fetch('MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SPONSORS', '5').to_i
256    end
258    def default_maximum_number_of_sponsors
259      ENV.fetch('MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SPONSORS', '20').to_i
260    end
262    def default_threshold_for_moderation
263      ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_MODERATION', '5').to_i
264    end
266    def default_threshold_for_moderation_delay
267      ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_MODERATION_DELAY', '500').to_i
268    end
270    def default_threshold_for_response
271      ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_RESPONSE', '10000').to_i
272    end
274    def default_threshold_for_debate
275      ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_DEBATE', '100000').to_i
276    end
278    def default_constraints_for_public
279      { protocol: default_protocol, host: default_host, port: default_port }
280    end
282    def default_constraints_for_moderation
283      { protocol: default_protocol, host: default_moderate_host, port: default_port }
284    end
285  end
287  if table_exists?
288    column_names.map(&:to_sym).each do |column|
289      define_singleton_method(column) do |*args, &block|
290        instance.public_send(column, *args, &block)
291      end
292    end
293  end
295  FEATURE_FLAGS.each do |feature_flag|
296    define_singleton_method(:"#{feature_flag}?") do |*args, &block|
297      instance.public_send(feature_flag, *args, &block)
298    end
300    define_method(:"#{feature_flag}=") do |value|
301      write_store_attribute(:feature_flags, feature_flag, type_cast_feature_flag(value))
302    end
304    define_method(feature_flag) do
305      read_store_attribute(:feature_flags, feature_flag)
306    end
307  end
309  attr_reader :password
  • ControlParameter - is controlled by argument 'username' » reek
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
311  def authenticate(username, password)
312    self.username == username && self.password_digest == password
313  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
315  def email_protocol
316    uri.scheme
317  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
319  def formatted_threshold_for_moderation
320    number_to_delimited(threshold_for_moderation)
321  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
323  def formatted_threshold_for_response
324    number_to_delimited(threshold_for_response)
325  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
327  def formatted_threshold_for_debate
328    number_to_delimited(threshold_for_debate)
329  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
331  def host
332    uri.host
333  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
335  def host_with_port
336    "#{host}#{port_string(uri)}"
337  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
339  def port
340    uri.port
341  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
343  def protocol
344    "#{uri.scheme}://"
345  end
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
347  def constraints_for_public
348    unless database_migrating?
349      { protocol: protocol, host: host, port: port }
350    end
351  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
353  def moderate_host
354    moderate_uri.host
355  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
357  def moderate_host_with_port
358    "#{moderate_host}#{port_string(moderate_uri)}"
359  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
361  def moderate_port
362    moderate_uri.port
363  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
365  def moderate_protocol
366    "#{moderate_uri.scheme}://"
367  end
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
369  def constraints_for_moderation
370    unless database_migrating?
371      { protocol: moderate_protocol, host: moderate_host, port: moderate_port }
372    end
373  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
375  def password_digest
376    BCrypt::Password.new(super)
377  end
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
379  def password=(new_password)
380    @password = new_password.presence
382    if @password
383      self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(@password, cost: 10)
384    end
385  end
  • FeatureEnvy - refers to 'opened_at' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
  • FeatureEnvy - refers to 'time' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
387  def opened_at_for_closing(time = Time.current)
388    opened_at = time.beginning_of_day - petition_duration.months
390    if opened_at.day < time.day
391      opened_at + 1.day
392    else
393      opened_at
394    end
395  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
397  def closed_at_for_opening(time = Time.current)
398    time.end_of_day + petition_duration.months
399  end
401  validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }
402  validates :url, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }
403  validates :moderate_url, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }
404  validates :email_from, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
405  validates :feedback_email, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
406  validates :petition_duration, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
407  validates :minimum_number_of_sponsors, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
408  validates :maximum_number_of_sponsors, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
409  validates :threshold_for_moderation, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
410  validates :threshold_for_moderation_delay, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
411  validates :threshold_for_response, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
412  validates :threshold_for_debate, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
413  validates :username, presence: true, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: :protected?
414  validates :password, length: { maximum: 30 }, confirmation: true, if: :protected?
415  validates :login_timeout, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
417  validate if: :protected? do
418    errors.add(:password, :blank) unless password_digest?
419  end
421  before_save if: :update_signature_counts_changed? do
422    if update_signature_counts
423      UpdateSignatureCountsJob.perform_later
424    end
425  end
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
427  def update_all(updates)
428    if scope.update_all(updates) > 0
429      reload
430    else
431      false
432    end
433  end
435  private
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
437  def scope
438    self.class.unscoped.where(id: id)
439  end
  • UtilityFunction - doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
441  def database_migrating?
442    ARGV.any?{ |arg| arg =~ /db:migrate/ }
443  end
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
445  def port_string(uri)
446    standard_port?(uri) ? '' : ":#{uri.port}"
447  end
  • UtilityFunction - doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
449  def standard_port(uri)
450    case uri.scheme
451      when 'https' then 443
452      else 80
453    end
454  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
456  def standard_port?(uri)
457    uri.port == standard_port(uri)
458  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
460  def uri
461    @uri ||= URI.parse(url)
462  end
  • Complexity 1 » saikuro
464  def moderate_uri
465    @moderate_uri ||= URI.parse(moderate_url)
466  end
  • UtilityFunction - doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) » reek
  • Complexity 2 » saikuro
468  def type_cast_feature_flag(value)
469    value.in?(FALSE_VALUES) ? false : true
470  end