1module Statistics
2  class << self
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 12 statements » reek
  • Method "moderation" has 30 lines. It should have 20 or less. » roodi
3    def moderation(by: "month", parliament: nil)
4      if parliament
5        table_name = "archived_petitions"
6      else
7        table_name = "petitions"
8      end
10      unless by.in?(%w[week month])
11        raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for by: #{by.inspect} - must be either week or month"
12      end
14      period = "DATE_TRUNC('#{by}', moderation_threshold_reached_at)"
15      expression = "SUM(CASE WHEN moderation_lag > 7 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) * 100.0 / COUNT(*)"
17      format = \
  • Case statement is missing an else clause. » roodi
18        case by
19        when "week"
20          "'DD Mon YYYY'"
21        when "month"
22          "'Mon YYYY'"
23        end
25      conditions = []
26      conditions << "moderation_threshold_reached_at IS NOT NULL"
27      conditions << "moderation_lag IS NOT NULL"
29      if parliament
30        conditions << "parliament_id = #{parliament.id}"
31      end
33      select_rows <<-SQL.strip_heredoc
34        SELECT
35          TO_CHAR(#{period}, #{format}) AS period,
36          ROUND(#{expression}, 1) AS percentage_within_target
37        FROM
38          #{table_name}
39        WHERE
40          #{conditions.join(' AND ')}
41        GROUP BY
42          #{period}
43        ORDER BY
44          #{period}
45      SQL
46    end
48    private
50    def connection
51      ActiveRecord::Base.connection
52    end
54    def select_rows(sql)
55      connection.select_rows(sql)
56    end
57  end