1require 'ipaddr'
3require_dependency 'archived'
5module Archived
  • Class "Signature" has 308 lines. It should have 300 or less. » roodi
6  class Signature < ActiveRecord::Base
7    include GeoipLookup
 9    ISO8601_TIMESTAMP = /\A\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z\z/
11    PENDING_STATE = 'pending'
12    FRAUDULENT_STATE = 'fraudulent'
13    VALIDATED_STATE = 'validated'
14    INVALIDATED_STATE = 'invalidated'
16    STATES = [
19    ]
21    TIMESTAMPS = {
22      'government_response' => :government_response_email_at,
23      'debate_scheduled'    => :debate_scheduled_email_at,
24      'debate_outcome'      => :debate_outcome_email_at,
25      'petition_email'      => :petition_email_at
26    }
28    belongs_to :petition
29    belongs_to :invalidation
30    belongs_to :constituency, primary_key: :external_id
32    validates :constituency_id, length: { maximum: 255 }
33    validates :email, presence: true
34    validates :location_code, presence: true
35    validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }
36    validates :state, presence: true, inclusion: { in: STATES }
38    attr_readonly :sponsor, :creator
40    before_destroy do
41      !creator?
42    end
44    class << self
45      def batch(id = 0, limit: 1000)
46        where(arel_table[:id].gteq(id)).order(id: :asc).limit(limit)
47      end
49      def by_most_recent
50        order(created_at: :desc)
51      end
53      def column_name_for(timestamp)
54        TIMESTAMPS.fetch(timestamp)
55      rescue
56        raise ArgumentError, "Unknown petition email timestamp: #{timestamp.inspect}"
57      end
59      def destroy!(signature_ids)
60        signatures = find(signature_ids)
62        transaction do
63          signatures.each do |signature|
64            signature.destroy!
65          end
66        end
67      end
69      def for_domain(domain)
70        where("SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email) + 1) = ?", domain[1..-1])
71      end
73      def for_email(email)
74        where("(REGEXP_REPLACE(LEFT(email, POSITION('@' IN email) - 1), '\\.|\\+.+', '', 'g') || SUBSTRING(email FROM POSITION('@' IN email)) = ?)", normalize_email(email))
75      end
77      def for_ip(ip)
78        where("inet(ip_address) <<= inet(?)", ip)
79      end
81      def for_name(name)
82        where(arel_table[:name].lower.eq(name.downcase))
83      end
85      def for_petition(id)
86        where(petition_id: id)
87      end
89      def for_postcode(postcode)
90        where(postcode: PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode))
91      end
93      def for_sector(postcode)
94        where("LEFT(postcode, -3) = ?", PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode)[0..-4])
95      end
97      def for_timestamp(timestamp, since:)
98        column = arel_table[column_name_for(timestamp)]
 99        where(column.eq(nil).or(column.lt(since)))
100      end
102      def need_emailing_for(timestamp, since:)
103        validated.subscribed.for_timestamp(timestamp, since: since)
104      end
106      def subscribed
107        where(notify_by_email: true)
108      end
110      def validated
111        where(state: VALIDATED_STATE)
112      end
114      def creator
115        where(arel_table[:creator].eq(true))
116      end
118      def sponsors
119        where(arel_table[:sponsor].eq(true))
120      end
  • Method name "search" cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 8 or less. » roodi
  • Method "search" has 37 lines. It should have 20 or less. » roodi
122      def search(query, options = {})
123        query  = query.to_s
124        state  = options[:state]
125        window = options[:window]
126        page   = [options[:page].to_i, 1].max
127        scope  = preload(:petition).by_most_recent
129        if state.in?(STATES)
130          scope = scope.where(state: state)
131        end
133        if window && window =~ ISO8601_TIMESTAMP
134          starts_at = window.in_time_zone.at_beginning_of_hour
135          ends_at = starts_at.advance(hours: 1)
136          scope = scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)
137        elsif window =~ /\A\d+\z/
138          starts_at = window.to_i.seconds.ago
139          ends_at = Time.current
140          scope = scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)
141        end
143        if ip_search?(query)
144          scope = scope.for_ip(query)
145        elsif domain_search?(query)
146          scope = scope.for_domain(query)
147        elsif email_search?(query)
148          scope = scope.for_email(query)
149        elsif petition_search?(query)
150          scope = scope.for_petition(query)
151        elsif postcode_search?(query)
152          scope = scope.for_postcode(query)
153        elsif sector_search?(query)
154          scope = scope.for_sector(query)
155        else
156          scope = scope.for_name(query)
157        end
159        scope.paginate(page: page, per_page: 50)
160      end
162      def subscribe!(signature_ids)
163        signatures = find(signature_ids)
165        transaction do
166          signatures.each do |signature|
167            signature.update!(notify_by_email: true)
168          end
169        end
170      end
172      def unsubscribe!(signature_ids)
173        signatures = find(signature_ids)
175        transaction do
176          signatures.each do |signature|
177            if signature.creator?
178              raise RuntimeError, "Can't unsubscribe the creator signature"
179            elsif signature.pending?
180              raise RuntimeError, "Can't unsubscribe a pending signature"
181            else
182              signature.update!(notify_by_email: false)
183            end
184          end
185        end
186      end
188      private
190      def ip_search?(query)
191        IPAddr.new(query)
192      rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError => e
193        false
194      end
196      def domain_search?(query)
197        query.starts_with?('@')
198      end
200      def email_search?(query)
201        query.include?('@')
202      end
204      def petition_search?(query)
205        query =~ /\A\d+\z/
206      end
208      def postcode_search?(query)
209        PostcodeSanitizer.call(query) =~ PostcodeValidator::PATTERN
210      end
212      def sector_search?(query)
213        PostcodeSanitizer.call(query) =~ /\A[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9A-Z]?XXX\z/
214      end
216      def normalize_email(email)
217        "#{normalize_user(email)}@#{normalize_domain(email)}"
218      end
220      def normalize_user(email)
221        email.split("@").first.split("+").first.tr(".", "").downcase
222      end
224      def normalize_domain(email)
225        email.split("@").last.downcase
226      end
227    end
229    def get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp)
230      self[column_name_for(timestamp)]
231    end
233    def set_email_sent_at_for(timestamp, to: Time.current)
234      update_column(column_name_for(timestamp), to)
235    end
237    def pending?
238      state == PENDING_STATE
239    end
241    def fraudulent?
242      state == FRAUDULENT_STATE
243    end
245    def validated?
246      state == VALIDATED_STATE
247    end
249    def invalidated?
250      state == INVALIDATED_STATE
251    end
253    def subscribed?
254      validated? && !unsubscribed?
255    end
257    def unsubscribed?
258      notify_by_email == false
259    end
261    def unsubscribe!(token)
262      if unsubscribed?
263        errors.add(:base, "Already Unsubscribed")
264      elsif unsubscribe_token != token
265        errors.add(:base, "Invalid Unsubscribe Token")
266      else
267        update(notify_by_email: false)
268      end
269    end
271    def already_unsubscribed?
272      errors[:base].include?("Already Unsubscribed")
273    end
275    def invalid_unsubscribe_token?
276      errors[:base].include?("Invalid Unsubscribe Token")
277    end
279    def united_kingdom?
280      location_code == 'GB'
281    end
282    alias_method :uk?, :united_kingdom?
284    def location
285      if postcode?
286        "#{formatted_postcode}, #{location_code}"
287      else
288        location_code
289      end
290    end
292    def account
293      Mail::Address.new(email).local
294    rescue Mail::Field::ParseError
295      nil
296    end
298    def domain
299      Mail::Address.new(email).domain
300    rescue Mail::Field::ParseError
301      nil
302    end
304    private
306    def formatted_postcode
307      if united_kingdom?
308        postcode.gsub(/\A([A-Z0-9]+?)([A-Z0-9]{3})\z/, "\\1 \\2")
309      else
310        postcode
311      end
312    end
314    def column_name_for(timestamp)
315      self.class.column_name_for(timestamp)
316    end
317  end