1module AutoLinkHelper |
2 class AutoLinker |
3 BLANK = "".html_safe |
4 AUTO_LINK_RE = %r{(?:((?:ftp|http|https|mailto):)//|www\.)[^\s<\u00A0"]+}ix |
5 AUTO_LINK_CRE = [/<[^>]+$/, /^[^>]*>/, /<a\b.*?>/i, /<\/a>/i] |
6 AUTO_EMAIL_LOCAL_RE = /[\w.!#\$%&'*\/=?^`{|}~+-]/ |
7 AUTO_EMAIL_RE = /(?<!#{AUTO_EMAIL_LOCAL_RE})[\w.!#\$%+-]\.?#{AUTO_EMAIL_LOCAL_RE}*@[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)+/ |
8 BRACKETS = { "]" => "[", ")" => "(", "}" => "{" } |
10 attr_reader :template, :text, :options, :block |
11 delegate :sanitize, :mail_to, :content_tag, to: :template |
13 def self.generate(template, text, options = {}, &block) |
14 new(template, text, options, &block).generate
15 end |
17 def initialize(template, text, options, &block) |
18 @template = template |
19 @text = text |
20 @block = block |
21 @options = options |
22 end |
24 def generate |
25 return BLANK if text.blank? |
27 result = \
28 case scope |
29 when :urls |
30 auto_link_urls(sanitized_text)
31 when :email_addresses |
32 auto_link_email_addresses(sanitized_text)
33 else |
34 auto_link_all(sanitized_text)
35 end |
37 sanitize? ? result.html_safe : result
38 end |
40 private
42 def scope |
43 options[:link] || :all |
44 end |
46 def sanitized_text |
47 (sanitize? ? sanitize(text, sanitize_options) : text).to_str
48 end |
50 def sanitize? |
51 return @sanitize if defined?(@sanitize) |
52 @sanitize = options[:sanitize] != false |
53 end |
55 def sanitize_options |
56 @sanitize_options ||= options[:sanitize_options] || {} |
57 end |
59 def html_options |
60 @html_options ||= options[:html] || {} |
61 end |
63 def auto_linked?(left, right) |
64 (left =~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[0] && right =~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[1]) || |
65 (left.rindex(AUTO_LINK_CRE[2]) && $' !~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[3]) |
66 end |
68 def auto_link_all(target) |
69 auto_link_email_addresses(auto_link_urls(target))
70 end |
72 def auto_link_urls(text) |
73 text.gsub(AUTO_LINK_RE) do |
74 scheme, href = $1, $& |
75 punctuation = []
77 if auto_linked?($`, $') |
78 # do not change string; URL is already linked |
79 href
80 else |
81 # don't include trailing punctuation character as part of the URL |
82 while href.sub!(/[^\p{Word}\/-=&]$/, "") |
83 punctuation.push $& |
85 if opening = BRACKETS[punctuation.last] and href.scan(opening).size > href.scan(punctuation.last).size |
86 href << punctuation.pop
87 break |
88 end |
89 end |
91 link_text = block ? block.call(href) : href
92 href = "http://" + href unless scheme |
94 if sanitize? |
95 link_text = sanitize(link_text)
96 href = sanitize(href)
97 end |
99 content_tag(:a, link_text, html_options.merge(href: href), sanitize?) + punctuation.reverse.join("") |
100 end |
101 end |
102 end |
104 def auto_link_email_addresses(text) |
105 text.gsub(AUTO_EMAIL_RE) do |
106 text = $& |
108 if auto_linked?($`, $') |
109 text.html_safe
110 else |
111 display_text = block ? block.call(text) : text
113 if sanitize? |
114 text = sanitize(text)
115 display_text = sanitize(display_text) unless text == display_text |
116 end |
118 mail_to text, display_text, html_options
119 end |
120 end |
121 end |
122 end |
124 def auto_link(text, options = {}, &block) |
125 AutoLinker.generate(self, text, options, &block) |
126 end |
127end |