1require_dependency 'constituency/api_client'
2require_dependency 'constituency/api_query'
4class Constituency < ActiveRecord::Base
5  MP_URL = "http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/commons"
7  has_many :signatures, primary_key: :external_id
8  has_many :petitions, through: :signatures
10  validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
11  validates :external_id, presence: true, length: { maximum: 30 }
12  validates :ons_code, presence: true, format: %r[\A(?:E|W|S|N)\d{8}\z]
13  validates :mp_id, length: { maximum: 30 }
14  validates :mp_name, length: { maximum: 100 }
15  validates :example_postcode, presence: true
17  delegate :query, :example_postcodes, to: "self.class"
19  before_validation unless: :example_postcode? do
20    self.example_postcode = example_postcodes[ons_code]
21  end
23  before_validation if: :name_changed? do
24    self.slug = name.parameterize
25  end
27  validate on: :update, if: :example_postcode_changed? do
28    results = query.fetch(example_postcode)
29    attributes = results.first
31    if attributes.nil? || external_id != attributes[:external_id]
32      errors.add :example_postcode, :invalid
33    end
34  end
36  class << self
37    def by_ons_code
38      order(ons_code: :asc)
39    end
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 6 statements » reek
41    def find_by_postcode(postcode)
42      return if Site.disable_constituency_api?
44      results = query.fetch(postcode)
  • Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == » roodi
46      if attributes = results.first
47        constituency = find_or_initialize_by(external_id: attributes[:external_id])
48        constituency.attributes = attributes
49        if constituency.changed? || constituency.new_record?
50          constituency.save!
51        end
53        constituency
54      end
55    end
57    def refresh!
58      find_each { |c| c.refresh! }
59    end
61    def query
62      ApiQuery.new
63    end
65    def example_postcodes
66      @example_postcodes ||= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("data", "example_postcodes.yml"))
67    end
68  end
70  def sitting_mp?
71    mp_id?
72  end
74  def mp_url
75    "#{MP_URL}/#{mp_name.parameterize}/#{mp_id}"
76  end
78  def to_param
79    slug
80  end
  • NilCheck - performs a nil-check » reek
  • TooManyStatements - has approx 9 statements » reek
  • UncommunicativeVariableName - has the variable name 'c' » reek
82  def refresh!
83    return unless example_postcode?
85    results = query.fetch(example_postcode)
86    attributes = results.first
88    if attributes.nil?
89      raise empty_results_exception
90    elsif external_id != attributes[:external_id]
91      raise mismatched_results_exception(attributes)
92    else
93      self.mp_id = attributes[:mp_id]
94      self.mp_name = attributes[:mp_name]
95      self.mp_date = attributes[:mp_date]
97      save! if changed?
98    end
 99  end
101  private
103  def empty_results_exception
104    RuntimeError.new <<-ERROR.squish
105      empty results from API when refreshing
106      with example_postcode #{example_postcode.inspect}
107    ERROR
108  end
110  def mismatched_results_exception(attributes)
111    RuntimeError.new <<-ERROR.squish
112      mismatched constituencies when refreshing
113      with example postcode #{example_postcode.inspect}
114      - expected: #{external_id}, actual: #{attributes[:external_id]}
115    ERROR
116  end