1require 'textacular/searchable'
2require_dependency 'archived'
4module Archived
  • Class "Petition" has 378 lines. It should have 300 or less. » roodi
5  class Petition < ActiveRecord::Base
6    STOPPED_STATE = 'stopped'
7    CLOSED_STATE = 'closed'
8    HIDDEN_STATE = 'hidden'
 9    REJECTED_STATE = 'rejected'
16    belongs_to :parliament, inverse_of: :petitions, required: true
17    belongs_to :locked_by, class_name: 'AdminUser'
19    has_one :creator, -> { creator }, class_name: "Signature"
20    has_one :debate_outcome, dependent: :destroy
21    has_one :government_response, dependent: :destroy
22    has_one :note, dependent: :destroy
23    has_one :rejection, dependent: :destroy
25    has_many :emails, :dependent => :destroy
26    has_many :signatures
27    has_many :sponsors, -> { sponsors }, class_name: "Signature"
29    validates :action, presence: true, length: { maximum: 150 }
30    validates :background, length: { maximum: 300 }, allow_blank: true
31    validates :additional_details, length: { maximum: 1000 }, allow_blank: true
32    validates :state, presence: true, inclusion: STATES
33    validates :closed_at, presence: true, if: :closed?
35    before_save :update_debate_state, if: :scheduled_debate_date_changed?
37    extend Searchable(:action, :background, :additional_details)
38    include Browseable, Taggable
40    filter :parliament
42    facet :all, -> { visible.by_most_signatures }
43    facet :awaiting_response, -> { awaiting_response.by_waiting_for_response_longest }
44    facet :awaiting_debate_date, -> { awaiting_debate_date.by_waiting_for_debate_longest }
45    facet :with_debate_outcome, -> { with_debate_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
46    facet :with_debated_outcome, -> { with_debated_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
47    facet :published, -> { published.by_most_signatures }
48    facet :stopped, -> { stopped.by_most_signatures }
49    facet :closed, -> { closed.by_most_signatures }
50    facet :rejected, -> { rejected.by_most_signatures }
51    facet :hidden, -> { hidden.by_most_recent }
52    facet :with_response, -> { with_response.by_most_signatures }
53    facet :debated, -> { debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
54    facet :not_debated, -> { not_debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome }
55    facet :by_most_signatures, -> { by_most_signatures }
56    facet :by_created_at, -> { by_created_at }
57    facet :in_debate_queue, -> { in_debate_queue.by_waiting_for_debate_longest }
59    default_scope { preload(:parliament) }
61    delegate :threshold_for_response, :threshold_for_debate, to: :parliament
62    delegate :show_on_a_map?, to: :parliament
64    with_options allow_nil: true, prefix: true do
65      delegate :name, :email, to: :creator
66      delegate :code, :details, to: :rejection
67      delegate :summary, :details, :created_at, :updated_at, to: :government_response
68      delegate :date, :transcript_url, :video_url, :overview, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: :debate
69      delegate :debate_pack_url, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: false
70    end
72    alias_attribute :open_at, :opened_at
74    class << self
75      def for_state(state)
76        where(state: state)
77      end
79      def by_created_at
80        reorder(created_at: :asc)
81      end
83      def by_most_recent_debate_outcome
84        reorder(debate_outcome_at: :desc, created_at: :desc)
85      end
87      def by_waiting_for_debate_longest
88        reorder(debate_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc)
89      end
91      def by_most_recent
92        reorder(created_at: :desc)
93      end
95      def by_most_signatures
96        reorder(signature_count: :desc)
97      end
 99      def by_waiting_for_response_longest
100        reorder(response_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc)
101      end
103      def awaiting_debate_date
104        debate_threshold_reached.not_scheduled
105      end
107      def awaiting_response
108        response_threshold_reached.not_responded
109      end
111      def not_responded
112        where(government_response_at: nil)
113      end
115      def with_response
116        where.not(government_response_at: nil).preload(:government_response)
117      end
119      def response_threshold_reached
120        where.not(response_threshold_reached_at: nil)
121      end
123      def published
124        where(state: PUBLISHED_STATES)
125      end
127      def moderated
128        where(state: MODERATED_STATES)
129      end
131      def stopped
132        where(state: STOPPED_STATE)
133      end
135      def closed
136        where(state: CLOSED_STATE)
137      end
139      def rejected
140        where(state: REJECTED_STATE)
141      end
143      def hidden
144        where(state: HIDDEN_STATE)
145      end
147      def debateable
148        where(state: DEBATABLE_STATES)
149      end
151      def debated
152        where(debate_state: 'debated').preload(:debate_outcome)
153      end
155      def not_debated
156        where(debate_state: 'not_debated')
157      end
159      def debate_threshold_reached
160        where.not(debate_threshold_reached_at: nil)
161      end
163      def debate_scheduled
164        where.not(scheduled_debate_date: nil)
165      end
167      def not_scheduled
168        where(scheduled_debate_date: nil)
169      end
171      def with_debate_outcome
172        where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil)
173      end
175      def with_debated_outcome
176        debated.where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil)
177      end
179      def visible
180        where(state: VISIBLE_STATES)
181      end
183      def in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date = Date.current)
184        where(scheduled_debate_state.and(debate_date_in_the_past(date)))
185      end
187      def mark_petitions_as_debated!(date = Date.current)
188        in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date).update_all(debate_state: 'debated')
189      end
191      def in_debate_queue
192        where(threshold_for_debate_reached.or(scheduled_for_debate))
193      end
195      private
197      def debate_date_in_the_past(date)
198        arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].lt(date)
199      end
201      def scheduled_debate_state
202        arel_table[:debate_state].eq('scheduled')
203      end
205      def threshold_for_debate_reached
206        arel_table[:debate_threshold_reached_at].not_eq(nil)
207      end
209      def scheduled_for_debate
210        arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].not_eq(nil)
211      end
212    end
214    def moderated?
215      state.in?(MODERATED_STATES)
216    end
218    def can_have_debate_added?
219      state.in?(DEBATABLE_STATES)
220    end
222    def stopped?
223      state == STOPPED_STATE
224    end
226    def closed?
227      state == CLOSED_STATE
228    end
230    def rejected?
231      state == REJECTED_STATE
232    end
234    def hidden?
235      state == HIDDEN_STATE
236    end
238    def published?
239      state.in?(PUBLISHED_STATES)
240    end
242    def duration
243      if parliament.petition_duration?
244        parliament.petition_duration
245      elsif opened_at?
246        calculate_petition_duration
247      else
248        0
249      end
250    end
252    def closed_early_due_to_election?
253      closed_at == parliament.dissolution_at
254    end
256    def government_response?
257      government_response_at && government_response
258    end
260    def threshold_for_debate_reached?
261      signature_count >= parliament.threshold_for_debate
262    end
264    def threshold_for_response_reached?
265      signature_count >= parliament.threshold_for_response
266    end
268    def signatures_by_constituency
269      if defined?(@_signatures_by_constituency)
270        @_signatures_by_constituency
271      else
272        if signatures_by_constituency?
273          @_signatures_by_constituency = calculate_signatures_by_constituency(super)
274        else
275          []
276        end
277      end
278    end
280    def signatures_by_country
281      if defined?(@_signatures_by_country)
282        @_signatures_by_country
283      else
284        if signatures_by_country?
285          @_signatures_by_country = calculate_signatures_by_country(super)
286        else
287          []
288        end
289      end
290    end
292    def get_email_requested_at_for(name)
293      self["email_requested_for_#{name}_at"]
294    end
296    def set_email_requested_at_for(name, to: Time.current)
297      update_column("email_requested_for_#{name}_at", to)
298    end
300    def signatures_to_email_for(name)
  • Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == » roodi
301      if timestamp = get_email_requested_at_for(name)
302        signatures.need_emailing_for(name, since: timestamp)
303      else
304        raise ArgumentError, "The #{name} email has not been requested for petition #{id}"
305      end
306    end
308    def update_debate_state
309      self.debate_state = evaluate_debate_state
310    end
312    def update_lock!(user, now = Time.current)
313      if locked_by == user
314        update!(locked_at: now)
315      end
316    end
318    def checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
319      with_lock do
320        if locked_by.present? && locked_by != user
321          false
322        else
323          update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now)
324        end
325      end
326    end
328    def force_checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
329      update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now)
330    end
332    def release!(user)
333      with_lock do
334        if locked_by.present? && locked_by == user
335          update!(locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil)
336        end
337      end
338    end
340    private
342    def evaluate_debate_state
343      if scheduled_debate_date?
344        scheduled_debate_date > Date.current ? 'scheduled' : 'debated'
345      else
346        'awaiting'
347      end
348    end
350    def calculate_petition_duration
351      if opened_at + 3.months == closed_at
352        3
353      elsif opened_at + 6.months == closed_at
354        6
355      elsif opened_at + 9.months == closed_at
356        9
357      elsif opened_at + 12.months == closed_at
358        12
359      else
360        Rational(closed_at - opened_at, 86400 * 30).to_f
361      end
362    end
364    def constituencies(external_ids)
365      Constituency.where(external_id: external_ids).order(:name)
366    end
368    def calculate_signatures_by_constituency(hash)
369      constituencies(hash.keys).map do |constituency|
370        {
371          name: constituency.name,
372          ons_code: constituency.ons_code,
373          mp: constituency.mp_name,
374          signature_count: hash[constituency.external_id]
375        }
376      end
377    end
379    def locations(codes)
380      Location.where(code: codes).order(:name)
381    end
383    def calculate_signatures_by_country(hash)
384      locations(hash.keys).map do |location|
385        {
386          name: location.name,
387          code: location.code,
388          signature_count: hash[location.code]
389        }
390      end
391    end
392  end