1# rake data:generate
2# Petition state    PET_STATE=rejected    default open
3# Petition count    PET_COUNT=20          default 100
4# Signature count   SIG_COUNT=25          default 100
5# Random response   RANDOM_RESP=true      default false
6#                   If true will create 10K sigs for every 5th petition and add response
8namespace :data do
 9  desc "Generate random petitions with signatures. PET_STATE=open, PET_COUNT=100, SIG_COUNT=100"
10  task :generate => :environment do
11    require 'faker'
13    POSTCODES       = ['SE58BB', 'IG110UD', 'IG110FX', 'W1F7HS', 'RM9 8PD'];
14    REJECTION_CODES = ["no-action", "irrelevant", "honours", "no-action", "duplicate"]
15    HIDDEN_CODES    = ["libellous", "offensive"]
16    VALID_STATES    = ['open', 'closed', 'rejected', 'hidden']
18    PETITION_STATE  = ENV.fetch('PET_STATE', 'open')
19    PETITION_COUNT  = ENV.fetch('PET_COUNT', '100')
20    SIGNATURE_COUNT = ENV.fetch('SIG_COUNT', '100')
21    RANDOM_RESPONSE = ENV.fetch('RANDOM_RESP', 'false')
25      raise "** #{PETITION_STATE} is not a valid state within #{VALID_STATES.inspect} **"
26    end
28    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
29      PETITION_COUNT.to_i.times do |idx|
30        @signature_count = SIGNATURE_COUNT
32        petition = Petition.create!({
33          action: Faker::Lorem.sentence(rand(3..10)).first(80),
34          background: Faker::Lorem.sentence(rand(7..22)).first(200),
35          additional_details: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(rand(2..20)).first(500),
36          creator: Signature.new({
37            uk_citizenship: '1',
38            name: Faker::Name.name,
39            email: Faker::Internet.safe_email,
40            location_code: 'GB',
41            state: 'validated',
42            postcode: POSTCODES.sample,
43            creator: true
44          })
45        })
48        # Create the sponsor signatures
49        5.times do
50          petition.sponsors.create!(
51            uk_citizenship: '1',
52            name: Faker::Name.name,
53            email: Faker::Internet.safe_email("#{Faker::Lorem.characters(rand(10..40))}-#{rand(1..999999)}"),
54            location_code: 'GB',
55            state: 'validated',
56            postcode: POSTCODES.sample
57          )
58        end
60        # Update to specified state requested
61        case PETITION_STATE
62        when 'open'
63          petition.update_attributes(state: 'open', open_at: Time.now)
64        when 'closed'
65          petition.update_attributes(state: 'closed', open_at: Time.now - 1.year, closed_at: Time.now - 1.day)
66        when 'rejected'
67          petition.update_attributes(
68            state: 'rejected',
69            open_at: Time.now - 6.month,
70            closed_at: Time.now + 6.month,
71            rejection_text: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(rand(10..30)),
72            rejection_code: REJECTION_CODES.sample
73          )
74        when 'hidden'
75          petition.update_attributes(
76            state: 'hidden',
77            open_at: Time.now - 6.month,
78            closed_at: Time.now  + 6.month,
79            rejection_text: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(rand(10..30)),
80            rejection_code: HIDDEN_CODES.sample
81          )
82        end
85        # Should we create a petition with response and 10K signatures
86        @should_create_response = (((idx+1) % 5) == 0 && RANDOM_RESPONSE == 'true')
87        @signature_count = Site.threshold_for_response + 1 if @should_create_response
89        @signature_count.to_i.times do
90          signature = petition.signatures.create!(
91            uk_citizenship: '1',
92            name: Faker::Name.name,
93            email: Faker::Internet.safe_email("#{Faker::Lorem.characters(rand(10..40))}-#{rand(1..999999)}"),
94            location_code: 'GB',
95            postcode: POSTCODES.sample
96          )
97          signature.validate!
98        end
100        # Add responses on random petitions when 10,000 signatures
101        petition.update_attributes(
102          response: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(rand(10..30))
103        ) if @should_create_response
104      end
105    end
106  end