Reek Results
Reek detects common code smells in ruby code.
File Path | Method | Description | Type |
app/mailers/feedback_mailer.rb | FeedbackMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | takes parameters ['petition', 'signature'] to 8 methods | DataClump |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer#i18n_options | calls '@petition.signature_count' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer#notify_creator_that_petition_was_rejected | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer#notify_sponsor_that_petition_was_rejected | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@creator' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@debate_outcome' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@email' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@subject' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | has at least 12 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer | has at least 24 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/mailers/petition_mailer.rb | PetitionMailer#i18n_options | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/mailers/application_mailer.rb | ApplicationMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/admin_mailer.rb | AdminMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/sponsor_mailer.rb | SponsorMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/sponsor_mailer.rb | SponsorMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@sponsor' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/sponsor_mailer.rb | SponsorMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | takes parameters ['petition', 'signature'] to 8 methods | DataClump |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer#i18n_options | calls '@petition.signature_count' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@debate_outcome' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@email' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer | has at least 6 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
app/mailers/archived/petition_mailer.rb | Archived::PetitionMailer#i18n_options | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/note.rb | Note | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/holiday.rb | Holiday | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/government_response.rb | GovernmentResponse#default_responded_on | calls 'petition.government_response_at' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/government_response.rb | GovernmentResponse | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/tag.rb | Tag | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'COMMONS_IMAGE_SIZE[:h]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'COMMONS_IMAGE_SIZE[:w]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'dimensions.height' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'dimensions.width' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/debate_outcome.rb | DebateOutcome#image_ratio | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#validate_creator | calls 'email.present?' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#validate_creator | calls 'postcode.present?' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#save | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator | has at least 5 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator | has at least 36 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#save | has approx 19 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#validate_creator | has approx 11 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#validate_petition | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#save | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#save | has the variable name 'p' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#email_validator | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#postcode_validator | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/petition_creator.rb | PetitionCreator#send_email_to_gather_sponsors | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/statistics.rb | Statistics | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/statistics.rb | Statistics#moderation | has approx 12 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/trending_ip.rb | TrendingIp | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/trending_ip.rb | TrendingIp | has missing safe method 'log!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/admin_user_session.rb | AdminUserSession | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#uk_citizenship | is a writable attribute | Attribute |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#validate! | has boolean parameter 'force' | BooleanParameter |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#validate! | has boolean parameter 'force' | BooleanParameter |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#unsubscribe! | is controlled by argument 'token' | ControlParameter |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#validate! | is controlled by argument 'force' | ControlParameter |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | takes parameters ['limit', 'since'] to 4 methods | DataClump |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | takes parameters ['timestamp', 'upto'] to 3 methods | DataClump |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#find_duplicate | calls 'signatures.first' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#find_similar | calls 'signatures.first' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#search | calls 'scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | assumes too much for instance variable '@just_validated' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#validate! | has 4 parameters | LongParameterList |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'destroy!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'invalidate!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'invalidate!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'mark_seen_signed_confirmation_page!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'subscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'unsubscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'unsubscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'validate!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has missing safe method 'validate!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has 7 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature | has at least 104 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#invalidate! | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#retry_lock | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#search | has approx 20 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#trending_ips_by_petition | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#unsubscribe! | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#validate! | has approx 16 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#column_name_for | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#ip_search? | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#retry_lock | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#save | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#trending_domains_by_petition | has the variable name 'h' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#trending_domains_by_petition | has the variable name 'k' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#trending_ips_by_petition | has the variable name 'h' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#trending_ips_by_petition | has the variable name 'k' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature.rb | Signature#inline_updates? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/trending_domain.rb | TrendingDomain | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/trending_domain.rb | TrendingDomain | has missing safe method 'log!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#exceeded? | calls 'signature.domain' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#exceeded? | calls 'signature.ip_address' 4 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#country_for_ip | refers to 'result' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#threshold_reached? | refers to 'signature' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#validate_domain! | refers to 'domain' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has missing safe method 'validate_domain!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has 6 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has at least 6 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has at least 43 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#exceeded? | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#reload | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#build_allowed_domains | has the variable name 'l' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#build_allowed_ips | has the variable name 'l' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#build_blocked_domains | has the variable name 'l' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#build_blocked_ips | has the variable name 'l' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#build_ignored_domains | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#domain_allowed? | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#domain_blocked? | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#ip_allowed? | has the variable name 'i' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#ip_blocked? | has the variable name 'i' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#convert_glob | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#normalize_lines | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#strip_blank_lines | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/rate_limit.rb | RateLimit#strip_comments | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency | has missing safe method 'refresh!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency | has missing safe method 'refresh!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency#refresh! | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency#find_by_postcode | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency#refresh! | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/constituency.rb | Constituency#refresh! | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/location.rb | Location | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/location.rb | Location#current | has unused parameter 'today' | UnusedParameters |
app/models/constituency/api_client.rb | Constituency::ApiClient#call | calls 'request.options' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/constituency/api_client.rb | Constituency::ApiClient#faraday | refers to 'f' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/constituency/api_client.rb | Constituency::ApiClient | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/constituency/api_client.rb | Constituency::ApiClient#faraday | has the variable name 'f' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/constituency/api_client.rb | Constituency::ApiClient#sanitize | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery | has 9 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery#fetch | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery#parse | has approx 10 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery#fetch | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery#client | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/constituency/api_query.rb | Constituency::ApiQuery#parse | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/moderation_delay.rb | ModerationDelay#body | is a writable attribute | Attribute |
app/models/moderation_delay.rb | ModerationDelay#subject | is a writable attribute | Attribute |
app/models/moderation_delay.rb | ModerationDelay | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/moderation_delay.rb | ModerationDelay#attributes= | manually dispatches method call | ManualDispatch |
app/models/country_petition_journal.rb | CountryPetitionJournal#increment_signature_count | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/country_petition_journal.rb | CountryPetitionJournal#reset_signature_count | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/country_petition_journal.rb | CountryPetitionJournal | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/country_petition_journal.rb | CountryPetitionJournal#unrecordable? | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/models/country_petition_journal.rb | CountryPetitionJournal#for | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/site.rb | Site#authenticate | is controlled by argument 'username' | ControlParameter |
app/models/site.rb | Site#opened_at_for_closing | refers to 'opened_at' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/site.rb | Site#opened_at_for_closing | refers to 'time' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/site.rb | Site | assumes too much for instance variable '@password' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/site.rb | Site::ServiceUnavailable | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has missing safe method 'disable_signature_counts!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has missing safe method 'enable_signature_counts!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has missing safe method 'last_checked_at!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has missing safe method 'last_petition_created_at!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has missing safe method 'signature_count_updated_at!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/site.rb | Site | tests 'table_exists?' at least 3 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/models/site.rb | Site | has at least 85 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/site.rb | Site#database_migrating? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/site.rb | Site#standard_port | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/site.rb | Site#type_cast_feature_flag | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/feedback_signature.rb | FeedbackSignature | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/feedback_signature.rb | FeedbackSignature#rfc2822 | has the name 'rfc2822' | UncommunicativeMethodName |
app/models/feedback.rb | Feedback | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_combined_events | calls '5.minutes' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_create_events | calls '5.minutes' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_validate_events | calls '5.minutes' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#overlapping? | calls '5.minutes' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs::Log | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs::Log#blank? | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs::Log | tests 'present?' at least 7 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs::Log | has at least 16 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_validate_events | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_combined_events | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_create_events | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#fetch_validate_events | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#logs | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#log_group_name | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/signature_logs.rb | SignatureLogs#ms | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#date_range_scope | calls 'table[:created_at]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#invalidate! | calls 'Time.current' 4 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#name_scope | calls 'name.strip' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#name_scope | calls 'name.strip.downcase' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#percent_completed | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has missing safe method 'cancel!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has missing safe method 'count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has missing safe method 'invalidate!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has missing safe method 'start!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#invalidate! | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation | has at least 34 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#invalidate! | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#matching_signatures | has approx 11 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#applied_conditions | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/invalidation.rb | Invalidation#table | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has missing safe method 'archive!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has missing safe method 'notify_creators!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has missing safe method 'schedule_closure!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has missing safe method 'start_archiving!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/parliament.rb | Parliament | has at least 39 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#release! | is controlled by argument 'user' | ControlParameter |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#update_lock! | is controlled by argument 'user' | ControlParameter |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | takes parameters ['now', 'user'] to 3 methods | DataClump |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.sec' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.utc' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | calls 'timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#in_moderation | calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#in_need_of_stopping | calls 'scope.stoppable' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#increment_signature_count! | calls 'self.reload' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#open_at_dissolution | calls 'arel_table[:closed_at]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | assumes too much for instance variable '@moderation' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'checkout!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'close!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'close_petitions!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'close_petitions_early!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'decrement_signature_count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'email_requested_receipt!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'force_checkout!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'increment_signature_count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'mark_petitions_as_debated!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'release!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'reset_signature_count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'stop!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'stop_petitions_early!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'update_lock!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'update_signature_count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'valid_signature_count!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has missing safe method 'validate_creator!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#signatures_to_email_for | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | tests 'moderation_threshold_reached_at?' at least 3 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has 23 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition | has at least 151 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#cache_key | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#decrement_signature_count! | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#increment_signature_count! | has approx 14 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#moderate | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#reject | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/petition.rb | Petition#update_last_petition_created_at | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/email_requested_receipt.rb | EmailRequestedReceipt | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser#destroy | is controlled by argument 'current_user' | ControlParameter |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser#has_to_change_password? | calls 'self.password_changed_at' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser | assumes too much for instance variable '@current_password' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser::CannotDeleteCurrentUser | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser::MustBeAtLeastOneAdminUser | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser#update_with_password | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/admin_user.rb | AdminUser | has the variable name 'u' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain#aliased_domain | is a writable attribute | Attribute |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain | assumes too much for instance variable '@aliased_domain' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain | tests 'alias?' at least 5 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain | has at least 23 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain#candidates | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain#default_domain | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain#rule | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/domain.rb | Domain#rules | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/archived/note.rb | Archived::Note | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/government_response.rb | Archived::GovernmentResponse#default_responded_on | calls 'petition.government_response_at' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/government_response.rb | Archived::GovernmentResponse | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'COMMONS_IMAGE_SIZE[:h]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'COMMONS_IMAGE_SIZE[:w]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'dimensions.height' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | calls 'dimensions.width' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#validate_commons_image_dimensions | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/archived/debate_outcome.rb | Archived::DebateOutcome#image_ratio | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature#unsubscribe! | is controlled by argument 'token' | ControlParameter |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature#search | calls 'scope.where(created_at: starts_at..ends_at)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has missing safe method 'destroy!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has missing safe method 'subscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has missing safe method 'unsubscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has missing safe method 'unsubscribe!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has 7 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature | has at least 46 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature#search | has approx 20 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature#unsubscribe! | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/archived/signature.rb | Archived::Signature#ip_search? | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#release! | is controlled by argument 'user' | ControlParameter |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#update_lock! | is controlled by argument 'user' | ControlParameter |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | takes parameters ['now', 'user'] to 3 methods | DataClump |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#calculate_signatures_by_country | calls 'location.code' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#calculate_signatures_by_constituency | refers to 'constituency' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#calculate_signatures_by_country | refers to 'location' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | assumes too much for instance variable '@_signatures_by_constituency' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | assumes too much for instance variable '@_signatures_by_country' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has missing safe method 'checkout!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has missing safe method 'force_checkout!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has missing safe method 'mark_petitions_as_debated!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has missing safe method 'release!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has missing safe method 'update_lock!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has 9 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition | has at least 62 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#constituencies | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/archived/petition.rb | Archived::Petition#locations | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/archived/rejection.rb | Archived::Rejection | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/archived/petition/email.rb | Archived::Petition::Email | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/rejection.rb | Rejection | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/constituency_petition_journal.rb | ConstituencyPetitionJournal#increment_signature_count | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/constituency_petition_journal.rb | ConstituencyPetitionJournal#reset_signature_count | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/constituency_petition_journal.rb | ConstituencyPetitionJournal | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/constituency_petition_journal.rb | ConstituencyPetitionJournal#unrecordable? | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/models/constituency_petition_journal.rb | ConstituencyPetitionJournal#for | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/archived.rb | Archived | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup::ClassMethods#country_name_for | refers to 'result' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup::ClassMethods#iso_code_for | refers to 'result' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup::ClassMethods | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup::ClassMethods#geoip_lookup | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/concerns/geoip_lookup.rb | GeoipLookup::ClassMethods#geoip_db | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/models/concerns/perishable_token_generator.rb | PerishableTokenGenerator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/taggable.rb | Taggable | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::ClassMethods | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::Facets | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::Filters | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::Search | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::Search | has at least 25 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/models/concerns/browseable.rb | Browseable::Search#inspect | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/petition/statistics.rb | Petition::Statistics | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/petition/statistics.rb | Petition::Statistics | has missing safe method 'refresh!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/models/petition/email.rb | Petition::Email | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/task.rb | Task | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/models/task.rb | Task#retry_lock | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/models/task.rb | Task#retry_lock | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/models/task.rb | Task#task_for | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/presenters/api_pagination_links_presenter.rb | ApiPaginationLinksPresenter | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/presenters/petition_csv_presenter.rb | PetitionCSVPresenter#notes | calls 'petition.note' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/presenters/petition_csv_presenter.rb | PetitionCSVPresenter | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/presenters/petitions_csv_presenter.rb | PetitionsCSVPresenter#render | calls 'presenter_class.fields' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/presenters/petitions_csv_presenter.rb | PetitionsCSVPresenter | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/presenters/petitions_csv_presenter.rb | PetitionsCSVPresenter#render | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'caller_locations(0)' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'caller_locations(0).map(&:to_s)' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'caller_locations(0).map(&:to_s).reject' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'caller_locations(0).map(&:to_s).reject{ |path| path =~ /deprecated_attributes\.rb/ }' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'path =~ /deprecated_attributes\.rb/' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls 'self.class' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | calls '' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | contains iterators nested 3 deep | NestedIterators |
app/lib/deprecated_attributes.rb | DeprecatedAttributes#deprecate_attribute | has approx 16 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/cloud_front_remote_ip.rb | CloudFrontRemoteIp | assumes too much for instance variable '@app' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/lib/cloud_front_remote_ip.rb | CloudFrontRemoteIp::CloudFrontGetIp | assumes too much for instance variable '@env' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/lib/cloud_front_remote_ip.rb | CloudFrontRemoteIp | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/cloud_front_remote_ip.rb | CloudFrontRemoteIp::CloudFrontGetIp | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/job_logger.rb | JobLogger | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/email_reminder.rb | EmailReminder#self.special_resend_of_signature_email_validation | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/email_reminder.rb | EmailReminder | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/email_reminder.rb | EmailReminder#self.special_resend_of_signature_email_validation | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/email_reminder.rb | EmailReminder#self.threshold_email_reminder | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/email_reminder.rb | EmailReminder#self.threshold_email_reminder | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/admin/task_runner.rb | Admin::TaskRunner | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/admin/task_runner.rb | Admin::TaskRunner#run | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/admin/task_runner.rb | Admin::TaskRunner#tasks | has the variable name 't' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/audit_logger.rb | AuditLogger | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/audit_logger.rb | AuditLogger#format_message | has 4 parameters | LongParameterList |
app/lib/audit_logger.rb | AuditLogger#error | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/lib/audit_logger.rb | AuditLogger#format_message | has unused parameter 'progname' | UnusedParameters |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore | takes parameters ['name', 'options'] to 6 methods | DataClump |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#fetch | calls 'read(name, options)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore | has missing safe method 'lock!' | MissingSafeMethod |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#fetch | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore | tests 'logger' at least 4 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore | tests 'raise_errors?' at least 4 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#fetch | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_add | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_delete | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_get | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_set | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_add | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_add | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_delete | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_delete | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_get | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_get | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_set | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/active_support/cache/atomic_dalli_store.rb | ActiveSupport::Cache::AtomicDalliStore#ttl_set | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/lib/quiet_logger.rb | QuietLogger#call | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/lib/quiet_logger.rb | QuietLogger | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/lib/quiet_logger.rb | QuietLogger#logger | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator#validate_each | calls 'record.errors' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator#validate_each | calls 'record.errors.add attribute, :invalid' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator#validate_each | refers to 'record' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator#parsed_email | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/validators/email_validator.rb | EmailValidator#plus_address? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/validators/postcode_validator.rb | PostcodeValidator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/delete_petition_job.rb | DeletePetitionJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/delete_petition_job.rb | DeletePetitionJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/deliver_petition_email_job.rb | DeliverPetitionEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/invalidate_signatures_job.rb | InvalidateSignaturesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/invalidate_signatures_job.rb | InvalidateSignaturesJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_creator_that_petition_was_rejected_email_job.rb | NotifyCreatorThatPetitionWasRejectedEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/deliver_debate_scheduled_email_job.rb | DeliverDebateScheduledEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/deliver_debate_scheduled_email_job.rb | DeliverDebateScheduledEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/email_job.rb | EmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/email_job.rb | EmailJob#set_appsignal_namespace | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_sponsor_that_petition_is_published_email_job.rb | NotifySponsorThatPetitionIsPublishedEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/email_threshold_response_job.rb | EmailThresholdResponseJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#fetch_register | calls 'request.options' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#fetch_register | refers to 'request' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#perform | refers to 'location' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#perform | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#countries | has the variable name 'x' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#faraday | has the variable name 'f' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/fetch_country_register_job.rb | FetchCountryRegisterJob#faraday | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/close_petitions_early_job.rb | ClosePetitionsEarlyJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/close_petitions_early_job.rb | ClosePetitionsEarlyJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/backfill_signature_uuids_job.rb | BackfillSignatureUuidsJob#perform | refers to 'signature' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/backfill_signature_uuids_job.rb | BackfillSignatureUuidsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/backfill_signature_uuids_job.rb | BackfillSignatureUuidsJob#perform | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/email_threshold_reminder_job.rb | EmailThresholdReminderJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/email_threshold_reminder_job.rb | EmailThresholdReminderJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_sponsor_that_petition_was_rejected_email_job.rb | NotifySponsorThatPetitionWasRejectedEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_creator_that_parliament_is_dissolving_job.rb | NotifyCreatorThatParliamentIsDissolvingJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/trending_domains_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingDomainsByPetitionJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/trending_domains_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingDomainsByPetitionJob#perform | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/jobs/trending_domains_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingDomainsByPetitionJob#perform | has approx 10 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/trending_domains_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingDomainsByPetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/email_debate_scheduled_job.rb | EmailDebateScheduledJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_everyone_of_moderation_decision_job.rb | NotifyEveryoneOfModerationDecisionJob#perform | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_everyone_of_moderation_decision_job.rb | NotifyEveryoneOfModerationDecisionJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_everyone_of_moderation_decision_job.rb | NotifyEveryoneOfModerationDecisionJob#notify_everyone_of_publication | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_everyone_of_moderation_decision_job.rb | NotifyEveryoneOfModerationDecisionJob#notify_everyone_of_rejection | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/stop_petitions_early_job.rb | StopPetitionsEarlyJob#send_notification | calls 'petition.creator' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/stop_petitions_early_job.rb | StopPetitionsEarlyJob#perform | refers to 'petition' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/stop_petitions_early_job.rb | StopPetitionsEarlyJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/stop_petitions_early_job.rb | StopPetitionsEarlyJob#send_notification | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_creator_that_petition_is_published_email_job.rb | NotifyCreatorThatPetitionIsPublishedEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/email_confirmation_for_signer_email_job.rb | EmailConfirmationForSignerEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/refresh_constituencies_job.rb | RefreshConstituenciesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/refresh_constituencies_job.rb | RefreshConstituenciesJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/update_signature_counts_job.rb | UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform | calls 'petition.last_signed_at' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/update_signature_counts_job.rb | UpdateSignatureCountsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/update_signature_counts_job.rb | UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform | has approx 14 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/update_signature_counts_job.rb | UpdateSignatureCountsJob#current_time | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/feedback_email_job.rb | FeedbackEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/feedback_email_job.rb | FeedbackEmailJob::SendingDisabledError | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/feedback_email_job.rb | FeedbackEmailJob#feedback_sending_disabled? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/email_duplicate_signatures_email_job.rb | EmailDuplicateSignaturesEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/deliver_threshold_response_email_job.rb | DeliverThresholdResponseEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/deliver_threshold_response_email_job.rb | DeliverThresholdResponseEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/delete_petitions_job.rb | DeletePetitionsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/petition_and_email_confirmation_for_sponsor_email_job.rb | PetitionAndEmailConfirmationForSponsorEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#fetch_constituencies | calls 'request.options' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#perform | calls 'row["ONSCode"]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#constituencies | refers to 'body' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#fetch_constituencies | refers to 'request' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#perform | refers to 'constituency' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#current_constituencies | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#perform | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#current_constituencies | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#faraday | has the variable name 'f' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/import_constituencies_job.rb | ImportConstituenciesJob#faraday | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/petition_count_job.rb | PetitionCountJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/petition_count_job.rb | PetitionCountJob#current_time | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/petition_count_job.rb | PetitionCountJob#petitions | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/reset_petition_signature_count_job.rb | ResetPetitionSignatureCountJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/reset_petition_signature_count_job.rb | ResetPetitionSignatureCountJob::InvalidSignatureCount | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/reset_petition_signature_count_job.rb | ResetPetitionSignatureCountJob#current_time | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/reset_petition_signature_count_job.rb | ResetPetitionSignatureCountJob#error_message | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/update_petition_statistics_job.rb | UpdatePetitionStatisticsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/update_petition_statistics_job.rb | UpdatePetitionStatisticsJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_creator_that_moderation_is_delayed_job.rb | NotifyCreatorThatModerationIsDelayedJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/backfill_canonical_emails_job.rb | BackfillCanonicalEmailsJob#perform | refers to 'signature' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/backfill_canonical_emails_job.rb | BackfillCanonicalEmailsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/backfill_canonical_emails_job.rb | BackfillCanonicalEmailsJob#perform | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#fetch_members | calls 'request.options' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#parse | calls 'node.xpath(MP_ID)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#parse | calls 'node.xpath(MP_ID).text' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#fetch_members | refers to 'request' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#perform | refers to 'constituency' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob | has 7 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#load_members | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#parse | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#faraday | has the variable name 'f' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#load_members | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#faraday | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/refresh_constituency_party_job.rb | RefreshConstituencyPartyJob#parse | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#domain_address_link | calls 'domain.domain' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#petition_link | calls 'domain.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#domain_address_link | refers to 'domain' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#message | refers to 'params' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#petition_link | refers to 'domain' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_trending_domain_job.rb | NotifyTrendingDomainJob#message | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | calls 'parliament.petitions' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | refers to 'p' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | contains iterators nested 3 deep | NestedIterators |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has approx 70 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'c' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'l' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'n' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'o' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'p' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'r' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_petition_job.rb | ArchivePetitionJob#parliament | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/deliver_debate_outcome_email_job.rb | DeliverDebateOutcomeEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/deliver_debate_outcome_email_job.rb | DeliverDebateOutcomeEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/sponsor_signed_email_below_threshold_email_job.rb | SponsorSignedEmailBelowThresholdEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_creator_of_sponsored_petition_being_stopped_job.rb | NotifyCreatorOfSponsoredPetitionBeingStoppedJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/sponsor_signed_email_on_threshold_email_job.rb | SponsorSignedEmailOnThresholdEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/close_petitions_job.rb | ClosePetitionsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/close_petitions_job.rb | ClosePetitionsJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/debated_petitions_job.rb | DebatedPetitionsJob#perform | calls 'date.to_date' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/debated_petitions_job.rb | DebatedPetitionsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/debated_petitions_job.rb | DebatedPetitionsJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#ip_address_link | calls 'ip.ip_address' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#petition_link | calls 'ip.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#ip_address_link | refers to 'ip' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#message | refers to 'params' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#petition_link | refers to 'ip' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_trending_ip_job.rb | NotifyTrendingIpJob#message | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/email_debate_outcomes_job.rb | EmailDebateOutcomesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/enqueue_petition_statistics_updates_job.rb | EnqueuePetitionStatisticsUpdatesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_creators_that_moderation_is_delayed_job.rb | NotifyCreatorsThatModerationIsDelayedJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_creators_that_moderation_is_delayed_job.rb | NotifyCreatorsThatModerationIsDelayedJob#petitions | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/backfill_constituencies_job.rb | BackfillConstituenciesJob | takes parameters ['id', 'since'] to 3 methods | DataClump |
app/jobs/backfill_constituencies_job.rb | BackfillConstituenciesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/backfill_constituencies_job.rb | BackfillConstituenciesJob#perform | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/backfill_constituencies_job.rb | BackfillConstituenciesJob#signatures_missing_constituency_id | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/application_job.rb | ApplicationJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/application_job.rb | ApplicationJob#reload_parliament | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/application_job.rb | ApplicationJob#reload_site | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_petition_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverPetitionEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_debate_scheduled_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverDebateScheduledEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_debate_scheduled_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverDebateScheduledEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/email_threshold_response_job.rb | Archived::EmailThresholdResponseJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/email_debate_scheduled_job.rb | Archived::EmailDebateScheduledJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_threshold_response_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverThresholdResponseEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_threshold_response_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverThresholdResponseEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_debate_outcome_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverDebateOutcomeEmailJob#create_email | calls 'signature.petition' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archived/deliver_debate_outcome_email_job.rb | Archived::DeliverDebateOutcomeEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/email_debate_outcomes_job.rb | Archived::EmailDebateOutcomesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archived/email_petitioners_job.rb | Archived::EmailPetitionersJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/gather_sponsors_for_petition_email_job.rb | GatherSponsorsForPetitionEmailJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/trending_ips_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingIpsByPetitionJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/trending_ips_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingIpsByPetitionJob#perform | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/jobs/trending_ips_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingIpsByPetitionJob#perform | has approx 10 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/trending_ips_by_petition_job.rb | TrendingIpsByPetitionJob#perform | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/concerns/email_delivery.rb | EmailDelivery | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/concerns/email_delivery.rb | EmailDelivery#perform | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/concerns/email_delivery.rb | EmailDelivery#set_appsignal_namespace | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/concerns/email_all_petition_signatories.rb | EmailAllPetitionSignatories | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/concerns/email_all_petition_signatories.rb | EmailAllPetitionSignatories::ClassMethods | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/concerns/email_all_petition_signatories.rb | EmailAllPetitionSignatories::ClassMethods#requested_at_iso8601 | has the name 'requested_at_iso8601' | UncommunicativeMethodName |
app/jobs/concerns/email_all_petition_signatories.rb | EmailAllPetitionSignatories#set_appsignal_namespace | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/concerns/rate_limiting.rb | RateLimiting | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/concerns/rate_limiting.rb | RateLimiting#perform | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/notify_creators_that_parliament_is_dissolving_job.rb | NotifyCreatorsThatParliamentIsDissolvingJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/notify_creators_that_parliament_is_dissolving_job.rb | NotifyCreatorsThatParliamentIsDissolvingJob#petitions | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/email_petitioners_job.rb | EmailPetitionersJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | calls 'Time.current' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | calls 'petition.signatures' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | calls 'petition.signatures.unarchived' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | calls 'petition.signatures.unarchived.exists?' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | refers to 'signature' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#reschedule_job | has 4 parameters | LongParameterList |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | has approx 39 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#perform | has the variable name 's' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/jobs/archive_signatures_job.rb | ArchiveSignaturesJob#reschedule_job | has unused parameter 'limit' | UnusedParameters |
app/jobs/archive_petitions_job.rb | ArchivePetitionsJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/jobs/archive_petitions_job.rb | ArchivePetitionsJob#perform | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/jobs/notify_creator_of_validated_petition_being_stopped_job.rb | NotifyCreatorOfValidatedPetitionBeingStoppedJob | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#url_without_format | calls 'request.path' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#unknown_format? | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController | has at least 20 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#url_without_format | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#current_time | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#parliament_dissolved? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#public_petition_facets | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#reload_parliament | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#reload_site | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/application_controller.rb | ApplicationController#site_enabled? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/sponsors_controller.rb | SponsorsController#build_signature | calls '@petition.sponsors' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/sponsors_controller.rb | SponsorsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/sponsors_controller.rb | SponsorsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/sponsors_controller.rb | SponsorsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/pages_controller.rb | PagesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petition_details_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionDetailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petition_details_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionDetailsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController#create | calls 'format.html' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController | assumes too much for instance variable '@moderation_delay' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController#create | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController#enqeue_job | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_delays_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationDelaysController#example_petition | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/admin/trending_ips_controller.rb | Admin::TrendingIpsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/trending_ips_controller.rb | Admin::TrendingIpsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/moderation_controller.rb | Admin::ModerationController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::GovernmentResponseController | assumes too much for instance variable '@government_response' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::GovernmentResponseController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::GovernmentResponseController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/tasks_controller.rb | Admin::TasksController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb | Admin::TagsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@tag' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb | Admin::TagsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/statistics_controller.rb | Admin::StatisticsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/notes_controller.rb | Admin::NotesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@note' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/notes_controller.rb | Admin::NotesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/notes_controller.rb | Admin::NotesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petition_tags_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionTagsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petition_tags_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionTagsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::DebateOutcomesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@debate_outcome' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::DebateOutcomesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::DebateOutcomesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionsController#scope | calls 'params[:match]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionsController#scope | calls 'params[:tags]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petitions' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/invalidations_controller.rb | Admin::InvalidationsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@invalidation' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/invalidations_controller.rb | Admin::InvalidationsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/invalidations_controller.rb | Admin::InvalidationsController | tests '@invalidation.pending?' at least 4 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/controllers/admin/invalidations_controller.rb | Admin::InvalidationsController | has at least 16 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/controllers/admin/invalidations_controller.rb | Admin::InvalidationsController#invalidation_attributes | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/admin/admin_users_controller.rb | Admin::AdminUsersController | assumes too much for instance variable '@user' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/admin_users_controller.rb | Admin::AdminUsersController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionEmailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@email' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionEmailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionEmailsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionEmailsController#create | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionEmailsController#update | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/domains_controller.rb | Admin::DomainsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@domain' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/domains_controller.rb | Admin::DomainsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/petition_statistics_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionStatisticsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/petition_statistics_controller.rb | Admin::PetitionStatisticsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_destroy | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_invalidate | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_subscribe | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_unsubscribe | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_validate | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#destroy | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#subscribe | calls 'admin_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#unsubscribe | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#validate | calls 'index_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController | has at least 18 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_destroy | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_invalidate | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_subscribe | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_unsubscribe | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#bulk_validate | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#invalidate | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::SignaturesController#validate | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/trending_domains_controller.rb | Admin::TrendingDomainsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/trending_domains_controller.rb | Admin::TrendingDomainsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/admin_controller.rb | Admin::AdminController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/admin_controller.rb | Admin::AdminController#set_appsignal_namespace | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb | Admin::SitesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@site' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb | Admin::SitesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/logs_controller.rb | Admin::LogsController#show | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/admin/logs_controller.rb | Admin::LogsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@logs' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/logs_controller.rb | Admin::LogsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/logs_controller.rb | Admin::LogsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/take_down_controller.rb | Admin::TakeDownController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/take_down_controller.rb | Admin::TakeDownController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/locks_controller.rb | Admin::LocksController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/locks_controller.rb | Admin::LocksController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/searches_controller.rb | Admin::SearchesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/profile_controller.rb | Admin::ProfileController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_details_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionDetailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_details_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionDetailsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::GovernmentResponseController | assumes too much for instance variable '@government_response' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::GovernmentResponseController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/government_response_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::GovernmentResponseController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/notes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::NotesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@note' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/notes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::NotesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/notes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::NotesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_tags_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionTagsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_tags_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionTagsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::DebateOutcomesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@debate_outcome' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::DebateOutcomesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/debate_outcomes_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::DebateOutcomesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController#fetch_parliament | calls 'Parliament.archived' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController#scope | calls '@parliament.petitions' 4 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController#scope | calls 'params[:match]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController#scope | calls 'params[:tags]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@parliament' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petitions' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionEmailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@email' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionEmailsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionEmailsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionEmailsController#create | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/archived/petition_emails_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::PetitionEmailsController#update | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_destroy | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_subscribe | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_unsubscribe | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#destroy | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#subscribe | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#unsubscribe | calls 'admin_archived_signatures_url(search_params)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_destroy | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_subscribe | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::SignaturesController#bulk_unsubscribe | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/admin/archived/locks_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::LocksController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/locks_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::LocksController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/archived/schedule_debate_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::ScheduleDebateController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/archived/schedule_debate_controller.rb | Admin::Archived::ScheduleDebateController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/holidays_controller.rb | Admin::HolidaysController | assumes too much for instance variable '@holiday' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/holidays_controller.rb | Admin::HolidaysController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/schedule_debate_controller.rb | Admin::ScheduleDebateController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/schedule_debate_controller.rb | Admin::ScheduleDebateController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/rate_limits_controller.rb | Admin::RateLimitsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@rate_limit' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/rate_limits_controller.rb | Admin::RateLimitsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/user_sessions_controller.rb | Admin::UserSessionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@user_session' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/user_sessions_controller.rb | Admin::UserSessionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/parliaments_controller.rb | Admin::ParliamentsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@parliament' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/admin/parliaments_controller.rb | Admin::ParliamentsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/admin/parliaments_controller.rb | Admin::ParliamentsController#update | has approx 10 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/trackers_controller.rb | TrackersController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/trackers_controller.rb | TrackersController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController#index | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController#show | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@new_petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petitions' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/petitions_controller.rb | PetitionsController | has at least 32 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/controllers/ping_controller.rb | PingController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/constituencies_controller.rb | ConstituenciesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController#csv_filename | calls '@constituency.slug' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController#redirect_to_constituency | calls '@constituency.slug' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController#all | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController#show | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@constituency' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@postcode' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/local_petitions_controller.rb | LocalPetitionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/feedback_controller.rb | FeedbackController | assumes too much for instance variable '@feedback' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/feedback_controller.rb | FeedbackController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController#build_signature | calls '@petition.signatures' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController | has at least 38 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController#form_request_timestamps | has the variable name 'r' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/controllers/signatures_controller.rb | SignaturesController#form_request_expired? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController#fetch_parliament | calls 'Parliament.archived' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController#index | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController#show | refers to 'format' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@parliament' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petition' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController | assumes too much for instance variable '@petitions' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/archived/petitions_controller.rb | Archived::PetitionsController#archived_petition_facets | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Archived::SignaturesController | assumes too much for instance variable '@signature' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/controllers/archived/signatures_controller.rb | Archived::SignaturesController | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_render.rb | FlashRender#render | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_render.rb | FlashRender#render | calls 'translate_flash(value)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_render.rb | FlashRender | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_render.rb | FlashRender#render | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/controllers/concerns/authentication.rb | Authentication | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/authentication.rb | Authentication#set_login_timeout | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/concerns/bulk_verification.rb | BulkVerification | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/bulk_verification.rb | BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/form_tracking.rb | FormTracking#form_request | calls 'form_requests[form_request_id]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/concerns/form_tracking.rb | FormTracking#form_requests | calls 'session["form_requests"]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/controllers/concerns/form_tracking.rb | FormTracking | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/form_tracking.rb | FormTracking#generate_form_token | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_i18n.rb | FlashI18n | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/controllers/concerns/flash_i18n.rb | FlashI18n#translate_flash | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/sharing_helper.rb | SharingHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/sharing_helper.rb | SharingHelper#share_params | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/petition_helper.rb | PetitionHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/petition_helper.rb | PetitionHelper#current_threshold | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/form_helper.rb | FormHelper#form_row | calls 'opts[:class]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/form_helper.rb | FormHelper#form_row | calls 'opts[:for]' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/form_helper.rb | FormHelper#form_row | refers to 'opts' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/form_helper.rb | FormHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/form_helper.rb | FormHelper#countries_for_select | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#date_time_format | has boolean parameter 'seconds' | BooleanParameter |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#date_time_format | is controlled by argument 'seconds' | ControlParameter |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#api_date_format | manually dispatches method call | ManualDispatch |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#api_date_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#christmas_period? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#date_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#date_format_admin | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#date_time_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#easter_period? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#last_updated_at_time | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#local_date_time_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#short_date_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/date_time_helper.rb | DateTimeHelper#short_date_time_format | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/debate_outcome_helper.rb | DebateOutcomeHelper#debate_outcome_image | calls 'debate_outcome.commons_image' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/debate_outcome_helper.rb | DebateOutcomeHelper#debate_outcome_image | refers to 'debate_outcome' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/debate_outcome_helper.rb | DebateOutcomeHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/debate_outcome_helper.rb | DebateOutcomeHelper#debate_outcome_links | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/debate_outcome_helper.rb | DebateOutcomeHelper#debate_outcome_links? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/moderation_helper.rb | ModerationHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/moderation_helper.rb | ModerationHelper#moderation_delay? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/page_title_helper.rb | PageTitleHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/page_title_helper.rb | PageTitleHelper::PageTitleBuilder | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/page_title_helper.rb | PageTitleHelper::PageTitleBuilder#options | has approx 9 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#auto_linked? | is controlled by argument 'right' | ControlParameter |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#auto_link_urls | calls 'punctuation.last' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker | assumes too much for instance variable '@sanitize' | InstanceVariableAssumption |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker | tests 'sanitize?' at least 4 times | RepeatedConditional |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker | has 6 constants | TooManyConstants |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker | has at least 5 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#auto_link_email_addresses | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#auto_link_urls | has approx 13 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#generate | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/auto_link_helper.rb | AutoLinkHelper::AutoLinker#auto_linked? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/rejection_helper.rb | RejectionHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper | takes parameters ['limit', 'since'] to 12 methods | DataClump |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#cms_delete_link | calls 'options[:model_name]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#cms_delete_link | calls 'options[:url]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#email_petitioners_with_count_submit_button | calls 'petition.signature_count' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#trending_window? | calls 'params[:window]' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_domains | refers to 'domains' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_ips | refers to 'ips' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_domains | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_ips | contains iterators nested 2 deep | NestedIterators |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_domains | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_ips | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_domains | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_trending_ips | has the variable name 'i' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#admin_archived_petition_facets | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#admin_invalidation_facets | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#admin_petition_facets | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_fraudulent_domains | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_helper.rb | AdminHelper#build_fraudulent_ips | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/search_helper.rb | SearchHelper#paginate | calls 'petitions.model' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/search_helper.rb | SearchHelper#filtered_petition_count | refers to 'petitions' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/search_helper.rb | SearchHelper#paginate | refers to 'petitions' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/search_helper.rb | SearchHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper#petition_duration_to_words | calls 'duration.floor' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper#petition_duration_to_words | calls 'duration.frac' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper#petition_duration_to_words | calls 'pluralize(duration.floor, "month")' 3 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper#petition_duration_to_words | refers to 'duration' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/archived_petition_helper.rb | ArchivedPetitionHelper#archived_threshold | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_hub_helper.rb | AdminHubHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/admin_hub_helper.rb | AdminHubHelper::ActionCountsDecorator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/admin_hub_helper.rb | AdminHubHelper#action_counts | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/admin_hub_helper.rb | AdminHubHelper::ActionCountsDecorator#generate_counts | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/signature_helper.rb | SignatureHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/signature_helper.rb | SignatureHelper#siganture_count_options | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#method_missing | calls 'name.to_s' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#cache_key_for | refers to 'value' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Dependencies | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Fragment | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper#csv_cache | manually dispatches method call | ManualDispatch |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#cache_key_for | manually dispatches method call | ManualDispatch |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys | has at least 16 methods | TooManyMethods |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey#dependency_keys | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Dependencies#for | has the variable name 'd' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#cache_key_for | has the variable name 'v' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#last_petition_created_at | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/cache_helper.rb | CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys#site_updated_at | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/home_helper.rb | HomeHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/home_helper.rb | HomeHelper::ActionedPetitionsDecorator | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/home_helper.rb | HomeHelper#fetch_trending_petitions | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/home_helper.rb | HomeHelper::ActionedPetitionsDecorator#generate_actioned | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/markdown_helper.rb | MarkdownHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/markdown_helper.rb | MarkdownHelper#options_for_parser | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/markdown_helper.rb | MarkdownHelper#options_for_renderer | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/markdown_helper.rb | MarkdownHelper#text_renderer | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
app/helpers/social_meta_helper.rb | SocialMetaHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/application_helper.rb | ApplicationHelper#referer_url | calls 'request.referer' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
app/helpers/application_helper.rb | ApplicationHelper | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
app/helpers/application_helper.rb | ApplicationHelper#referer_url | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
app/helpers/application_helper.rb | ApplicationHelper#referer_url | has the variable name 'e' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
app/helpers/application_helper.rb | ApplicationHelper#referer_url | has the variable name 'k' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#stringify | is controlled by argument 'b' | ControlParameter |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#checkup | calls 'self.send(symptom)' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#checkup | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#stringify | has the parameter name 'b' | UncommunicativeParameterName |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#database_connection | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#hostname | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#localtime | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/health_check.rb | HealthCheck#utctime | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/health_check_middleware.rb | HealthCheckMiddleware | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#upload! | calls '' 2 times | DuplicateMethodCall |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#build_package | refers to 'args' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#create_archive | refers to 'args' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_complete | refers to 'deployment' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_progress | refers to 'deployment' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) | FeatureEnvy |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'build!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'build!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'create_deployment!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'deploy!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'deploy!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has missing safe method 'upload!' | MissingSafeMethod |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#track_progress | performs a nil-check | NilCheck |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has at least 5 instance variables | TooManyInstanceVariables |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder | has at least 72 methods | TooManyMethods |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#build! | has approx 12 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#build_package | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#create_archive | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#create_deployment! | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_complete | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_progress | has approx 6 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#notify_appsignal | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#track_progress | has approx 11 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#upload! | has approx 8 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#write_scripts | has approx 7 statements | TooManyStatements |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#upload! | has the variable name 's3' | UncommunicativeVariableName |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#application_start_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#application_stop_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#appsignal_push_api_key | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#ci? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#common_functions_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deploy_branch? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deploy_release? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_config_name | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deployment_group_name | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#deregister_from_elb_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#description | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#info | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#profile | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#pull_request? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#region | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#register_with_elb_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#skip_build? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#skip_gems? | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#slack_webhook | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#treeish | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#username | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/package_builder.rb | PackageBuilder#write_script | doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?) | UtilityFunction |
lib/postcode_sanitizer.rb | PostcodeSanitizer | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL | takes parameters ['collector', 'o'] to 3 methods | DataClump |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Nodes::Contained | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Nodes::Contains | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Nodes::Overlaps | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Predications | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL | has no descriptive comment | IrresponsibleModule |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Contained | has the name 'visit_Arel_Nodes_Contained' | UncommunicativeMethodName |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Contains | has the name 'visit_Arel_Nodes_Contains' | UncommunicativeMethodName |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Overlaps | has the name 'visit_Arel_Nodes_Overlaps' | UncommunicativeMethodName |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Contained | has the parameter name 'o' | UncommunicativeParameterName |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Contains | has the parameter name 'o' | UncommunicativeParameterName |
lib/arel_extensions.rb | Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL#visit_Arel_Nodes_Overlaps | has the parameter name 'o' | UncommunicativeParameterName |
Generated on 2019-09-22 14:30:40 -0400