
app/controllers/concerns / flash_i18n.rb

30 lines of codes
2 methods
11.0 complexity/method
1 churn
21.94 complexity
0 duplications
module FlashI18n
  1. FlashI18n has no descriptive comment
protected def redirect_to(url, options = {}) self.class._flash_types.each do |flash_type| if options.key?(flash_type) options[flash_type] = translate_flash(options[flash_type]) end end if other_flashes = options[:flash] other_flashes.each do |key, value| other_flashes[key] = translate_flash(value) end end super(url, options) end def translate_flash(key)
  1. FlashI18n#translate_flash doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
if Array === key options = key.extract_options! I18n.t(key.first, { scope: :"admin.flash" }.merge(options)) elsif Symbol === key I18n.t(key, scope: :"admin.flash") else key end end end