
app/controllers / trackers_controller.rb

38 lines of codes
5 methods
4.4 complexity/method
2 churn
22.05 complexity
0 duplications
class TrackersController < ApplicationController
  1. TrackersController assumes too much for instance variable '@petition'
  2. TrackersController has no descriptive comment
include FormTracking before_action :fetch_petition before_action :verify_petition before_action :verify_form_token before_action :do_not_cache def show cookies.encrypted[form_token] = current_time respond_to do |format| format.gif end end private def petition_id @petition_id ||= Integer(params[:petition_id]) end def fetch_petition @petition = Petition.visible.find(petition_id) end def verify_petition if @petition.closed_for_signing? raise ActionController::BadRequest, "Petition has been closed" end end def verify_form_token unless form_token == params[:id] raise ActionController::BadRequest, "The token in the session doesn't match the url token" end end end