
app/helpers / page_title_helper.rb

79 lines of codes
9 methods
5.0 complexity/method
8 churn
45.06 complexity
0 duplications
module PageTitleHelper
  1. PageTitleHelper has no descriptive comment
class PageTitleBuilder
  1. PageTitleHelper::PageTitleBuilder has no descriptive comment
class << self def build(template) new(template).build end end attr_reader :template delegate :assigns, to: :template delegate :params, to: :template delegate :translate, to: :template delegate :[], :has_key?, to: :assigns def initialize(template) @template = template end def build translate key, options end private def controller @controller ||= params[:controller].tr('/', '_') end def action @action ||= params[:action] end def key @key ||= :"#{controller}.#{action}" end def options
  1. PageTitleHelper::PageTitleBuilder#options has a flog score of 26
  2. PageTitleHelper::PageTitleBuilder#options has approx 9 statements
{}.tap do |opts| opts[:scope] = :page_titles opts[:default] = [:"#{controller}.default", :default] opts[:constituency] = constituency.name if constituency? opts[:postcode] = formatted_postcode if postcode? if postcode? opts[:count] = 1 else opts[:count] = 0 end if petition? opts[:petition] = petition.action if controller == 'sponsors' opts[:creator] = petition.creator.name end end end end %w[constituency petition postcode].each do |object| define_method :"#{object}?" do send(:"#{object}").present? end define_method :"#{object}" do send(:[], object) end end def formatted_postcode postcode.gsub(/\A(.+)(.{3})\z/, '\1 \2') end end def page_title PageTitleBuilder.build(self) end end