
app/jobs/concerns / email_all_petition_signatories.rb

98 lines of codes
13 methods
4.7 complexity/method
7 churn
61.5 complexity
0 duplications
module EmailAllPetitionSignatories
  1. EmailAllPetitionSignatories has no descriptive comment
# Concern to add shared functionality to ActiveJob classes # that are responsible for enqueuing send email jobs extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_perform :set_appsignal_namespace class_attribute :email_delivery_job_class class_attribute :timestamp_name attr_reader :petition, :requested_at queue_as :high_priority end module ClassMethods
  1. EmailAllPetitionSignatories::ClassMethods has no descriptive comment
def run_later_tonight(**args) petition, @requested_at = args[:petition], nil petition.set_email_requested_at_for(timestamp_name, to: requested_at) set(wait_until: later_tonight).perform_later(**args.merge(requested_at: requested_at_iso8601)) end private def requested_at @requested_at ||= Time.current end def requested_at_iso8601
  1. EmailAllPetitionSignatories::ClassMethods#requested_at_iso8601 has the name 'requested_at_iso8601'
requested_at.getutc.iso8601(6) end def later_tonight midnight + random_interval end def midnight requested_at.end_of_day end def random_interval rand(240).minutes + rand(60).seconds end end def perform(**args) @petition, @requested_at = args[:petition], args[:requested_at] # If the petition has been updated since the job # was queued then don't send the emails. unless petition_has_been_updated? enqueue_send_email_jobs end end private # Batches the signataries to send emails to in groups of 1000 # and enqueues a job to do the actual sending def enqueue_send_email_jobs Appsignal.without_instrumentation do signatures_to_email.find_each do |signature| email_delivery_job_class.perform_later(**mailer_arguments(signature)) end end end def mailer_arguments(signature) { signature: signature, timestamp_name: timestamp_name, petition: petition, requested_at: requested_at } end # admins can ask to send the email multiple times and each time they # ask we enqueues a new job to send out emails with a new timestamp # we want to execute only the latest job enqueued def petition_has_been_updated? (petition_timestamp - requested_at.in_time_zone).abs > 1 end def petition_timestamp petition.get_email_requested_at_for(timestamp_name) end def signatures_to_email petition.signatures_to_email_for(timestamp_name) end def set_appsignal_namespace
  1. EmailAllPetitionSignatories#set_appsignal_namespace doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
Appsignal.set_namespace("email") end end