
app/jobs / notify_creators_that_moderation_is_delayed_job.rb

15 lines of codes
2 methods
2.9 complexity/method
2 churn
5.71 complexity
0 duplications
class NotifyCreatorsThatModerationIsDelayedJob < ApplicationJob
  1. NotifyCreatorsThatModerationIsDelayedJob has no descriptive comment
queue_as :high_priority def perform(subject, body) petitions.find_each do |petition| NotifyCreatorThatModerationIsDelayedJob.perform_later(petition.creator, subject, body) end end private def petitions
  1. NotifyCreatorsThatModerationIsDelayedJob#petitions doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
Petition.overdue_in_moderation end end