
app/models / constituency.rb

117 lines of codes
11 methods
9.1 complexity/method
11 churn
99.66 complexity
0 duplications
require_dependency 'constituency/api_client' require_dependency 'constituency/api_query' class Constituency < ActiveRecord::Base
  1. Constituency has no descriptive comment
MP_URL = "http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/commons" has_many :signatures, primary_key: :external_id has_many :petitions, through: :signatures validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 } validates :external_id, presence: true, length: { maximum: 30 } validates :ons_code, presence: true, format: %r[\A(?:E|W|S|N)\d{8}\z] validates :mp_id, length: { maximum: 30 } validates :mp_name, length: { maximum: 100 } validates :example_postcode, presence: true delegate :query, :example_postcodes, to: "self.class" before_validation unless: :example_postcode? do self.example_postcode = example_postcodes[ons_code] end before_validation if: :name_changed? do self.slug = name.parameterize end validate on: :update, if: :example_postcode_changed? do results = query.fetch(example_postcode) attributes = results.first if attributes.nil? || external_id != attributes[:external_id] errors.add :example_postcode, :invalid end end class << self def by_ons_code order(ons_code: :asc) end def find_by_postcode(postcode)
  1. Constituency#find_by_postcode has approx 6 statements
return if Site.disable_constituency_api? results = query.fetch(postcode) if attributes = results.first constituency = find_or_initialize_by(external_id: attributes[:external_id]) constituency.attributes = attributes if constituency.changed? || constituency.new_record? constituency.save! end constituency end end def refresh!
  1. Constituency has missing safe method 'refresh!'
find_each { |c| c.refresh! }
  1. Constituency#refresh! has the variable name 'c'
end def query ApiQuery.new end def example_postcodes @example_postcodes ||= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("data", "example_postcodes.yml")) end end def sitting_mp? mp_id? end def mp_url "#{MP_URL}/#{mp_name.parameterize}/#{mp_id}" end def to_param slug end def refresh!
  1. Constituency#refresh! has a flog score of 25
  2. Constituency has missing safe method 'refresh!'
  3. Constituency#refresh! has approx 9 statements
return unless example_postcode? results = query.fetch(example_postcode) attributes = results.first if attributes.nil?
  1. Constituency#refresh! performs a nil-check
raise empty_results_exception elsif external_id != attributes[:external_id] raise mismatched_results_exception(attributes) else self.mp_id = attributes[:mp_id] self.mp_name = attributes[:mp_name] self.mp_date = attributes[:mp_date] save! if changed? end end private def empty_results_exception RuntimeError.new <<-ERROR.squish empty results from API when refreshing with example_postcode #{example_postcode.inspect} ERROR end def mismatched_results_exception(attributes) RuntimeError.new <<-ERROR.squish mismatched constituencies when refreshing with example postcode #{example_postcode.inspect} - expected: #{external_id}, actual: #{attributes[:external_id]} ERROR end end