
app/presenters / api_pagination_links_presenter.rb

73 lines of codes
9 methods
6.2 complexity/method
2 churn
55.9 complexity
0 duplications
class ApiPaginationLinksPresenter
  1. ApiPaginationLinksPresenter has no descriptive comment
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # results should be a Browseable::Search instance that # exposes the attributes delegated to it below def initialize(results, params) @results, @params = results, params end def serialize { first: first_url, last: last_url, next: next_url, prev: prev_url } end private attr_reader :results, :params delegate :total_pages, :first_page?, :second_page?, :last_page?, to: :results # Sense check that the current page cannot be greater than the total number of pages def current_page [results.current_page, results.total_pages].min end def first_url url_for url_params end def last_url # If there are no results then the first_page == last_page if total_pages == 1 first_url else url_for url_params.merge(page: total_pages) end end def next_url unless results.last_page? url_for url_params.merge(page: current_page + 1) else nil end end def prev_url # first page of results does not need the :page param to improve caching return first_url if second_page? # use the last_url if we have paged off the end of the results return last_url if results.current_page > total_pages # only supply a link if there is a page of results before the current_page if current_page > 1 url_for url_params.merge(page: current_page - 1) else nil end end def url_params params.slice(*api_links_allowed_components) end def api_links_allowed_components [:protocol, :host, :port, :controller, :action, :q, :count, :state, :format] end end