
db/migrate / 20170422104143_add_dissolution_heading_to_parliaments.rb

23 lines of codes
2 methods
4.3 complexity/method
1 churn
8.52 complexity
0 duplications
class AddDissolutionHeadingToParliaments < ActiveRecord::Migration
  1. AddDissolutionHeadingToParliaments has no descriptive comment
class Parliament < ActiveRecord::Base; end
  1. AddDissolutionHeadingToParliaments::Parliament has no descriptive comment
def up add_column :parliaments, :dissolution_heading, :string, limit: 100 parliament = Parliament.first_or_initialize parliament.update!( dissolution_at: Time.utc(2017, 5, 2, 23, 1, 0), dissolution_heading: "All petitions will now close at 00:01am\u00A0on\u00A03\u00A0May\u00A02017", dissolution_message: <<-EOF.squish There will be an early General Election on Thursday 8 June. This means that Parliament has to be dissolved at 00:01am (just after midnight) on Wednesday 3 May, and that all parliamentary business – including petitions – has to stop. EOF ) end def down remove_column :parliaments, :dissolution_heading end end