
features/step_definitions / admin_user_steps.rb

34 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
7 churn
36.86 complexity
0 duplications
Given(/^I try the password "([^"]*)" (\d+) times in a row$/) do |password, number| number.times do steps %Q( And I fill in "Email" with "admin@example.com" And I fill in "Password" with "#{password}" And I press "Sign in" Then I should see "Invalid email/password combination" ) end end Given(/^I try the password "([^"]*)" (\d+) times in a row for the email "([^"]*)"$/) do |password, number, email| number.times do steps %Q( And I fill in "Email" with "#{email}" And I fill in "Password" with "#{password}" And I press "Sign in" Then I should see "Invalid email/password combination" ) end end Given(/^the password was changed (\d+) months ago$/) do |period| AdminUser.last.update!(password_changed_at: period.months.ago) end Then(/^I should see the following admin user table:$/) do |values_table| actual_table = find(:css, 'table.user-list').all(:css, 'tr').map { |row| row.all(:css, 'th, td').map { |cell| cell.text.strip } } values_table.diff!(actual_table) end Then(/^I should see (\d+) rows? in the admin user table$/) do |number| expect(page).to have_xpath( "//table#{XPathHelpers.class_matching('user-list')}[count(tr#{XPathHelpers.class_matching('user-list-user')})=#{number.to_i}]" ) end