
features/step_definitions / feedback_steps.rb

29 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
12 churn
47.43 complexity
0 duplications
Then(/^I should be able to submit feedback$/) do page.driver.browser.header('User-Agent', 'Chrome') @feedback = FactoryBot.create(:feedback, comment: "I can't submit a petition for some reason") fill_in "feedback[email]", with: @feedback.email fill_in "feedback[petition_link_or_title]", with: @feedback.petition_link_or_title fill_in "feedback[comment]", with: @feedback.comment click_button("Send feedback") expect(page).to have_content("Thank") end Then(/^the site owners should be notified$/) do steps %Q( Then "#{Mail::Address.new(Site.feedback_email).address}" should receive an email When they open the email Then they should see "#{@feedback.email}" in the email body Then they should see "#{@feedback.petition_link_or_title}" in the email body Then they should see "#{@feedback.comment}" in the email body Then they should see "Chrome" in the email body ) end Then(/^I cannot submit feedback without filling in the required fields$/) do click_button("Send feedback") expect(page).to have_content("must be completed") step %{"#{Mail::Address.new(Site.feedback_email).address}" should have no emails} end