
features/step_definitions / moderation_steps.rb

149 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
46 churn
171.82 complexity
0 duplications
When(/^I look at the next petition on my list$/) do @petition = FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :with_additional_details, :action => "Petition 1") visit admin_petition_url(@petition) end When(/^I visit a sponsored petition with action: "([^"]*)", that has background: "([^"]*)" and additional details: "([^"]*)"$/) do |petition_action, background, additional_details| @sponsored_petition = FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, action: petition_action, background: background, additional_details: additional_details) visit admin_petition_url(@sponsored_petition) end When(/^I reject the petition with a reason code "([^"]*)"$/) do |reason_code| choose "Reject" select reason_code, :from => :petition_rejection_code click_button "Email petition creator" end When(/^I change the rejection status of the petition with a reason code "([^"]*)"$/) do |reason_code| click_on 'Change rejection reason' select reason_code, :from => :petition_rejection_code click_button "Email petition creator" end When(/^I reject the petition with a reason code "([^"]*)" and some explanatory text$/) do |reason_code| choose "Reject" select reason_code, :from => :petition_rejection_code fill_in :petition_rejection_details, :with => "See guidelines at http://direct.gov.uk" click_button "Email petition creator" end Then /^the petition is not available for signing$/ do visit petition_url(@petition) expect(page).not_to have_css("a", :text => "Sign") end When(/^I publish the petition$/) do choose "Approve" click_button "Email petition creator" end When(/^I flag the petition$/) do choose "Flag" click_button "Save without emailing" end Then /^the petition is still available for searching or viewing$/ do step %{I search for "Rejected petitions" with "#{@petition.action}"} step %{I should see the petition "#{@petition.action}"} step %{I view the petition} step %{I should see the petition details} end Then /^the explanation is displayed on the petition for viewing by the public$/ do step %{I view the petition} step %{I should see the reason for rejection} end Then /^the petition is not available for searching or viewing$/ do step %{I search for "Rejected petitions" with "#{@petition.action}"} step %{I should not see the petition "#{@petition.action}"} end Then /^the petition will still show up in the back\-end reporting$/ do visit admin_petitions_url step %{I should see the petition "#{@petition.action}"} end Then /^the petition should be visible on the site for signing$/ do visit petition_url(@petition) expect(page).to have_css("a", :text => "Sign") end Then(/^the petition can no longer be flagged$/) do visit admin_petition_url(@petition) expect(page).to have_no_field('Flag') end Then(/^the creator should receive a notification email$/) do steps %Q( Then "#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive an email When they open the email Then they should see "published" in the email body And they should see /We published your petition/ in the email subject ) end Then(/^the creator should not receive a notification email$/) do step %{"#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive no email with subject "We published your petition"} end Then(/^the creator should receive a (libel\/profanity )?rejection notification email$/) do |petition_is_libellous| @petition.reload steps %Q( Then "#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive an email When they open the email Then they should see "We rejected the petition you created" in the email body And they should see "#{strip_tags(rejection_description(@petition.rejection.code)).split("\n").first}" in the email body And they should see /We rejected your petition/ in the email subject ) if petition_is_libellous step %{they should not see "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email body} else step %{they should see "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email body} end end Then(/^the creator should not receive a rejection notification email$/) do step %{"#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive no email with subject "We rejected your petition"} end When(/^I view all petitions$/) do click_on 'Petitions Admin' find("//a", :text => /^All Petitions/).click end Then /^I should see the petition "([^"]*)"$/ do |petition_action| expect(page).to have_link(petition_action) end Then /^I should not see the petition "([^"]*)"$/ do |petition_action| expect(page).not_to have_link(petition_action) end When(/^I filter the list to show "([^"]*)" petitions$/) do |option| select option end Then /^I should not see any "([^"]*)" petitions$/ do |state| expect(page).to have_no_css("td.state", :text => state) end Then /^I see relevant reason descriptions when I browse different reason codes$/ do choose "Reject" select "Duplicate petition", :from => :petition_rejection_code expect(page).to have_content "already a petition" select "Confidential, libellous, false, defamatory or references a court case", :from => :petition_rejection_code expect(page).to have_content "It included confidential, libellous, false or defamatory information, or a reference to a case which is active in the UK courts." end Given(/^a moderator responds to the petition$/) do steps %Q( Given I am logged in as a moderator And I view all petitions And I follow "#{@petition.action}" And I follow "Government response" And I fill in "Summary quote" with "Get ready" And I fill in "Response in full" with "Parliament here it comes" And I press "Email #{NumberHelpers.number_with_delimiter(@petition.signature_count)} petitioners" ) end