
features/step_definitions / rate_limit_steps.rb

42 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
3 churn
36.03 complexity
0 duplications
Given(/^the burst rate limit is (\d+) per minute$/) do |rate| RateLimit.first_or_create!.update!(burst_rate: rate, burst_period: 60) end Given(/^the form entry threshold is (\d+) seconds?$/) do |threshold| RateLimit.first_or_create!.update!(threshold_for_form_entry: threshold) end Given(/^there are no allowed IPs$/) do RateLimit.first_or_create!.update!(allowed_ips: "") end Given(/^the domain "(.*?)" is allowed$/) do |domain| RateLimit.first_or_create!.update!(allowed_domains: domain) end Given(/^there is a signature already from this IP address$/) do steps %Q( When I go to the new signature page for "Do something!" And I fill in "Name" with "Existing Signer" And I fill in "Email" with "existing@example.com" And I check "I am a British citizen or UK resident" And I fill in my postcode with "SW14 9RQ" And I select "United Kingdom" from "Location" And I try to sign And I say I am happy with my email address Then I am told to check my inbox to complete signing And "existing@example.com" should receive 1 email ) end When(/^I wait (\d+) seconds?$/) do |duration| sleep duration.to_i end Then(/^the signature "([^"]*)" is marked as fraudulent$/) do |email| expect(Signature.for_email(email).last).to be_fraudulent end Then(/^the signature "([^"]*)" is marked as validated$/) do |email| expect(Signature.for_email(email).last).to be_validated end