
features/step_definitions / search_steps.rb

36 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
13 churn
37.99 complexity
0 duplications
When(/^I browse to see only "([^"]*)" petitions$/) do |facet| step "I go to the petitions page" within :css, '#other-search-lists' do click_on facet end end When(/^I browse to see only "([^"]*)" archived petitions$/) do |facet| step "I go to the archived petitions page" within :css, '#other-search-lists' do click_on facet end end When(/^I search for "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/) do |facet, term| step %{I browse to see only "#{facet}" petitions} step %{I fill in "#{term}" as my search term} step %{I press "Search"} end Then(/^I should( not)? see an? "([^"]*)" petition count of (\d+)$/) do |see_or_not, state, count| have_petition_count_for_state = have_css(%{#other-search-lists a:contains("#{state.capitalize}")}, :text => count.to_s) if see_or_not.blank? expect(page).to have_petition_count_for_state else expect(page).not_to have_petition_count_for_state end end When(/^I fill in "(.*?)" as my search term$/) do |search_term| fill_in :search, with: search_term end Then(/^I should see my search term "(.*?)" filled in the search field$/) do |search_term| expect(page).to have_field('q', with: search_term) end