
features/step_definitions / unsubscription_steps.rb

20 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
2 churn
46.03 complexity
0 duplications
Then /^Suzie should have received a petition response email with an unsubscription link$/ do
  1. Then#/^Suzie should have received a petition response email with an unsubscription link$/ has a flog score of 27
expect(unread_emails_for(@suzies_signature.email).size).to eq 1 open_email(@suzies_signature.email) unsubscription_url = unsubscribe_signature_url(@suzies_signature, token: @suzies_signature.unsubscribe_token) expect(current_email.default_part_body.to_s).to include(unsubscription_url) end When(/^Suzie follows the unsubscription link$/) do open_email(@suzies_signature.email) visit_in_email("unsubscribe") end Then(/^Suzie should see a confirmation page stating that her subscription was successful$/) do expect(page).to have_content("Successfully unsubscribed") end Then(/^Suzie should no longer receive any emails regarding this petition$/) do @suzies_signature.reload expect(@suzies_signature.notify_by_email).to be_falsey end