
features/support / sections.rb

26 lines of codes
2 methods
8.2 complexity/method
6 churn
16.43 complexity
0 duplications
module SectionHelpers
  1. SectionHelpers has no descriptive comment
def xpath_of_section(section_name, prefix = "//") case section_name # Non site-specific based when /"([^\"]*)" fieldset/ "#{prefix}fieldset#{XPathHelpers.class_matching($1.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_'))}" # Sitewide when /^single h1$/ expect(page).to have_xpath("//h1", :count => 1) "#{prefix}h1" else raise "Can't find mapping from \"#{section_name}\" to a section." end end def within_section(section_name) within xpath_of_section(section_name) do yield end end end World(SectionHelpers)