
spec/jobs / archive_petitions_job_spec.rb

58 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
3 churn
90.92 complexity
0 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ArchivePetitionsJob, type: :job do it "enqueues a job for every petition" do FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition) FactoryBot.create(:stopped_petition) FactoryBot.create(:rejected_petition) FactoryBot.create(:hidden_petition) expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { enqueued_jobs.size }.from(0).to(4) end it "enqueues an ArchivePetitionJob job" do petition = FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition) archive_petition_job = { job: ArchivePetitionJob, args: [{ "_aj_globalid" => "gid://epets/Petition/#{petition.id}" }], queue: "high_priority" } expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { enqueued_jobs }.from([]).to([archive_petition_job]) end it "updates the archiving_started_at timestamp" do
  1. it#updates the archiving_started_at timestamp has a flog score of 29
petition = FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition) archive_petition_job = { job: ArchivePetitionJob, args: [{ "_aj_globalid" => "gid://epets/Petition/#{petition.id}" }], queue: "high_priority" } expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { petition.reload.archiving_started_at }.from(nil).to(be_within(1.second).of(Time.current)) end it "doesn't enqueue a job for a petition that's already archived" do FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition, archived_at: 1.day.ago) expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { enqueued_jobs.size } end end