
spec/lib / health_check_spec.rb

88 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
8 churn
213.37 complexity
0 duplications
require 'rails_helper' require 'health_check' RSpec.describe HealthCheck do describe '.checkup' do let(:env) { {} } subject { HealthCheck.checkup(env) } before do Site.reload end it 'includes the hostname' do allow(Socket).to receive(:gethostname).and_return("testhost.example.com") expect(subject['hostname']).to eq 'testhost.example.com' end it "includes the url of the client request (as provided by the REQUEST_URI)" do env['REQUEST_URI'] = 'http://example.com/can-I-look-at-the-petitions-please' expect(subject['url']).to eq 'http://example.com/can-I-look-at-the-petitions-please' end it 'warns if no REQUEST_URI is present from which to fetch the url of the client request' do env.delete('REQUEST_URI') expect(subject['url']).to eq 'FAILED: no REQUEST_URI present in env' end it 'includes the ip of the client request (as provided by the REMOTE_ADDR)' do env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '' expect(subject['client_ip']).to eq '' end it 'warns if no REMOTE_ADDR is present from which to fetch the ip of the client request' do env.delete('REMOTE_ADDR') expect(subject['client_ip']).to eq 'FAILED: no REMOTE_ADDR present in env' end it 'includes the local time on the server in the timezone and as utc' do
  1. describe(.checkup)::it#includes the local time on the server in the timezone and as utc has a flog score of 31
now = Time.parse("1 Jan 2011 12:34:56 PST") allow(Time).to receive(:current).and_return(now) local_time_string = now.rfc2822 utc_time_string = now.getutc.rfc2822 expect(subject['localtime']).to eq local_time_string expect(subject['utctime']).to eq utc_time_string end describe "includes database connection status" do it "is normally ok" do expect(subject['database_connection']).to eq 'OK' end it "detects failure" do allow(ActiveRecord::Base).to receive(:establish_connection).and_raise(StandardError) expect(subject['database_connection']).to eq 'FAILED' end end describe "includes database persistence status" do it "is normally ok" do expect(subject['database_persistence']).to eq 'OK' end it "detects failure to read records" do allow(Site).to receive(:first_or_create).and_return(nil) expect(subject['database_persistence']).to eq 'FAILED' end it "detects failure to write records" do allow(Site).to receive(:last_checked_at!).and_return(false) expect(subject['database_persistence']).to eq 'FAILED' end end describe 'includes database integrity status' do it "is ok when we are fully migrated" do expect(ActiveRecord::Migrator).to receive(:needs_migration?).and_return false expect(subject['database_integrity']).to eq 'OK' end it "detects when we are missing some migrations" do expect(ActiveRecord::Migrator).to receive(:needs_migration?).and_return true expect(subject['database_integrity']).to eq 'FAILED' end end end end