
spec/models/constituency / api_client_spec.rb

25 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
1 churn
38.71 complexity
0 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Constituency::ApiClient, type: :model do let(:client) { described_class.new } describe "#call" do it "removes whitespace from the postcode" do stub = stub_api_request_for("N11TY") client.call("N1 1TY") expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it "upcases the postcode" do stub = stub_api_request_for("N11TY") client.call("n11ty") expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it "escapes the postcode" do stub = stub_api_request_for("N%C2%A31") client.call("N£1") expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end end