
spec/presenters / petitions_csv_presenter_spec.rb

54 lines of codes
3 methods
30.3 complexity/method
2 churn
91.03 complexity
0 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe PetitionsCSVPresenter do class DummyPresenterClass
  1. DummyPresenterClass has no descriptive comment
def self.fields [:id, :name] end def initialize(petition) @petition = petition end def to_csv self.class.fields.map {|f| @petition[f] }.join(",") + "\n"
  1. DummyPresenterClass#to_csv has the variable name 'f'
end end # Use an array that quacks like the expected Browseable::Search instance class BatchifiedArray < Array
  1. BatchifiedArray inherits from core class 'Array'
alias :in_batches :each end subject { described_class.new(BatchifiedArray.new([{id: 321, name: "Slim Jim"}]), presenter_class: DummyPresenterClass) } describe "#initialize" do it "initializes the presenter with default" do presenter = described_class.new([1,2,3]) expect(presenter.petitions).to eq([1,2,3]) expect(presenter.presenter_class).to eq(PetitionCSVPresenter) end it "initializes the presenter with custom options" do presenter = described_class.new([1,2,3], presenter_class: DummyPresenterClass) expect(presenter.petitions).to eq([1,2,3]) expect(presenter.presenter_class).to eq(DummyPresenterClass) end end describe "#render" do it "returns an enumerator" do expect(subject.render).to be_a Enumerator end it "renders a header row as the first enumerator call" do expect(subject.render.next).to eq("id,name\n") end it "renders the fields for each petition after the header" do enumerator = subject.render enumerator.next expect(enumerator.next).to eq("321,Slim Jim\n") end end end