
spec/routing / pages_spec.rb

31 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
1 churn
44.0 complexity
0 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe "pages", type: :routes do describe "routes" do it "GET / routes to pages#index" do expect({:get => "/"}).to route_to({:controller => "pages", :action => "index"}) end it "GET /help routes to pages#help" do expect({:get => "/help"}).to route_to({:controller => "pages", :action => "help"}) end it "should respond to /privacy" do expect({:get => "/privacy"}).to route_to({:controller => "pages", :action => "privacy"}) end end describe "helpers" do it "#home_url generates https://petition.parliament.uk/" do expect(home_url).to eq("https://petition.parliament.uk/") end it "#help_url generates https://petition.parliament.uk/help" do expect(help_url).to eq("https://petition.parliament.uk/help") end it "#privacy_url generates https://petition.parliament.uk/privacy" do expect(privacy_url).to eq("https://petition.parliament.uk/privacy") end end end