
app/jobs/concerns / email_delivery.rb

110 lines of codes
12 methods
5.2 complexity/method
7 churn
62.11 complexity
18 duplications
module EmailDelivery
  1. EmailDelivery has no descriptive comment
# Send a single email to a recipient informing them about a petition that they have signed # Implemented as a custom job rather than using action mailers #deliver_later so we can do # extra checking before sending the email extend ActiveSupport::Concern PERMANENT_FAILURES = [ Net::SMTPFatalError, Net::SMTPSyntaxError ] TEMPORARY_FAILURES = [
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
Net::SMTPAuthenticationError, Net::OpenTimeout, Net::SMTPServerBusy, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Timeout::Error, EOFError, SocketError ] included do before_perform :set_appsignal_namespace attr_reader :signature, :timestamp_name, :petition, :requested_at queue_as :low_priority rescue_from *PERMANENT_FAILURES do |exception| log_exception(exception) end rescue_from *TEMPORARY_FAILURES do |exception| log_exception(exception) retry_job end end def perform(**args)
  1. EmailDelivery#perform has approx 6 statements
@signature = args[:signature] @petition = args[:petition] @requested_at = args[:requested_at].in_time_zone @timestamp_name = args[:timestamp_name] if can_send_email? send_email record_email_sent end end private def log_exception(exception) logger.info(log_message(exception)) end def log_message(exception) "#{exception.class.name} while sending email for #{self.class.name} to: #{signature.email} for #{petition.action}" end def can_send_email? petition_has_not_been_updated? && email_not_previously_sent? end def send_email create_email.deliver_now end def mailer case petition when Archived::Petition Archived::PetitionMailer when Petition PetitionMailer else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown petition type: #{petition.class}" end end def create_email raise NotImplementedError.new "Including classes must implement #create_email method" end def record_email_sent signature.set_email_sent_at_for timestamp_name, to: petition_timestamp end def petition_timestamp petition.get_email_requested_at_for(timestamp_name) end # We do not want to send the email if the petition has been updated # As email sending is enqueued straight after a petition has been updated def petition_has_not_been_updated? (petition_timestamp - requested_at.in_time_zone).abs < 1 end # Have we already sent an email for this petition version? # If we have then the timestamp for the signature will match the timestamp for the petition def email_not_previously_sent? # check that the signature is still in the list of signatures petition.signatures_to_email_for(timestamp_name).where(id: signature.id).exists? end def set_appsignal_namespace
  1. EmailDelivery#set_appsignal_namespace doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
Appsignal.set_namespace("email") end end