
app/jobs / update_signature_counts_job.rb

89 lines of codes
8 methods
7.8 complexity/method
6 churn
62.38 complexity
0 duplications
class UpdateSignatureCountsJob < ApplicationJob
  1. UpdateSignatureCountsJob has no descriptive comment
queue_as :highest_priority delegate :update_signature_counts, to: :Site delegate :signature_count_updated_at, to: :Site delegate :signature_count_interval, to: :Site delegate :signature_count_updated_at!, to: :Site delegate :petition_ids_signed_since, to: :Signature rescue_from StandardError do |exception| log_exception(exception) retry_job(wait: signature_count_interval) end def perform(now = current_time)
  1. UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform has a flog score of 38
  2. UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform has approx 14 statements
# Exit if updating signature counts is disabled return unless update_signature_counts time = now.in_time_zone signature_count_at = signature_count_interval.seconds.ago(time) # Exit if the signature counts have been updated since this job was scheduled return unless signature_count_updated_at < signature_count_at petitions.each do |petition| # Skip this petition if it's been updated since this job was scheduled next if petition.last_signed_at? && petition.last_signed_at > signature_count_at
  1. UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform calls 'petition.last_signed_at' 2 times Locations: 0 1
# Check to see if the signature count is being reset if petition.signature_count_reset_at? if petition.signature_count_reset_at < 5.minutes.ago # Something's seriously wrong if a petition is taking # more than 5 minutes to reset its signature count message = "Petition #{petition.id} has been resetting its count for more than 5 minutes" Appsignal.send_exception(RuntimeError.new(message)) end # Skip this petition as the updates will conflict next end # Save the current last_signed_at for the start of the journal window last_signed_at = petition.last_signed_at
  1. UpdateSignatureCountsJob#perform calls 'petition.last_signed_at' 2 times Locations: 0 1
# Don't update the journals unless we have updated the signature count # This prevents the journals getting multiple updates before the creator's # signature is added to the count which may not be done immediately as the # main signature count window lags by `signature_count_interval` seconds # to prevent race conditions with validated_at timestamps created in Ruby if petition.increment_signature_count!(signature_count_at) ConstituencyPetitionJournal.increment_signature_counts_for(petition, last_signed_at) CountryPetitionJournal.increment_signature_counts_for(petition, last_signed_at) end end signature_count_updated_at!(signature_count_at) reschedule_job(scheduled_time(time)) end private def current_time
  1. UpdateSignatureCountsJob#current_time doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
Time.current.change(usec: 0).iso8601 end def log_exception(exception) logger.info(log_message(exception)) end def log_message(exception) "#{exception.class.name} while running #{self.class.name}" end def petition_ids petition_ids_signed_since(signature_count_updated_at) end def petitions Petition.where(id: petition_ids) end def reschedule_job(time) self.class.set(wait_until: time).perform_later(time.iso8601) end def scheduled_time(now) signature_count_interval.seconds.since(now) end end