
app/models / petition.rb

893 lines of codes
151 methods
5.2 complexity/method
191 churn
786.22 complexity
83 duplications
require 'textacular/searchable' class Petition < ActiveRecord::Base
  1. Petition assumes too much for instance variable '@moderation'
  2. Petition has no descriptive comment
  3. Petition has 23 constants
  4. Petition has at least 151 methods
include PerishableTokenGenerator PENDING_STATE = 'pending' VALIDATED_STATE = 'validated' SPONSORED_STATE = 'sponsored' FLAGGED_STATE = 'flagged' OPEN_STATE = 'open' CLOSED_STATE = 'closed' REJECTED_STATE = 'rejected' HIDDEN_STATE = 'hidden' STOPPED_STATE = 'stopped' STATES = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged open closed rejected hidden stopped] DEBATABLE_STATES = %w[open closed] VISIBLE_STATES = %w[open closed rejected] SHOW_STATES = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged open closed rejected stopped] MODERATED_STATES = %w[open closed hidden rejected] PUBLISHED_STATES = %w[open closed] SELECTABLE_STATES = %w[open closed rejected hidden] SEARCHABLE_STATES = %w[open closed rejected] STOPPABLE_STATES = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged] IN_MODERATION_STATES = %w[sponsored flagged] TODO_LIST_STATES = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged] COLLECTING_SPONSORS_STATES = %w[pending validated] STOP_COLLECTING_STATES = %w[pending validated sponsored flagged] DEBATE_STATES = %w[pending awaiting scheduled debated not_debated] has_perishable_token called: 'sponsor_token' before_save :update_debate_state, if: :scheduled_debate_date_changed? before_save :update_moderation_lag, unless: :moderation_lag? after_create :update_last_petition_created_at extend Searchable(:action, :background, :additional_details) include Browseable, Taggable facet :all, -> { by_most_popular } facet :open, -> { open_state.by_most_popular } facet :rejected, -> { rejected_state.by_most_recent } facet :closed, -> { closed_state.by_most_popular } facet :hidden, -> { hidden_state.by_most_recent } facet :stopped, -> { stopped_state.by_most_recent } facet :awaiting_response, -> { awaiting_response.by_waiting_for_response_longest } facet :with_response, -> { with_response.by_most_recent_response } facet :awaiting_debate, -> { awaiting_debate.by_most_relevant_debate_date } facet :awaiting_debate_date, -> { awaiting_debate_date.by_waiting_for_debate_longest } facet :with_debate_outcome, -> { with_debate_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome } facet :with_debated_outcome, -> { with_debated_outcome.by_most_recent_debate_outcome } facet :debated, -> { debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome } facet :not_debated, -> { not_debated.by_most_recent_debate_outcome } facet :collecting_sponsors, -> { collecting_sponsors.by_most_recent } facet :in_moderation, -> { in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } facet :in_debate_queue, -> { in_debate_queue.by_waiting_for_debate_longest } facet :recently_in_moderation, -> { recently_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } facet :nearly_overdue_in_moderation, -> { nearly_overdue_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } facet :overdue_in_moderation, -> { overdue_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } facet :tagged_in_moderation, -> { tagged_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } facet :untagged_in_moderation, -> { untagged_in_moderation.by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached } has_one :creator, -> { creator }, class_name: 'Signature' accepts_nested_attributes_for :creator, update_only: true belongs_to :locked_by, class_name: 'AdminUser' has_one :debate_outcome, dependent: :destroy has_one :email_requested_receipt, dependent: :destroy has_one :government_response, dependent: :destroy has_one :note, dependent: :destroy has_one :rejection, dependent: :destroy has_one :statistics, dependent: :destroy has_many :signatures has_many :sponsors, -> { sponsors }, class_name: 'Signature' has_many :country_petition_journals, dependent: :destroy has_many :constituency_petition_journals, dependent: :destroy has_many :emails, dependent: :destroy has_many :invalidations has_many :trending_ips, dependent: :delete_all has_many :trending_domains, dependent: :delete_all validates :action, presence: true, length: { maximum: 80, allow_blank: true } validates :background, presence: true, length: { maximum: 300, allow_blank: true } validates :additional_details, length: { maximum: 800, allow_blank: true } validates :open_at, presence: true, if: :open? validates :creator, presence: true validates :state, inclusion: { in: STATES } with_options allow_nil: true, prefix: true do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
delegate :name, :email, to: :creator delegate :code, :details, to: :rejection delegate :summary, :details, :created_at, :updated_at, to: :government_response delegate :date, :transcript_url, :video_url, :overview, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: :debate delegate :debate_pack_url, to: :debate_outcome, prefix: false end alias_attribute :opened_at, :open_at class << self def by_most_popular reorder(signature_count: :desc, created_at: :desc) end def by_most_recent reorder(created_at: :desc) end def by_most_recent_debate_outcome reorder(debate_outcome_at: :desc, created_at: :desc) end def by_most_recent_moderation_threshold_reached reorder(moderation_threshold_reached_at: :desc, created_at: :desc) end def by_most_recent_response reorder(government_response_at: :desc, created_at: :desc) end def by_most_relevant_debate_date reorder('scheduled_debate_date ASC NULLS LAST, debate_threshold_reached_at ASC NULLS FIRST') end def by_oldest reorder(created_at: :asc) end def by_waiting_for_debate_longest reorder(debate_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc) end def by_waiting_for_response_longest reorder(response_threshold_reached_at: :asc, created_at: :desc) end def current open_state.by_most_recent end def open_state where(state: OPEN_STATE) end def closed_state where(state: CLOSED_STATE) end def hidden_state where(state: HIDDEN_STATE) end def rejected_state where(state: REJECTED_STATE) end def sponsored_state where(state: SPONSORED_STATE) end def stopped_state where(state: STOPPED_STATE) end def awaiting_debate where(debate_state: %w[awaiting scheduled]) end def awaiting_debate_date debate_threshold_reached.not_scheduled end def awaiting_response response_threshold_reached.not_responded end def collecting_sponsors where(state: COLLECTING_SPONSORS_STATES) end def debate_threshold_reached where.not(debate_threshold_reached_at: nil) end def debateable where(state: DEBATABLE_STATES) end def debated where(debate_state: 'debated').preload(:debate_outcome) end def for_state(state) where(state: state) end def in_debate_queue where(threshold_for_debate_reached.or(scheduled_for_debate)) end def in_moderation(from: nil, to: nil)
  1. Petition::in_moderation has a flog score of 27
if from && to where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.between(from..to))
  1. Petition#in_moderation calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times Locations: 0 1 2 3
elsif from where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.gt(from))
  1. Petition#in_moderation calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times Locations: 0 1 2 3
elsif to where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES).where(moderation_threshold_reached_at.lt(to))
  1. Petition#in_moderation calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times Locations: 0 1 2 3
else where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)
  1. Petition#in_moderation calls 'where(state: IN_MODERATION_STATES)' 4 times Locations: 0 1 2 3
end end def moderated where(state: MODERATED_STATES) end def not_debated where(debate_state: 'not_debated') end def not_hidden where.not(state: HIDDEN_STATE) end def not_responded where(government_response_at: nil) end def not_scheduled where(scheduled_debate_date: nil) end def respondable where(state: RESPONDABLE_STATES) end def response_threshold_reached where.not(response_threshold_reached_at: nil) end def selectable where(state: SELECTABLE_STATES) end def stoppable where(state: STOPPABLE_STATES) end def show where(state: SHOW_STATES) end def threshold where(arel_table[:signature_count].gteq(Site.threshold_for_debate)) end def todo_list where(state: TODO_LIST_STATES) end def visible where(state: VISIBLE_STATES) end def with_debate_outcome where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil) end def with_debated_outcome debated.where.not(debate_outcome_at: nil) end def with_response where.not(government_response_at: nil).preload(:government_response) end def trending(since = 1.hour.ago, limit = 3)
  1. Petition::trending has a flog score of 26
select('petitions.*, COUNT(signatures.id) AS signature_count_in_period'). joins(:signatures). where('petitions.state = ?', OPEN_STATE). where('petitions.last_signed_at > ?', since). where('signatures.validated_at > ?', since). where('signatures.invalidated_at IS NULL'). group('petitions.id').order('signature_count_in_period DESC'). limit(limit) end def close_petitions!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'close_petitions!'
in_need_of_closing(time).find_each do |petition| petition.close! end end def close_petitions_early!(time = Parliament.dissolution_at)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'close_petitions_early!'
open_at_dissolution(time).find_each do |petition| petition.close!(time) end end def stop_petitions_early!(time = Parliament.dissolution_at)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'stop_petitions_early!'
in_need_of_stopping.find_each do |petition| petition.stop!(time) end end def in_need_of_closing(time = Time.current) where(state: OPEN_STATE).where(arel_table[:open_at].lt(Site.opened_at_for_closing(time))) end def in_need_of_stopping(time = nil) scope = preload(:creator) time ? scope.stoppable.created_after(time) : scope.stoppable
  1. Petition#in_need_of_stopping calls 'scope.stoppable' 2 times
end def created_after(time) where(arel_table[:created_at].gteq(time)) end def open_at_dissolution(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at)
  1. Petition::open_at_dissolution has a flog score of 45
if dissolution_at opened_at_for_closing = Site.opened_at_for_closing(dissolution_at) where( arel_table[:state].eq(OPEN_STATE). and(arel_table[:open_at].gteq(opened_at_for_closing). and(arel_table[:closed_at].eq(nil)).
  1. Petition#open_at_dissolution calls 'arel_table[:closed_at]' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  1. Petition#open_at_dissolution calls 'arel_table[:closed_at]' 2 times Locations: 0 1
) else none end end def popular_in_constituency(constituency_id, count = 50) popular_in(constituency_id, count).for_state(OPEN_STATE) end def all_popular_in_constituency(constituency_id, count = 50) popular_in(constituency_id, count).for_state(PUBLISHED_STATES) end def sanitized_tag(tag) "[#{tag.gsub(/[\[\]%]/,'')}]" end def in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date = Date.current) where(scheduled_debate_state.and(debate_date_in_the_past(date))) end def mark_petitions_as_debated!(date = Date.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'mark_petitions_as_debated!'
in_need_of_marking_as_debated(date).update_all(debate_state: 'debated') end def unarchived where(archived_at: nil) end def recently_in_moderation in_moderation(from: moderation_near_overdue_at) end def nearly_overdue_in_moderation in_moderation(from: moderation_overdue_at, to: moderation_near_overdue_at) end def overdue_in_moderation in_moderation(to: moderation_overdue_at) end def tagged_in_moderation tagged.in_moderation end def untagged_in_moderation untagged.in_moderation end def signed_since(timestamp) where(arel_table[:last_signed_at].gt(timestamp)) end def in_need_of_validating where(grouping(last_signed_at.gt(signature_count_validated_at)).eq(true)) end private def grouping(expression) Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(expression) end def last_signed_at arel_table[:last_signed_at] end def signature_count_validated_at arel_table[:signature_count_validated_at] end def moderation_threshold_reached_at arel_table[:moderation_threshold_reached_at] end def moderation_near_overdue_at Site.moderation_near_overdue_in_days.ago end def moderation_overdue_at Site.moderation_overdue_in_days.ago end def popular_in(constituency_id, count) klass = ConstituencyPetitionJournal constituency_signature_count = klass.arel_table[:signature_count].as('constituency_signature_count') constituency_signatures_for = klass.with_signatures_for(constituency_id).ordered select(arel_table[Arel.star], constituency_signature_count). joins(:constituency_petition_journals). merge(constituency_signatures_for). limit(count) end def threshold_for_debate_reached arel_table[:debate_threshold_reached_at].not_eq(nil) end def scheduled_for_debate arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].not_eq(nil) end def awaiting_debate_state arel_table[:debate_state].eq('awaiting') end def debate_date_in_the_past(date) arel_table[:scheduled_debate_date].lt(date) end def scheduled_debate_state arel_table[:debate_state].eq('scheduled') end end def statistics super || create_statistics! end def reset_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'reset_signature_count!'
update_column(:signature_count_reset_at, time) update_signature_count!(time) ConstituencyPetitionJournal.reset_signature_counts_for(self) CountryPetitionJournal.reset_signature_counts_for(self) update_column(:signature_count_reset_at, nil) end def update_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'update_signature_count!'
sql = "signature_count = ?, last_signed_at = ?, updated_at = ?" count = signatures.validated_count(nil, time) if update_all([sql, count, time, time]) > 0 self.reload end end def increment_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition#increment_signature_count! has a flog score of 35
  2. Petition has missing safe method 'increment_signature_count!'
  3. Petition#increment_signature_count! has approx 14 statements
sql = "signature_count = signature_count + ?, last_signed_at = ?, updated_at = ?" count = signatures.validated_count(last_signed_at, time) return false if count.zero? if result = update_all([sql, count, time, time]) > 0 self.reload
  1. Petition#increment_signature_count! calls 'self.reload' 2 times Locations: 0 1
updates = [] if at_threshold_for_moderation? && collecting_sponsors? updates << "state = '#{SPONSORED_STATE}'" updates << "moderation_threshold_reached_at = :now" elsif pending? updates << "state = '#{VALIDATED_STATE}'" end if at_threshold_for_response? updates << "response_threshold_reached_at = :now" end if at_threshold_for_debate? updates << "debate_threshold_reached_at = :now" updates << "debate_state = 'awaiting'" end updates = updates.join(", ") if updates.present? if update_all([updates, now: time]) > 0 self.reload
  1. Petition#increment_signature_count! calls 'self.reload' 2 times Locations: 0 1
end end end result end def decrement_signature_count!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'decrement_signature_count!'
  2. Petition#decrement_signature_count! has approx 7 statements
updates = "" if below_threshold_for_debate? updates << "debate_threshold_reached_at = NULL, " updates << "debate_state = 'pending', " end if below_threshold_for_response? updates << "response_threshold_reached_at = NULL, " end updates << "signature_count = greatest(signature_count - 1, 1), " updates << "updated_at = :now" if update_all([updates, now: time]) > 0 self.reload end end def signature_count_difference signature_count - signatures.validated_count(nil, last_signed_at) end def valid_signature_count? signature_count_difference.zero? end def valid_signature_count!
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'valid_signature_count!'
valid_signature_count? && touch(:signature_count_validated_at) end def will_reach_threshold_for_moderation? unless moderation_threshold_reached_at?
  1. Petition tests 'moderation_threshold_reached_at?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_moderation end end def at_threshold_for_moderation? unless moderation_threshold_reached_at?
  1. Petition tests 'moderation_threshold_reached_at?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_moderation + 1 end end def at_threshold_for_response? unless response_threshold_reached_at? signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_response - 1 end end def at_threshold_for_debate? unless debate_threshold_reached_at? signature_count >= Site.threshold_for_debate - 1 end end def below_threshold_for_response? if response_threshold_reached_at? signature_count <= Site.threshold_for_response end end def below_threshold_for_debate? if debate_threshold_reached_at? signature_count <= Site.threshold_for_debate end end def signatures_by_country country_petition_journals.joins(:location).preload(:location).to_a.sort_by(&:name) end def signatures_by_constituency constituency_petition_journals.preload(:constituency).to_a.sort_by(&:constituency_id) end def approve? moderation == 'approve' end def reject? moderation == 'reject' end def flag? moderation == 'flag' end def moderation=(value) @moderation = value if value.in?(%w[approve reject flag]) end def moderation @moderation end def moderate(params)
  1. Petition#moderate has approx 6 statements
self.moderation = params[:moderation] if approve? publish elsif reject? reject(params[:rejection]) elsif flag? flag else errors.add :moderation, :blank false end end def publish(time = Time.current) update(state: OPEN_STATE, open_at: time) end def reject(attributes) begin build_rejection(attributes) && rejection.save rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
  1. Petition#reject has the variable name 'e'
rejection(true).update(attributes) end end def flag update(state: FLAGGED_STATE) end def rejection(*args) super || build_rejection end def close!(time = deadline)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'close!'
if open? update!(state: CLOSED_STATE, closed_at: time) else raise RuntimeError, "can't stop a petition that is in the #{state} state" end end def stop!(time = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'stop!'
if state.in?(STOPPABLE_STATES) update!(state: STOPPED_STATE, stopped_at: time) else raise RuntimeError, "can't stop a petition that is in the #{state} state" end end def validate_creator!(now = Time.current)
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'validate_creator!'
if pending? # Set the validated_at time to 1 second ago so that if # the signature count update runs for it then it won't # prevent this signature being missed. creator && creator.validate!(1.second.ago(now)) && reload end end def count_validated_signatures signatures.validated.count end def collecting_sponsors? state.in?(COLLECTING_SPONSORS_STATES) end def awaiting_moderation? state == VALIDATED_STATE end def in_moderation? state.in?(IN_MODERATION_STATES) end def moderated? state.in?(MODERATED_STATES) end def open? state == OPEN_STATE end alias_method :can_be_signed?, :open? def rejected? state == REJECTED_STATE end def hidden? state == HIDDEN_STATE end def closed? state == CLOSED_STATE end def stopped? state == STOPPED_STATE end def flagged? state == FLAGGED_STATE end def pending? state == PENDING_STATE end def validated? state == VALIDATED_STATE end def published? state.in?(PUBLISHED_STATES) end def visible? state.in?(VISIBLE_STATES) end def closed_for_signing?(now = Time.current) rejected? || closed_at? && closed_at < 24.hours.ago(now) end def archiving? archiving_started_at? && !archived_at? end def archived? archived_at? end def editing_disabled? archiving_started_at? || archived_at? end def update_lock!(user, now = Time.current)
  1. Petition takes parameters ['now', 'user'] to 3 methods Locations: 0 1 2
  2. Petition has missing safe method 'update_lock!'
if locked_by == user
  1. Petition#update_lock! is controlled by argument 'user'
update!(locked_at: now) end end def checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition takes parameters ['now', 'user'] to 3 methods Locations: 0 1 2
  3. Petition has missing safe method 'checkout!'
with_lock do if locked_by.present? && locked_by != user false else update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now) end end end def force_checkout!(user, now = Time.current)
  1. Petition takes parameters ['now', 'user'] to 3 methods Locations: 0 1 2
  2. Petition has missing safe method 'force_checkout!'
update!(locked_by: user, locked_at: now) end def release!(user)
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition has missing safe method 'release!'
with_lock do if locked_by.present? && locked_by == user
  1. Petition#release! is controlled by argument 'user'
update!(locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil) end end end def can_have_debate_added? state.in?(DEBATABLE_STATES) end def in_todo_list? state.in?(TODO_LIST_STATES) end def government_response? government_response_at? && government_response end def debate_outcome? debate_outcome_at? && debate_outcome end def deadline open_at && (closed_at || Site.closed_at_for_opening(open_at)) end def closing_early_for_dissolution?(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at) open_at && dissolution_at ? deadline > dissolution_at : false end def cache_key(*timestamp_names)
  1. Petition#cache_key has a flog score of 33
  2. Petition#cache_key has approx 9 statements
case when new_record? "petitions/new" when timestamp_names.any? timestamp = max_updated_column_timestamp(timestamp_names) timestamp = timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))
  1. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  3. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  4. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5)' 2 times Locations: 0 1
timestamp = timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)
  1. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.utc' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)' 2 times Locations: 0 1
"petitions/#{id}-#{timestamp}" when timestamp = max_updated_column_timestamp timestamp = timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))
  1. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.change(sec: (timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5))' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  3. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5) * 5' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  4. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.sec.div(5)' 2 times Locations: 0 1
timestamp = timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)
  1. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.utc' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. Petition#cache_key calls 'timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)' 2 times Locations: 0 1
"petitions/#{id}-#{timestamp}" else "petitions/#{id}" end end def update_last_petition_created_at
  1. Petition#update_last_petition_created_at doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
Site.last_petition_created_at! end def has_maximum_sponsors? sponsors.validated.count >= Site.maximum_number_of_sponsors end def update_all(updates) self.class.unscoped.where(id: id).update_all(updates) end def email_requested_receipt!
  1. Petition has missing safe method 'email_requested_receipt!'
email_requested_receipt || create_email_requested_receipt end def get_email_requested_at_for(name) email_requested_receipt!.get(name) end def set_email_requested_at_for(name, to: Time.current) email_requested_receipt!.set(name, to) end def signatures_to_email_for(name) timestamp = get_email_requested_at_for(name) raise ArgumentError if timestamp.nil?
  1. Petition#signatures_to_email_for performs a nil-check
signatures.need_emailing_for(name, since: timestamp) end def awaiting_debate? debate_state.in?(%w[awaiting scheduled]) end def debated? debate_state == 'debated' end def not_debated? debate_state == 'not_debated' end def update_debate_state self.debate_state = evaluate_debate_state end def evaluate_debate_state if scheduled_debate_date? scheduled_debate_date > Date.current ? 'scheduled' : 'debated' else 'awaiting' end end def fraudulent_domains @fraudulent_domains ||= signatures.fraudulent_domains end def fraudulent_domains? !fraudulent_domains.empty? end def closed_early_due_to_election?(dissolution_at = Parliament.dissolution_at) closed_at == dissolution_at end def update_moderation_lag if open_at_changed? || rejected_at_changed? self.moderation_lag = calculate_moderation_lag(Date.current) end end def calculate_moderation_lag(today) if moderation_threshold_reached_at?
  1. Petition tests 'moderation_threshold_reached_at?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
today - moderation_threshold_reached_at.to_date else 0 end end end