
app/models / site.rb

471 lines of codes
85 methods
4.3 complexity/method
34 churn
365.18 complexity
38 duplications
require 'bcrypt' require 'uri' require 'active_support/number_helper' class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
  1. Site assumes too much for instance variable '@password'
  2. Site has no descriptive comment
  3. Site has at least 85 methods
class ServiceUnavailable < StandardError; end
  1. Site::ServiceUnavailable has no descriptive comment
include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper FALSE_VALUES = [nil, false, 0, '0', 'f', 'F', 'false', 'FALSE', 'off', 'OFF'].to_set FEATURE_FLAGS = %w[ disable_constituency_api disable_trending_petitions disable_invalid_signature_count_check disable_daily_update_statistics_job disable_plus_address_check disable_feedback_sending ] class << self def table_exists? @table_exists ||= connection.table_exists?(table_name) end def before_remove_const Thread.current[:__site__] = nil end def instance Thread.current[:__site__] ||= first_or_create(defaults) end def authenticate(username, password) instance.authenticate(username, password) end def email_protocol instance.email_protocol end def enabled? instance.enabled? end def formatted_threshold_for_moderation instance.formatted_threshold_for_moderation end def formatted_threshold_for_response instance.formatted_threshold_for_response end def formatted_threshold_for_debate instance.formatted_threshold_for_debate end def host instance.host end def host_with_port instance.host_with_port end def constraints_for_public if table_exists?
  1. Site tests 'table_exists?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
instance.constraints_for_public else default_constraints_for_public end end def moderate_host instance.moderate_host end def moderate_host_with_port instance.moderate_host_with_port end def constraints_for_moderation if table_exists?
  1. Site tests 'table_exists?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
instance.constraints_for_moderation else default_constraints_for_moderation end end def opened_at_for_closing(time = Time.current) instance.opened_at_for_closing(time) end def closed_at_for_opening(time = Time.current) instance.closed_at_for_opening(time) end def port instance.port end def protected? instance.protected? end def login_timeout instance.login_timeout end def reload Thread.current[:__site__] = nil end def touch(*names) instance.touch(*names) end def disable_signature_counts!
  1. Site has missing safe method 'disable_signature_counts!'
instance.update!(update_signature_counts: false) end def enable_signature_counts!
  1. Site has missing safe method 'enable_signature_counts!'
instance.update!(update_signature_counts: true) end def last_checked_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
  1. Site has missing safe method 'last_checked_at!'
instance.update_all(last_petition_created_at: timestamp) end def last_petition_created_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
  1. Site has missing safe method 'last_petition_created_at!'
instance.update_all(last_petition_created_at: timestamp) end def signature_count_updated_at!(timestamp = Time.current)
  1. Site has missing safe method 'signature_count_updated_at!'
instance.update_all(signature_count_updated_at: timestamp) end def moderation_overdue_in_days 7.days end def moderation_near_overdue_in_days 5.days end def defaults
  1. Site::defaults has a flog score of 27
{ title: default_title, url: default_url, moderate_url: default_moderate_url, email_from: default_email_from, feedback_email: default_feedback_email, username: default_username, password: default_password, enabled: default_enabled, protected: default_protected, login_timeout: default_login_timeout, petition_duration: default_petition_duration, minimum_number_of_sponsors: default_minimum_number_of_sponsors, maximum_number_of_sponsors: default_maximum_number_of_sponsors, threshold_for_moderation: default_threshold_for_moderation, threshold_for_moderation_delay: default_threshold_for_moderation_delay, threshold_for_response: default_threshold_for_response, threshold_for_debate: default_threshold_for_debate } end private def default_title ENV.fetch('SITE_TITLE', 'Petition parliament') end def default_scheme ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https') end def default_protocol "#{default_scheme}://" end def default_url
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
if ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https') == 'https' URI::HTTPS.build(default_url_components).to_s else URI::HTTP.build(default_url_components).to_s end end def default_url_components [nil, default_host, default_port, nil, nil, nil] end def default_host ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_HOST', 'petition.parliament.uk') end def default_domain(tld_length = 1) ActionDispatch::Http::URL.extract_domain(default_host, tld_length) end def default_moderate_url
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
if ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PROTOCOL', 'https') == 'https' URI::HTTPS.build(default_moderate_url_components).to_s else URI::HTTP.build(default_moderate_url_components).to_s end end def default_moderate_url_components [nil, default_moderate_host, default_port, nil, nil, nil] end def default_moderate_host ENV.fetch('MODERATE_HOST', 'moderate.petition.parliament.uk') end def default_port ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_PORT', '443').to_i end def default_email_from ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_FROM', %{"Petitions: UK Government and Parliament" <no-reply@#{default_host}>}) end def default_feedback_email ENV.fetch('EPETITIONS_FEEDBACK', %{"Petitions: UK Government and Parliament" <petitionscommittee@#{default_domain}>}) end def default_username ENV.fetch('SITE_USERNAME', nil).presence end def default_password ENV.fetch('SITE_PASSWORD', nil).presence end def default_enabled !ENV.fetch('SITE_ENABLED', '1').to_i.zero? end def default_protected !ENV.fetch('SITE_PROTECTED', '0').to_i.zero? end def default_login_timeout ENV.fetch('SITE_LOGIN_TIMEOUT', '1800').to_i end def default_petition_duration ENV.fetch('PETITION_DURATION', '6').to_i end def default_minimum_number_of_sponsors ENV.fetch('MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SPONSORS', '5').to_i end def default_maximum_number_of_sponsors ENV.fetch('MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SPONSORS', '20').to_i end def default_threshold_for_moderation ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_MODERATION', '5').to_i end def default_threshold_for_moderation_delay ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_MODERATION_DELAY', '500').to_i end def default_threshold_for_response ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_RESPONSE', '10000').to_i end def default_threshold_for_debate ENV.fetch('THRESHOLD_FOR_DEBATE', '100000').to_i end def default_constraints_for_public { protocol: default_protocol, host: default_host, port: default_port } end def default_constraints_for_moderation { protocol: default_protocol, host: default_moderate_host, port: default_port } end end if table_exists?
  1. Site tests 'table_exists?' at least 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
column_names.map(&:to_sym).each do |column| define_singleton_method(column) do |*args, &block| instance.public_send(column, *args, &block) end end end FEATURE_FLAGS.each do |feature_flag| define_singleton_method(:"#{feature_flag}?") do |*args, &block| instance.public_send(feature_flag, *args, &block) end define_method(:"#{feature_flag}=") do |value| write_store_attribute(:feature_flags, feature_flag, type_cast_feature_flag(value)) end define_method(feature_flag) do read_store_attribute(:feature_flags, feature_flag) end end attr_reader :password def authenticate(username, password) self.username == username && self.password_digest == password
  1. Site#authenticate is controlled by argument 'username'
end def email_protocol uri.scheme end def formatted_threshold_for_moderation number_to_delimited(threshold_for_moderation) end def formatted_threshold_for_response number_to_delimited(threshold_for_response) end def formatted_threshold_for_debate number_to_delimited(threshold_for_debate) end def host uri.host end def host_with_port "#{host}#{port_string(uri)}" end def port uri.port end def protocol "#{uri.scheme}://" end def constraints_for_public unless database_migrating? { protocol: protocol, host: host, port: port } end end def moderate_host moderate_uri.host end def moderate_host_with_port "#{moderate_host}#{port_string(moderate_uri)}" end def moderate_port moderate_uri.port end def moderate_protocol "#{moderate_uri.scheme}://" end def constraints_for_moderation unless database_migrating? { protocol: moderate_protocol, host: moderate_host, port: moderate_port } end end def password_digest BCrypt::Password.new(super) end def password=(new_password) @password = new_password.presence if @password self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(@password, cost: 10) end end def opened_at_for_closing(time = Time.current) opened_at = time.beginning_of_day - petition_duration.months
  1. Site#opened_at_for_closing refers to 'time' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) Locations: 0 1
if opened_at.day < time.day
  1. Site#opened_at_for_closing refers to 'opened_at' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) Locations: 0 1
  2. Site#opened_at_for_closing refers to 'time' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) Locations: 0 1
opened_at + 1.day
  1. Site#opened_at_for_closing refers to 'opened_at' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) Locations: 0 1
else opened_at end end def closed_at_for_opening(time = Time.current) time.end_of_day + petition_duration.months end validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 } validates :url, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 } validates :moderate_url, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 } validates :email_from, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 } validates :feedback_email, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 } validates :petition_duration, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :minimum_number_of_sponsors, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :maximum_number_of_sponsors, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :threshold_for_moderation, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :threshold_for_moderation_delay, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :threshold_for_response, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :threshold_for_debate, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validates :username, presence: true, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: :protected? validates :password, length: { maximum: 30 }, confirmation: true, if: :protected? validates :login_timeout, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true } validate if: :protected? do errors.add(:password, :blank) unless password_digest? end before_save if: :update_signature_counts_changed? do if update_signature_counts UpdateSignatureCountsJob.perform_later end end def update_all(updates) if scope.update_all(updates) > 0 reload else false end end private def scope self.class.unscoped.where(id: id) end def database_migrating?
  1. Site#database_migrating? doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
ARGV.any?{ |arg| arg =~ /db:migrate/ } end def port_string(uri) standard_port?(uri) ? '' : ":#{uri.port}" end def standard_port(uri)
  1. Site#standard_port doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
case uri.scheme when 'https' then 443 else 80 end end def standard_port?(uri) uri.port == standard_port(uri) end def uri @uri ||= URI.parse(url) end def moderate_uri @moderate_uri ||= URI.parse(moderate_url) end def type_cast_feature_flag(value)
  1. Site#type_cast_feature_flag doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
value.in?(FALSE_VALUES) ? false : true end end