
features/step_definitions / admin_search_steps.rb

188 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
23 churn
218.73 complexity
104 duplications
Given(/^(\d+) petitions? signed by "([^"]*)"$/) do |petition_count, name_or_email| petition_count.times do if name_or_email =~ /\A[^@]+@[^@]+\z/ attrs = { email: name_or_email } else attrs = { name: name_or_email } end attrs[:petition] = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) FactoryBot.create(:signature, attrs) end end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" signed by "([^"]*)"$/) do |action, name_or_email| if name_or_email =~ /\A[^@]+@[^@]+\z/ attrs = { email: name_or_email } else attrs = { name: name_or_email } end @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: action) @signature = FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, attrs.merge(petition: @petition)) @petition.update_signature_count! end Given(/^(\d+) petitions? signed from "([^"]*)"$/) do |petition_count, ip_address| petition_count.times do petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) FactoryBot.create(:signature, ip_address: ip_address, petition: petition) end end Given(/^(\d+) petitions? signed in "([^"]*)"$/) do |petition_count, postcode| petition_count.times do petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) FactoryBot.create(:signature, postcode: PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode), petition: petition) end end Given(/^(\d+) petitions? with a (pending|validated) signature by "([^"]*)"$/) do |petition_count, state, email| petition_count.times do FactoryBot.create(:"#{state}_signature", :petition => FactoryBot.create(:open_petition), :email => email) end end When(/^I search for signatures from "([^"]*)"$/) do |name_or_email| fill_in "Search", with: name_or_email click_button 'Search' end Then(/^I should see (\d+) signatures? associated with that (?:name|email address)$/) do |count| expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", count: count) end When(/^I search for petitions signed by "([^"]*)"( from the admin hub)?$/) do |name_or_email, from_the_hub|
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_signatures_url else visit admin_root_url choose "signatures" end fill_in "Search", :with => name_or_email click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for petitions signed from "([^"]*)"( from the admin hub)?$/) do |ip_address, from_the_hub|
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_signatures_url else visit admin_root_url choose "signatures" end fill_in "Search", with: ip_address click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for petitions signed in "([^"]*)"( from the admin hub)?$/) do |postcode, from_the_hub|
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_signatures_url else visit admin_root_url choose "signatures" end fill_in "Search", with: postcode click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for a petition by id( from the admin hub)?$/) do |from_the_hub| non_existent_petition_id = 123123 if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_petitions_url else visit admin_root_url end fill_in "Search", :with => @petition ? @petition.id : non_existent_petition_id click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for petitions with keyword "([^"]*)"( from the admin hub)?$/) do |keyword, from_the_hub| if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_petitions_url else visit admin_root_url end fill_in "Search", :with => keyword click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for petitions with tag "([^"]*)"( from the admin hub)?$/) do |tag, from_the_hub| if from_the_hub.blank? visit admin_petitions_url else visit admin_root_url end check tag click_button 'Search' end When(/^I search for the petition creator from the admin hub$/) do visit admin_root_url choose "signatures" fill_in "Search", :with => @petition.creator.email click_button 'Search' end When(/^I view the petition through the admin interface$/) do visit admin_petitions_url fill_in "Search", :with => @petition.id click_button 'Search' end Then(/^I should see (\d+) petitions? associated with the (?:name|email address|IP address|postcode|sector)$/) do |petition_count| expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => petition_count) end Then(/^I should be taken back to the id search form with an error$/) do expect(page).to have_css(".flash-alert") expect(page).to have_css("form") end Then(/^I should see the email address is pending$/) do expect(page).to have_button "Validate" end When(/^I click the (validate|invalidate) button$/) do |button| click_button button.titleize end Then(/^I should see the email address is validated$/) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
expect(page).not_to have_button "Validate" expect(page).to have_button "Invalidate" expect(page).to have_button "Delete" end Then(/^I should see the email address is invalidated$/) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
expect(page).not_to have_button "Invalidate" expect(page).to have_button "Validate" expect(page).to have_button "Delete" end Then(/^I should see the email address is unsubscribed$/) do expect(page).not_to have_button "Unsubscribe" end When(/^I click the unsubscribe button$/) do click_button "Unsubscribe" end When(/^I click the delete button$/) do click_button "Delete" end When(/^I click the first delete button$/) do within :css, "tbody tr:first" do click_button "Delete" end end Then(/^I should not see the unsubscribe button$/) do expect(page).not_to have_button "Unsubscribe" end Then(/^I should not see the delete button$/) do expect(page).not_to have_button "Delete" end