
features/step_definitions / petition_steps.rb

484 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
103 churn
663.0 complexity
173 duplications
Given /^a set of petitions$/ do 3.times do |x| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, :with_additional_details, :action => "Petition #{x}") end end Given(/^a set of (\d+) petitions$/) do |number| number.times do |x| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, :with_additional_details, :action => "Petition #{x}") end end When(/^I navigate to the next page of petitions$/) do click_link "Next" end Given(/^a(n)? ?(pending|validated|sponsored|flagged|open|rejected)? petition "([^"]*)"$/) do |a_or_an, state, petition_action| petition_args = { :action => petition_action, :closed_at => 1.day.from_now, :state => state || "open" } @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, petition_args) @petition.update_signature_count! end Given(/^a (sponsored|flagged) petition "(.*?)" reached threshold (\d+) days? ago$/) do |state, action, age| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:petition, action: action, state: state, moderation_threshold_reached_at: age.days.ago) end Given(/^a petition "([^"]*)" with a negative debate outcome$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:not_debated_petition, action: action) end Given(/^an archived petition "([^"]*)" with a negative debate outcome$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :not_debated, action: action) end Given(/^a(n)? ?(archived|pending|validated|sponsored|open)? petition "([^"]*)" with scheduled debate date of "(.*?)"$/) do |_, state, petition_title, scheduled_debate_date| step "an #{state} petition \"#{petition_title}\"" @petition.scheduled_debate_date = scheduled_debate_date.to_date @petition.save end Given(/^an archived petition "([^"]*)"$/) do |action| @parliament = FactoryBot.create(:parliament, :coalition) @petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :closed, parliament: @parliament, action: action) end Given(/^a (stopped|rejected|hidden) archived petition exists with action: "(.*?)"$/) do |state, action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, state.to_sym, action: action) end Given(/^the petition "([^"]*)" has (\d+) validated and (\d+) pending signatures$/) do |petition_action, no_validated, no_pending| petition = Petition.find_by(action: petition_action) (no_validated - 1).times { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition) } no_pending.times { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition) } petition.reload end Given(/^(\d+) petitions exist with a signature count of (\d+)$/) do |number, count| number.times do p = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) p.update_attribute(:signature_count, count) end end Given(/^a petition "([^"]*)" exists with a signature count of (\d+)$/) do |petition_action, count| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: petition_action) @petition.update_attribute(:signature_count, count) end Given(/^an open petition "(.*?)" with response "(.*?)" and response summary "(.*?)"$/) do |petition_action, details, summary| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:responded_petition, action: petition_action, response_details: details, response_summary: summary) end Given(/^a ?(open|closed)? petition "([^"]*)" exists and has received a government response (\d+) days ago$/) do |state, petition_action, parliament_response_days_ago | petition_attributes = { action: petition_action, closed_at: state == 'closed' ? 1.day.ago : 6.months.from_now, response_summary: 'Response Summary', response_details: 'Government Response', government_response_at: parliament_response_days_ago.to_i.days.ago } FactoryBot.create(:responded_petition, petition_attributes) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists and hasn't passed the threshold for a ?(response|debate)?$/) do |action, response_or_debate| FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: action) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists and passed the threshold for a response less than a day ago$/) do |action| FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: action, response_threshold_reached_at: 2.hours.ago) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists and passed the threshold for a response (\d+) days? ago$/) do |action, amount| FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: action, response_threshold_reached_at: amount.days.ago) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" passed the threshold for a debate less than a day ago and has no debate date set$/) do |action| petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_debate_petition, action: action, debate_threshold_reached_at: 2.hours.ago) petition.debate_outcome = nil end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" passed the threshold for a debate (\d+) days? ago and has no debate date set$/) do |action, amount| petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_debate_petition, action: action, debate_threshold_reached_at: amount.days.ago) petition.debate_outcome = nil end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" passed the threshold for a debate (\d+) days? ago and has a debate in (\d+) days$/) do |action, threshold, debate| petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_debate_petition, action: action, debate_threshold_reached_at: threshold.days.ago, scheduled_debate_date: debate.days.from_now) petition.debate_outcome = nil end Given(/^I have created a petition$/) do @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) reset_mailer end Given(/^the petition "([^"]*)" has (\d+) validated signatures$/) do |petition_action, no_validated| petition = Petition.find_by(action: petition_action) (no_validated - 1).times { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition) } petition.reload @petition.reload if @petition end And(/^the petition "([^"]*)" has reached maximum amount of sponsors$/) do |petition_action| petition = Petition.find_by(action: petition_action) Site.maximum_number_of_sponsors.times { petition.sponsors.build(FactoryBot.attributes_for(:sponsor)) } end And(/^the petition "([^"]*)" has (\d+) pending sponsors$/) do |petition_action, sponsors| petition = Petition.find_by(action: petition_action) sponsors.times { petition.sponsors.build(FactoryBot.attributes_for(:sponsor)) } end Given(/^a petition "([^"]*)" has been closed$/) do |petition_action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition, :action => petition_action) end Given(/^a petition "([^"]*)" has been closed early because of parliament dissolving$/) do |petition_action| open_at = 3.months.ago closed_at = 1.month.ago Parliament.instance.update! dissolution_at: closed_at, dissolution_heading: "Parliament is dissolving", dissolution_message: "This means all petitions will close in 2 weeks", dissolved_heading: "Parliament has been dissolved", dissolved_message: "All petitions have been closed", dissolution_faq_url: "https://parliament.example.com/parliament-is-closing" @petition = FactoryBot.create(:closed_petition, action: petition_action, open_at: open_at, closed_at: closed_at) end Given(/^the petition has closed$/) do @petition.close! end Given(/^the petition has closed some time ago$/) do @petition.close!(2.days.ago) end Given(/^a petition "([^"]*)" has been rejected( with the reason "([^"]*)")?$/) do |petition_action, reason_or_not, reason| reason_text = reason.nil? ? "It doesn't make any sense" : reason @petition = FactoryBot.create(:rejected_petition, :action => petition_action, :rejection_code => "irrelevant", :rejection_details => reason_text) end Given(/^an archived petition "([^"]*)" has been rejected with the reason "([^"]*)"$/) do |action, rejection_details| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :rejected, action: action, rejection_details: rejection_details) end When(/^I view the petition$/) do if @petition.is_a?(Archived::Petition) visit archived_petition_url(@petition) else visit petition_url(@petition) end end When(/^I view the petition at the old url$/) do visit petition_url(@petition) end Then(/^I should be redirected to the archived url$/) do expect(current_path).to eq(archived_petition_path(@petition)) end When /^I view all petitions from the home page$/ do visit home_url click_link "All petitions" end When(/^I check for similar petitions$/) do fill_in "q", :with => "Rioters should loose benefits" click_button("Continue") end When(/^I choose to create a petition anyway$/) do click_link_or_button "My petition is different" end Then(/^I should see all petitions$/) do expect(page).to have_css("ol li", :count => 3) end Then(/^I should see the petition details$/) do expect(page).to have_content(@petition.action) expect(page).to have_content(@petition.additional_details) expect(page).to have_content(@petition.background) if @petition.background? end Then(/^I should see the vote count, closed and open dates$/) do
  1. Then#/^I should see the vote count, closed and open dates$/ has a flog score of 55
@petition.reload expect(page).to have_css("p.signature-count-number", :text => "#{@petition.signature_count} #{'signature'.pluralize(@petition.signature_count)}") if @petition.is_a?(Archived::Petition) expect(page).to have_css("ul.petition-meta", :text => "Date closed " + @petition.closed_at.strftime("%e %B %Y").squish) else expect(page).to have_css("li.meta-deadline", :text => "Deadline " + @petition.deadline.strftime("%e %B %Y").squish) expect(page).to have_css("li.meta-created-by", :text => "Created by " + @petition.creator.name) end end Then(/^I should not see the vote count$/) do @petition.reload expect(page).to_not have_css("p.signature-count-number", :text => @petition.signature_count.to_s + " signatures") end Then(/^I should see submitted date$/) do @petition.reload expect(page).to have_css("li", :text => "Date submitted " + @petition.created_at.strftime("%e %B %Y").squish) end Then(/^I should not see the petition creator$/) do expect(page).not_to have_css("li.meta-created-by", :text => "Created by " + @petition.creator.name) end Then(/^I should see the reason for rejection$/) do @petition.reload expect(page).to have_content(@petition.rejection.details) end Then(/^I should be asked to search for a new petition$/) do expect(page).to have_content("What do you want us to do?") expect(page).to have_css("form textarea[name=q]") end Then(/^I should see a list of (\d+) petitions$/) do |petition_count| expect(page).to have_css("tbody tr", :count => petition_count) end Then(/^I should see my search query already filled in as the action of the petition$/) do expect(page).to have_field("What do you want us to do?", text: "Rioters should loose benefits") end Then(/^I can click on a link to return to the petition$/) do expect(page).to have_css("a[href*='/petitions/#{@petition.id}']") end Then(/^I should receive an email telling me how to get an MP on board$/) do
  1. Then#/^I should receive an email telling me how to get an MP on board$/ has a flog score of 28
expect(unread_emails_for(@petition.creator.email).size).to eq 1 open_email(@petition.creator.email) expect(current_email.default_part_body.to_s).to include("MP") end When(/^I am allowed to make the petition action too long$/) do # NOTE: we do this to remove the maxlength attribtue on the petition # action input because any modern browser/driver will not let us enter # values longer than maxlength and so we can't test our JS validation page.execute_script "document.getElementById('petition_creator_action').removeAttribute('maxlength');" end Then(/^the petition with action: "(.*?)" should have requested a government response email after "(.*?)"$/) do |petition_action, timestamp| petition = Petition.find_by!(action: petition_action) email_requested_at = petition.get_email_requested_at_for('government_response') expect(email_requested_at).to be_present expect(email_requested_at).to be >= timestamp.in_time_zone end Then(/^the petition with action: "(.*?)" should not have requested a government response email$/) do |petition_action| petition = Petition.find_by!(action: petition_action) email_requested_at = petition.get_email_requested_at_for('government_response') expect(email_requested_at).to be_nil end When(/^I start a new petition/) do steps %Q( Given I am on the new petition page Then I should see "Start a petition - Petitions" in the browser page title And I should be connected to the server via an ssl connection ) end When(/^I fill in the petition details/) do steps %Q( When I fill in "What do you want us to do?" with "The wombats of wimbledon rock." And I fill in "Background" with "Give half of Wimbledon rock to wombats!" And I fill in "Additional details" with "The racial tensions between the wombles and the wombats are heating up. Racial attacks are a regular occurrence and the death count is already in 5 figures. The only resolution to this crisis is to give half of Wimbledon common to the Wombats and to recognise them as their own independent state." ) end Then(/^I should see my constituency "([^"]*)"/) do |constituency| expect(page).to have_text(constituency) end Then(/^I should see my MP/) do expect(page).to have_text("Emily Thornberry MP") end Then(/^I can click on a link to visit my MP$/) do expect(page).to have_css("a[href*='http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/commons/emily-thornberry-mp/1536']") end Then(/^I should not see the text "([^"]*)"/) do |text| expect(page).to_not have_text(text) end Then(/^my petition should be validated$/) do @sponsor_petition.reload expect(@sponsor_petition.state).to eq Petition::VALIDATED_STATE end Then(/^the petition creator signature should be validated$/) do @sponsor_petition.reload expect(@sponsor_petition.creator.state).to eq Signature::VALIDATED_STATE end Then(/^I can share it via (.+)$/) do |service|
  1. Then#/^I can share it via (.+)$/ has a flog score of 65
case service when 'Email'
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
within(:css, '.petition-share') do expect(page).to have_link('Email', href: %r[\Amailto:\?body=#{ERB::Util.url_encode(petition_url(@petition))}&subject=Petition%3A%20#{ERB::Util.url_encode(@petition.action)}\z]) end when 'Facebook' within(:css, '.petition-share') do expect(page).to have_link('Facebook', href: %r[\Ahttps://www\.facebook\.com/sharer/sharer\.php\?ref=responsive&u=#{ERB::Util.url_encode(petition_url(@petition))}\z]) end when 'Twitter'
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
within(:css, '.petition-share') do expect(page).to have_link('Twitter', href: %r[\Ahttps://twitter\.com/intent/tweet\?text=Petition%3A%20#{ERB::Util.url_encode(@petition.action)}&url=#{ERB::Util.url_encode(petition_url(@petition))}\z]) end when 'Whatsapp' within(:css, '.petition-share') do expect(page).to have_link('Whatsapp', href: %r[\Awhatsapp://send\?text=Petition%3A%20#{ERB::Util.url_encode(@petition.action + "\n" + petition_url(@petition))}\z]) end else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown sharing service: #{service.inspect}" end end Then(/^I should not see the response "([^"]*)"$/) do |response|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
details = page.find("//details[contains(., '#{response}')]") expect(details["open"]).to be_nil end Then(/^I should see the response "([^"]*)"$/) do |response|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
details = page.find("//details[contains(., '#{response}')]") expect(details["open"]).not_to be_nil end Then(/^I expand "([^"]*)"/) do |text| page.find("//details/summary[contains(., '#{text}')]").click end Given(/^an? (open|closed|rejected) petition "(.*?)" with some (fraudulent)? ?signatures$/) do |state, petition_action, signature_state| petition_closed_at = state == 'closed' ? 1.day.ago : nil petition_state = state == 'closed' ? 'open' : state petition_args = { action: petition_action, open_at: 3.months.ago, closed_at: petition_closed_at } @petition = FactoryBot.create(:"#{state}_petition", petition_args) signature_state ||= "validated" 5.times { FactoryBot.create(:"#{signature_state}_signature", petition: @petition) } @petition.update_signature_count! end Given(/^the threshold for a parliamentary debate is "(.*?)"$/) do |amount| Site.instance.update!(threshold_for_debate: amount) end Given(/^there are (\d+) petitions awaiting a government response$/) do |response_count|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
response_count.times do |count| petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_petition, :action => "Petition #{count}") end end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists with a debate outcome$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:debated_petition, action: action, debated_on: 1.day.ago) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists with a debate outcome and with response threshold met$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:debated_petition, action: action, debated_on: 1.day.ago, overview: 'Everyone was in agreement, this petition must be made law!', response_threshold_reached_at: 30.days.ago) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists awaiting debate date$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_debate_petition, action: action) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists with government response$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:responded_petition, action: action) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists awaiting government response$/) do |action| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_petition, action: action) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" exists with notes "([^"]*)"$/) do |action, notes| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: action, admin_notes: notes) end Given(/^an? ?(pending|validated|sponsored|flagged|open)? petition "(.*?)" exists with tags "([^"]*)"$/) do |state, action, tags| tags = tags.split(",").map(&:strip) state ||= "open" tag_ids = tags.map { |tag| Tag.find_or_create_by(name: tag).id } @petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, state: state, action: action, tags: tag_ids) end Given(/^there are (\d+) petitions with a scheduled debate date$/) do |scheduled_debate_petitions_count| scheduled_debate_petitions_count.times do |count| FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, :scheduled_for_debate, action: "Petition #{count}") end end Given(/^there are (\d+) petitions with enough signatures to require a debate$/) do |debate_threshold_petitions_count| debate_threshold_petitions_count.times do |count| FactoryBot.create(:awaiting_debate_petition, action: "Petition #{count}") end end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" has other parliamentary business$/) do |petition_action|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: petition_action) @email = FactoryBot.create(:petition_email, petition: @petition, subject: "Committee to discuss #{petition_action}", body: "The Petition Committee will discuss #{petition_action} on the #{Date.tomorrow}" ) end Given(/^an archived petition "(.*?)" has other parliamentary business$/) do |petition_action|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, action: petition_action) @email = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition_email, petition: @petition, subject: "Committee to discuss #{petition_action}", body: "The Petition Committee will discuss #{petition_action} on the #{Date.tomorrow}" ) end Then(/^I should see the other business items$/) do steps %Q( Then I should see "Other parliamentary business" And I should see "Committee to discuss #{@petition.action}" And I should see "The Petition Committee will discuss #{@petition.action} on the #{Date.tomorrow}" ) end Given(/^these archived petitions? exist?:?$/) do |table| parliament = FactoryBot.create(:parliament, :coalition) table.raw[1..-1].each do |petition| attributes = { parliament: parliament, action: petition[0], state: petition[1], signature_count: petition[2], created_at: petition[3] } FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, attributes) end end When (/^I search all petitions for "(.*?)"$/) do |search_term| within :css, '.search-petitions' do fill_in :search, with: search_term step %{I press "Search"} end end