
features/step_definitions / signature_steps.rb

213 lines of codes
1 methods
169.4 complexity/method
52 churn
169.35 complexity
32 duplications
Then /^I cannot sign the petition$/ do expect(page).not_to have_css("a", :text => "Sign") end When /^I decide to sign the petition$/ do visit petition_url(@petition) click_link "Sign this petition" end When /^I try to sign$/ do click_button "Continue" end Then /^I am told to check my inbox to complete signing$/ do expect(page).to have_title("Thank you") expect(page).to have_content("We’ve sent you an email") end Then(/^(?:I|they|"(.*?)") should be asked to confirm their email address$/) do |address| expect(find_email(address, with_subject: "Please confirm your email address")).to be_present end When(/^I confirm my email address(?: again)?$/) do steps %Q( And I open the email with subject "Please confirm your email address" When I click the first link in the email ) end def should_be_signature_count_of(count) expect(Petition.find(@petition.id).signature_count).to eq(count) end Then /^I should have signed the petition$/ do should_be_signature_count_of(2) end When /^I fill in my non\-UK details$/ do step "I fill in my details" uncheck "I am a British citizen or UK resident" end When(/^I fill in my details(?: with email "([^"]+)")?$/) do |email_address| email_address ||= "womboid@wimbledon.com" steps %Q( When I fill in "Name" with "Womboid Wibbledon" And I fill in "Email" with "#{email_address}" And I check "I am a British citizen or UK resident" And I fill in my postcode with "SW14 9RQ" And I select "United Kingdom" from "Location" And I check "Email me whenever there’s an update about this petition" ) end When(/^I fill in my details with postcode "(.*?)"?$/) do |postcode| steps %Q( When I fill in "Name" with "Womboid Wibbledon" And I fill in "Email" with "womboid@wimbledon.com" And I check "I am a British citizen or UK resident" And I fill in my postcode with "#{postcode}" And I select "United Kingdom" from "Location" And I check "Email me whenever there’s an update about this petition" ) end When(/^I fill in my postcode with "(.*?)"$/) do |postcode| step %{I fill in "Postcode" with "#{postcode}"} sanitized_postcode = PostcodeSanitizer.call(postcode) fixture_file = sanitized_postcode == "N11TY" ? "single" : "no_results" stub_api_request_for(sanitized_postcode).to_return(api_response(:ok, fixture_file)) end When /^I fill in my details and sign a petition$/ do steps %Q( When I go to the new signature page for "Do something!" And I should see "Do something! - Sign this petition - Petitions" in the browser page title And I should be connected to the server via an ssl connection And I fill in my details And I try to sign And I say I am happy with my email address Then I am told to check my inbox to complete signing And "womboid@wimbledon.com" should receive 1 email ) end Then /^I should see that I have already signed the petition$/ do expect(page).to have_text("You’ve already signed this petition") end Then(/^I am asked to review my email address$/) do expect(page).to have_content 'Make sure this is right' expect(page).to have_field('Email') end When(/^I change my email address to "(.*?)"$/) do |email_address| fill_in 'Email', with: email_address end When(/^I say I am happy with my email address$/) do click_on "Yes – this is my email address" end And "I have already signed the petition with an uppercase email" do FactoryBot.create(:signature, name: "Womboid Wibbledon", :petition => @petition, :email => "WOMBOID@WIMBLEDON.COM") end And "I have already signed the petition but not validated my email" do FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, name: "Womboid Wibbledon", :petition => @petition, :email => "womboid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "N11TY") end And "I have already signed the petition using an alias" do FactoryBot.create(:signature, name: "Womboid Wibbledon", :petition => @petition, :email => "wom.boid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "N11TY") end And "I have already signed the petition using an alias but not validated my email" do FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, name: "Womboid Wibbledon", :petition => @petition, :email => "wom.boid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "N11TY") end Given /^Suzie has already signed the petition$/ do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@suzies_signature = FactoryBot.create(:signature, :petition => @petition, :email => "womboid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "SW14 9RQ", :name => "Womboid Wibbledon") end Given /^Eric has already signed the petition with Suzies email$/ do FactoryBot.create(:signature, :petition => @petition, :email => "womboid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "SW14 9RQ", :name => "Eric Wibbledon") end Given(/^"([^"]*)" is configured to normalize email address$/) do |domain| FactoryBot.create(:domain, name: domain) end Given /^I have signed the petition with a second name$/ do FactoryBot.create(:signature, :petition => @petition, :email => "womboid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "SW14 9RQ", :name => "Sam Wibbledon") end Given(/^Suzie has already signed the petition and validated her email$/) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@suzies_signature = FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, :petition => @petition, :email => "womboid@wimbledon.com", :postcode => "SW14 9RQ", :name => "Womboid Wibbledon") end When(/^Suzie shares the signatory confirmation link with Eric$/) do @shared_link = signed_signature_url(@suzies_signature, token: @suzies_signature.perishable_token) end When /^I try to sign the petition with the same email address and a different name$/ do steps %Q{ When I decide to sign the petition And I fill in my details And I fill in "Name" with "Sam Wibbledon" And I try to sign And I say I am happy with my email address } end When /^I try to sign the petition with the same email address and the same name$/ do step "I decide to sign the petition" step "I fill in my details" step "I try to sign" step "I say I am happy with my email address" end When /^I try to sign the petition with the same email address, a different name, and a different postcode$/ do step "I decide to sign the petition" step "I fill in my details" step %{I fill in "Name" with "Sam Wibbledon"} step %{I fill in my postcode with "W1A 1AA"} step "I try to sign" step "I say I am happy with my email address" end When /^I try to sign the petition with the same email address and a third name$/ do step "I decide to sign the petition" step "I fill in my details" step %{I fill in "Name" with "Sarah Wibbledon"} step "I try to sign" step "I say I am happy with my email address" end Then /^I should have signed the petition after confirming my email address$/ do steps %Q( And "womboid@wimbledon.com" should receive 1 email When I confirm my email address ) should_be_signature_count_of(3) end Then /^there should be a "([^"]*)" signature with email "([^"]*)" and name "([^"]*)"$/ do |state, email, name| expect(Signature.for_email(email).find_by(name: name, state: state)).not_to be_nil end Then /^"([^"]*)" wants to be notified about the petition's progress$/ do |name| expect(Signature.find_by(name: name).notify_by_email?).to be_truthy end Given /^I have already signed the petition "([^"]*)" but not confirmed my email$/ do |petition_action| petition = Petition.find_by(action: petition_action) FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, :email => 'suzie@example.com', :petition => petition) end When /^I fill in "([^"]*)" with my email address$/ do |field_name| step "I fill in \"#{field_name}\" with \"suzie@example.com\"" end Then /^the signature count (?:stays at|goes up to) (\d+)$/ do |number| signatures = @petition.signatures expect(signatures.count).to eq number end