
spec/controllers/admin / admin_controller_spec.rb

279 lines of codes
13 methods
35.1 complexity/method
6 churn
456.93 complexity
266 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::AdminController, type: :controller do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } before do login_as(user) end context "when the site is protected" do context "and the request is local" do
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before do expect(request).not_to receive(:local?) expect(Site).not_to receive(:protected?) end it "does not request authentication" do get :index expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end end context "and the request is not local" do
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before do expect(request).not_to receive(:local?) expect(Site).not_to receive(:protected?) end it "does not request authentication" do get :index expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end end context "and the request is authenticated" do before do http_authentication "username", "password" expect(request).not_to receive(:local?) expect(Site).not_to receive(:protected?) expect(Site).not_to receive(:authenticate) end it "does not request authentication" do get :index expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end end end describe "flash translation" do let(:i18n_args) { [i18n_key, i18n_options] } context "when using :alert in redirect_to" do
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controller do def index redirect_to "/", alert: :update_failed end end let(:i18n_key) { :update_failed } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash" } } let(:i18n_response) { "Update failed" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "translates the key" do get :index expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Update failed") end end context "when using :notice in redirect_to" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
controller do def index redirect_to "/", notice: :update_succeeded end end let(:i18n_key) { :update_succeeded } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash" } } let(:i18n_response) { "Update succeeded" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "translates the key" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Update succeeded") end end context "when using :flash in redirect_to" do controller do def index redirect_to "/", flash: { error: :update_failed } end end let(:i18n_key) { :update_failed } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash" } } let(:i18n_response) { "Update failed" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "translates the key" do get :index expect(flash[:error]).to eq("Update failed") end end context "when using substitution" do controller do def index redirect_to "/", notice: [:search_failed, query: "foo"] end end let(:i18n_key) { :search_failed } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash", query: "foo" } } let(:i18n_response) { "No petition that matches 'foo'" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "translates the key" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("No petition that matches 'foo'") end end context "when using a string" do controller do def index redirect_to "/", notice: "Update succeeded" end end before do expect(I18n).not_to receive(:t) end it "translates the key" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Update succeeded") end end end describe "flash rendering" do context "when using :alert in render :action" do
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controller do def index render :index, alert: "Login failed" end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Login failed") end end context "when using :notice in render :action" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
controller do def index render :index, notice: "Login succeeded" end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Login succeeded") end end context "when using :flash in render :action" do controller do def index render :index, flash: { error: "Login failed" } end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:error]).to eq("Login failed") end end context "when using :alert in render options" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
controller do def index render action: "index", alert: "Login failed" end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Login failed") end end context "when using :notice in render options" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
controller do def index render action: "index", notice: "Login succeeded" end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Login succeeded") end end context "when using :flash in render options" do controller do def index render action: "index", flash: { error: "Login failed" } end end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:error]).to eq("Login failed") end end context "when using render with flash translation" do controller do def index render :index, alert: :login_failed end end let(:i18n_args) { [i18n_key, i18n_options] } let(:i18n_key) { :login_failed } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash" } } let(:i18n_response) { "Login failed" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Login failed") end end context "when using render with flash translation and substitution" do controller do def index render :index, notice: [:search_failed, query: "foo"] end end let(:i18n_args) { [i18n_key, i18n_options] } let(:i18n_key) { :search_failed } let(:i18n_options) { { scope: :"admin.flash", query: "foo" } } let(:i18n_response) { "No petition that matches 'foo'" } before do expect(I18n).to receive(:t).with(*i18n_args).and_return(i18n_response) end it "sets flash.now" do get :index expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("No petition that matches 'foo'") end end end end