
spec/controllers/admin/archived / locks_controller_spec.rb

307 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
5 churn
806.08 complexity
975 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::Archived::LocksController, type: :controller, admin: true do context "when not logged in" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
[ ["GET", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :show, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["POST", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :create, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["PATCH", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :update, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["DELETE", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :destroy, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }] ].each do |method, path, action, params| describe "#{method} #{path}" do before { process action, method, params } it "redirects to the login page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login") end end end end context "when logged in as a moderator requiring a password reset" do let(:moderator) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, force_password_reset: true) } before { login_as(moderator) } [ ["GET", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :show, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["POST", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :create, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["PATCH", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :update, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }], ["DELETE", "/admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json", :destroy, { petition_id: "100000", format: :json }] ].each do |method, path, action, params| describe "#{method} #{path}" do before { process action, method, params } it "redirects to the admin profile page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/profile/#{moderator.id}/edit") end end end end context "when logged in as a moderator" do let(:moderator) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition) } before { login_as(moderator) } describe "GET /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json" do it "returns 200 OK" do get :show, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders the :show template" do get :show, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to render_template("admin/archived/locks/show") end context "when the petition is locked by the moderator" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: moderator, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(GET /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by the moderator)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 32
expect { get :show, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end context "when the petition is locked by someone else" do let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: other_user, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't update the locked_at timestamp" do expect { get :show, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_at } end end end describe "POST /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json" do it "returns 200 OK" do get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders the :create template" do get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to render_template("admin/archived/locks/create") end context "when the petition is unlocked" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil) } it "updates the locked_by association" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(POST /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is unlocked)::it#updates the locked_by association has a flog score of 29
expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_by }.from(nil).to eq(moderator) end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(POST /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is unlocked)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 34
expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.from(nil).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end context "when the petition is locked by the moderator" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: moderator, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't update the locked_by association" do expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_by } end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(POST /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by the moderator)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 32
expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end context "when the petition is locked by someone else" do let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: other_user, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't update the locked_by association" do expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_by } end it "doesn't update the locked_at timestamp" do expect { get :create, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_at } end end end describe "PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json" do it "returns 200 OK" do get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders the :update template" do get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to render_template("admin/archived/locks/update") end context "when the petition is unlocked" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil) } it "updates the locked_by association" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is unlocked)::it#updates the locked_by association has a flog score of 29
expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_by }.from(nil).to eq(moderator) end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is unlocked)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 34
expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.from(nil).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end context "when the petition is locked by the moderator" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: moderator, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't update the locked_by association" do expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_by } end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by the moderator)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 32
expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end context "when the petition is locked by someone else" do let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: other_user, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "updates the locked_by association" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by someone else)::it#updates the locked_by association has a flog score of 31
expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_by }.from(other_user).to eq(moderator) end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(PATCH /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by someone else)::it#updates the locked_at timestamp has a flog score of 32
expect { get :update, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end end end describe "DELETE /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json" do it "returns 200 OK" do get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders the :destroy template" do get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json expect(response).to render_template("admin/archived/locks/destroy") end context "when the petition is unlocked" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil) } it "doesn't update the locked_by association" do expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_by } end it "doesn't update the locked_at timestamp" do expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_at } end end context "when the petition is locked by the moderator" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: moderator, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "updates the locked_by association" do
  1. context(when logged in as a moderator)::describe(DELETE /admin/archived/petitions/:petition_id/lock.json)::context(when the petition is locked by the moderator)::it#updates the locked_by association has a flog score of 27
expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_by }.from(moderator).to(nil) end it "updates the locked_at timestamp" do expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.to change { petition.reload.locked_at }.to be_nil end end context "when the petition is locked by someone else" do let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, locked_by: other_user, locked_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't update the locked_by association" do expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_by } end it "doesn't update the locked_at timestamp" do expect { get :destroy, petition_id: petition.to_param, format: :json }.not_to change { petition.reload.locked_at } end end end end end