
spec/controllers/admin / debate_outcomes_controller_spec.rb

514 lines of codes
3 methods
436.5 complexity/method
19 churn
1309.5 complexity
794 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::DebateOutcomesController, type: :controller, admin: true do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } describe 'not logged in' do
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describe 'GET /show' do it 'redirects to the login page' do get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(response).to redirect_to('https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login') end end describe 'PATCH /update' do it 'redirects to the login page' do patch :update, petition_id: petition.id expect(response).to redirect_to('https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login') end end end context 'logged in as moderator user but need to reset password' do
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let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, force_password_reset: true) } before { login_as(user) } describe 'GET /show' do it 'redirects to edit profile page' do get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/profile/#{user.id}/edit") end end describe 'PATCH /update' do it 'redirects to edit profile page' do patch :update, petition_id: petition.id expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/profile/#{user.id}/edit") end end end describe "logged in as moderator user" do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } before { login_as(user) } describe 'GET /show' do describe 'for an open petition' do
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it 'fetches the requested petition' do get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(assigns(:petition)).to eq petition end context 'that does not already have a debate outcome' do it 'exposes an new unsaved debate_outcome for the requested petition' do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(GET /show)::describe(for an open petition)::context(that does not already have a debate outcome)::it#exposes an new unsaved debate_outcome for the requested petition has a flog score of 35
get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(assigns(:debate_outcome)).to be_present expect(assigns(:debate_outcome)).not_to be_persisted expect(assigns(:debate_outcome).petition).to eq petition end end context 'that already has a debate outcome' do let!(:debate_outcome) { FactoryBot.create(:debate_outcome, petition: petition) } it 'exposes the existing debate_outcome on the requested petition' do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(GET /show)::describe(for an open petition)::context(that already has a debate outcome)::it#exposes the existing debate_outcome on the requested petition has a flog score of 26
get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(assigns(:debate_outcome)).to be_present expect(assigns(:debate_outcome)).to eq debate_outcome end end it 'responds successfully and renders the petitions/show template' do get :show, petition_id: petition.id expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to render_template('petitions/show') end end shared_examples_for 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' do
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it 'raises a 404 error' do expect { get :show, petition_id: petition.id }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end describe 'for a pending petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::PENDING_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a validated petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::VALIDATED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a sponsored petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::SPONSORED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a rejected petition' do before { petition.update_columns(state: Petition::REJECTED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a hidden petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::HIDDEN_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to view a debate outcome for a petition in the wrong state' end end describe 'PATCH /update' do let(:debate_outcome_attributes) do { debated_on: '2014-12-01', overview: 'Discussion of the 2014 Christmas Adjournment - has the house considered everything it needs to before it closes for the festive period?', transcript_url: 'http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm141218/debtext/141218-0003.htm#14121849000001', video_url: 'http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/f9eb68af-6a5c-4a94-95d3-6108aa87e9d7?in=13:57:00', debate_pack_url: "http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234" } end context 'when clicking the Email button' do def do_patch(overrides = {}) params = { petition_id: petition.id, debate_outcome: debate_outcome_attributes, save_and_email: "Email" } patch :update, params.merge(overrides) end describe 'for an open petition' do it 'fetches the requested petition' do do_patch expect(assigns(:petition)).to eq petition end describe 'with valid params' do it 'redirects to the petition show page' do do_patch expect(response).to redirect_to "https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}" end it 'tells the moderator that their email will be sent overnight' do do_patch expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'Email will be sent overnight' end it 'stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do
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  2. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Email button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::it#stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db has a flog score of 113
do_patch petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_present expect(petition.debate_outcome.debated_on).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:debated_on].to_date expect(petition.debate_outcome.overview).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:overview] expect(petition.debate_outcome.transcript_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:transcript_url] expect(petition.debate_outcome.video_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:video_url] expect(petition.debate_outcome.debate_pack_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:debate_pack_url] end describe "emails out a debate outcome response" do
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  2. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Email button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::describe#emails out a debate outcome response has a flog score of 37
before do 3.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Laura #{i}", email: "laura_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: true, petition: petition } s = FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) s.validate! end 2.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Sarah #{i}", email: "sarah_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: false, petition: petition } s = FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) s.validate! end 2.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Brian #{i}", email: "brian_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: true, petition: petition } FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) end petition.reload end it "queues a job to process the emails" do assert_enqueued_jobs 1 do do_patch end end it "stamps the 'debate_outcome' email sent timestamp on each signature when the job runs" do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Email button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::describe(emails out a debate outcome response)::it#stamps the 'debate_outcome' email sent timestamp on each signature when the job runs has a flog score of 44
perform_enqueued_jobs do do_patch petition.reload petition_timestamp = petition.get_email_requested_at_for('debate_outcome') expect(petition_timestamp).not_to be_nil petition.signatures.validated.subscribed.each do |signature| expect(signature.get_email_sent_at_for('debate_outcome')).to eq(petition_timestamp) end end end it "should email out to the validated signees who have opted in when the delayed job runs" do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Email button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::describe(emails out a debate outcome response)::it#should email out to the validated signees who have opted in when the delayed job runs has a flog score of 50
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear perform_enqueued_jobs do do_patch expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length).to eq 4 expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.map(&:to)).to eq([ [petition.creator.email], ['laura_0@example.com'], ['laura_1@example.com'], ['laura_2@example.com'] ]) end end end end shared_examples_for 'a debate_outcome with invalid parameters' do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it 're-renders the petitions/show template' do do_patch expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to render_template('petitions/show') end it 'leaves the in-memory instance with errors' do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Email button)::describe(for an open petition)::shared_examples_for(a debate_outcome with invalid parameters)::it#leaves the in-memory instance with errors has a flog score of 28
do_patch expect(assigns(:petition).debate_outcome).to be_present expect(assigns(:petition).debate_outcome.errors).not_to be_empty end it 'does not stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do do_patch petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil end end describe 'with invalid params' do before { debate_outcome_attributes.delete(:debated_on) } it_behaves_like 'a debate_outcome with invalid parameters' end describe 'image handling' do
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def patch_and_reload do_patch petition.reload end describe 'with no supplied image' do before { patch_and_reload } it 'returns the default image url' do expect(petition.debate_outcome.commons_image.url).to eq commons_default_image_url end end describe 'a valid image' do before { debate_outcome_attributes[:commons_image] = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(commons_image_file, 'image/jpeg') } before { patch_and_reload } it 'does not return the default image url' do expect(petition.debate_outcome.commons_image.url).to_not eq commons_default_image_url end end describe 'a small image' do before { debate_outcome_attributes[:commons_image] = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(commons_image_file_too_small, 'image/jpeg') } it_behaves_like 'a debate_outcome with invalid parameters' end describe 'an image in the wrong ratio' do before { debate_outcome_attributes[:commons_image] = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(commons_image_file_wrong_ratio, 'image/jpeg') } it_behaves_like 'a debate_outcome with invalid parameters' end end end shared_examples_for 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' do it 'raises a 404 error' do expect { do_patch }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end it 'does not stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do suppress(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { do_patch } petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil end end describe 'for a pending petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::PENDING_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a validated petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::VALIDATED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a sponsored petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::SPONSORED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a rejected petition' do before { petition.update_columns(state: Petition::REJECTED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a hidden petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::HIDDEN_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end end context 'when clicking the Save button' do def do_patch(overrides = {}) params = { petition_id: petition.id, debate_outcome: debate_outcome_attributes, save: "Save" } patch :update, params.merge(overrides) end describe 'for an open petition' do it 'fetches the requested petition' do do_patch expect(assigns(:petition)).to eq petition end describe 'with valid params' do it 'redirects to the petition show page' do do_patch expect(response).to redirect_to "https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}" end it 'tells the moderator that their changes were saved' do do_patch expect(flash[:notice]).to eq 'Updated debate outcome successfully' end it 'stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do
  1. Identical code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
  2. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Save button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::it#stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db has a flog score of 113
do_patch petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_present expect(petition.debate_outcome.debated_on).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:debated_on].to_date expect(petition.debate_outcome.overview).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:overview] expect(petition.debate_outcome.transcript_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:transcript_url] expect(petition.debate_outcome.video_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:video_url] expect(petition.debate_outcome.debate_pack_url).to eq debate_outcome_attributes[:debate_pack_url] end describe "does not email out debate outcome response" do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Save button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with valid params)::describe#does not email out debate outcome response has a flog score of 37
before do 3.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Laura #{i}", email: "laura_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: true, petition: petition } s = FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) s.validate! end 2.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Sarah #{i}", email: "sarah_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: false, petition: petition } s = FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) s.validate! end 2.times do |i| attributes = { name: "Brian #{i}", email: "brian_#{i}@example.com", notify_by_email: true, petition: petition } FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, attributes) end petition.reload end it "does not queue a job to process the emails" do assert_enqueued_jobs 0 do do_patch end end end end describe 'with invalid params' do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before { debate_outcome_attributes.delete(:debated_on) } it 're-renders the petitions/show template' do do_patch expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to render_template('petitions/show') end it 'leaves the in-memory instance with errors' do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when clicking the Save button)::describe(for an open petition)::describe(with invalid params)::it#leaves the in-memory instance with errors has a flog score of 28
do_patch expect(assigns(:petition).debate_outcome).to be_present expect(assigns(:petition).debate_outcome.errors).not_to be_empty end it 'does not stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do do_patch petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil end end end shared_examples_for 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' do it 'raises a 404 error' do expect { do_patch }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end it 'does not stores the supplied debate outcome details in the db' do suppress(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { do_patch } petition.reload expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil end end describe 'for a pending petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::PENDING_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a validated petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::VALIDATED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a sponsored petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::SPONSORED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a rejected petition' do before { petition.update_columns(state: Petition::REJECTED_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end describe 'for a hidden petition' do before { petition.update_column(:state, Petition::HIDDEN_STATE) } it_behaves_like 'trying to add debate outcome details to a petition in the wrong state' end end context "when two moderators update the debate outcome for the first time simultaneously" do
  1. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context#when two moderators update the debate outcome for the first time simultaneously has a flog score of 33
let(:debate_outcome) do FactoryBot.build(:debate_outcome, overview: "", debated: false, petition: petition) end before do
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debateable = double(:scope) allow(Petition).to receive(:debateable).and_return(debateable) allow(debateable).to receive(:find).with(petition.id.to_s).and_return(petition) end it "doesn't raise an ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
  2. describe(logged in as moderator user)::describe(PATCH /update)::context(when two moderators update the debate outcome for the first time simultaneously)::itdoesn't raise an ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error has a flog score of 90
expect { expect(petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil outcome_attributes = { overview: "overview 1", debated: false } patch :update, petition_id: petition.id, debate_outcome: outcome_attributes, save: "Save" expect(petition.debate_outcome.overview).to eq("overview 1") allow(petition).to receive(:debate_outcome).and_return(nil, petition.debate_outcome) allow(petition).to receive(:build_debate_outcome).and_return(debate_outcome) outcome_attributes = { overview: "overview 2", debated: false } patch :update, petition_id: petition.id, debate_outcome: outcome_attributes, save: "Save" expect(petition.debate_outcome(true).overview).to eq("overview 2") }.not_to raise_error end end end end end