
spec/controllers/admin / moderation_controller_spec.rb

251 lines of codes
1 methods
625.9 complexity/method
19 churn
625.91 complexity
215 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::ModerationController, type: :controller, admin: true do describe "logged in" do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } before { login_as(user) } let(:petition) do FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, creator_attributes: { name: "Barry Butler", email: "bazbutler@gmail.com" }, sponsor_count: 5, moderation_threshold_reached_at: 4.days.ago ) end context "update" do before { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear } let(:patch_options) { {} } def do_patch(options = patch_options) params = { petition_id: petition.id, save_and_email: "Email petition creator" }.merge(petition: options) patch :update, params end it "is unsuccessful for a petition that is not validated" do petition.publish expect { do_patch }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end context "when moderation param is 'approve'" do let(:now) { Time.current } let(:deliveries) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries } let(:creator_email) { deliveries.select{ |m| m.to == %w[bazbutler@gmail.com] }.last } let(:sponsor_email) { deliveries.detect{ |m| m.to == %w[laurapalmer@gmail.com] } } let(:pending_email) { deliveries.detect{ |m| m.to == %w[sandyfisher@hotmail.com] } } let(:duration) { Site.petition_duration.months } let(:closing_date) { (now + duration).end_of_day } let!(:sponsor) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsor, :pending, petition: petition, email: "laurapalmer@gmail.com") } let!(:pending_sponsor) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsor, :pending, petition: petition, email: "sandyfisher@hotmail.com") } before do perform_enqueued_jobs do sponsor.validate! do_patch moderation: "approve" petition.reload end end it "opens the petition" do expect(petition.state).to eq(Petition::OPEN_STATE) end it "sets the open date to now" do expect(petition.open_at).to be_within(1.second).of(now) end it "sets the moderation lag" do expect(petition.moderation_lag).to eq(4) end it "redirects to the admin show page for the petition page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}") end it "sends an email to the petition creator" do expect(creator_email).to deliver_to("bazbutler@gmail.com") expect(creator_email).to have_subject(/We published your petition “[^"]+”/) end it "sends an email to validated petition sponsors" do expect(sponsor_email).to deliver_to("laurapalmer@gmail.com") expect(sponsor_email).to have_subject(/We published the petition “[^"]+” that you supported/) end it "doesn't send an email to pending petition sponsors" do expect(pending_email).to be_nil end end context "when moderation param is 'reject'" do let(:rejection_code) { 'duplicate' } let(:patch_options) do { moderation: 'reject', rejection: { code: rejection_code } } end let(:deliveries) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries } let(:creator_email) { deliveries.detect{ |m| m.to == %w[bazbutler@gmail.com] } } let(:sponsor_email) { deliveries.detect{ |m| m.to == %w[laurapalmer@gmail.com] } } let(:pending_email) { deliveries.detect{ |m| m.to == %w[sandyfisher@hotmail.com] } } let!(:sponsor) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsor, :validated, petition: petition, email: "laurapalmer@gmail.com") } let!(:pending_sponsor) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsor, :pending, petition: petition, email: "sandyfisher@hotmail.com") } before do perform_enqueued_jobs do do_patch petition.reload end end shared_examples_for 'rejecting a petition' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:now) { Time.current } it 'sets the petition state to "rejected"' do expect(petition.state).to eq(Petition::REJECTED_STATE) end it "sets the petition rejected date to now" do expect(petition.rejected_at).to be_within(1.second).of(now) end it "sets the moderation lag" do expect(petition.moderation_lag).to eq(4) end it 'sets the rejection code to the supplied code' do expect(petition.rejection.code).to eq(rejection_code) end it 'redirects to the admin show page for the petition' do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}") end it "sends an email to the petition creator" do expect(creator_email).to deliver_to("bazbutler@gmail.com") expect(creator_email.subject).to match(/We rejected your petition “[^"]+”/) end it "sends an email to validated petition sponsors" do expect(sponsor_email).to deliver_to("laurapalmer@gmail.com") expect(sponsor_email.subject).to match(/We rejected the petition “[^"]+” that you supported/) end it "does not send an email to pending petition sponsors" do expect(pending_email).to be_nil end end context 'with rejection code of "duplicate"' do let(:rejection_code) { 'duplicate' } it_behaves_like 'rejecting a petition' end shared_examples_for 'hiding a petition' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:now) { Time.current } it 'sets the petition state to "hidden"' do expect(petition.state).to eq(Petition::HIDDEN_STATE) end it "sets the petition rejected date to now" do expect(petition.rejected_at).to be_within(1.second).of(now) end it "sets the moderation lag" do expect(petition.moderation_lag).to eq(4) end it 'sets the rejection code to the supplied code' do expect(petition.rejection.code).to eq(rejection_code) end it 'redirects to the admin show page for the petition' do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}") end it "sends an email to the petition creator" do expect(creator_email).to deliver_to("bazbutler@gmail.com") expect(creator_email.subject).to match(/We rejected your petition “[^"]+”/) end it "sends an email to validated petition sponsors" do expect(sponsor_email).to deliver_to("laurapalmer@gmail.com") expect(sponsor_email.subject).to match(/We rejected the petition “[^"]+” that you supported/) end it "does not send an email to pending petition sponsors" do expect(pending_email).to be_nil end end context 'with rejection code of "offensive"' do let(:rejection_code) { 'offensive' } it_behaves_like 'hiding a petition' end context 'with rejection code of "libellous"' do let(:rejection_code) { 'libellous' } it_behaves_like 'hiding a petition' end context 'with no rejection code' do let(:rejection_code) { '' } it "leaves the state alone, in the DB and in-memory" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
expect(petition.state).to eq(Petition::SPONSORED_STATE) expect(assigns(:petition).state).to eq(Petition::SPONSORED_STATE) end it "renders the admin petitions show template" do expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to render_template 'admin/petitions/show' end end end context "when moderation param is 'flag'" do let(:email) { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last } before do do_patch moderation: 'flag' petition.reload end it "flags the petition" do expect(petition.state).to eq(Petition::FLAGGED_STATE) end it "does not set the open date" do expect(petition.open_at).to be_nil end it "does not set the rejected date" do expect(petition.rejected_at).to be_nil end it "does not set the moderation lag" do expect(petition.moderation_lag).to be_nil end it "redirects to the admin show page for the petition page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/petitions/#{petition.id}") end it "does not send an email to the petition creator" do expect(email).to be_nil end end end end end