
spec/controllers/admin / profile_controller_spec.rb

116 lines of codes
1 methods
267.2 complexity/method
16 churn
267.15 complexity
75 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::ProfileController, type: :controller, admin: true do before :each do @user = FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user, :password => 'Letmein1!', :password_confirmation => 'Letmein1!', :force_password_reset => true) end describe "not logged in" do describe "GET 'edit'" do it "should redirect to the login page" do get 'edit', :id => @user.id expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login") end end end context "logged in but need to reset password" do before :each do login_as(@user) end it "should render successfully" do expect(@user.has_to_change_password?).to be_truthy get :edit, :id => 50000 # id does not matter expect(response).to be_success end end context "logged in" do before :each do login_as(@user) end describe "GET 'edit'" do it "should render successfully" do get :edit, :id => 50000 # id does not matter expect(response).to be_success end end describe "GET 'update'" do def do_patch(current_password, new_password, password_confirmation) admin_user_attributes = { current_password: current_password, password: new_password, password_confirmation: password_confirmation } patch :update, id: 50000, admin_user: admin_user_attributes end context "successful password change" do it "should update password" do do_patch('Letmein1!', 'Letmeout1!', 'Letmeout1!') @user.reload expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmeout1!')).to be_truthy end it "should update password_changed_at to current time" do do_patch('Letmein1!', 'Letmeout1!', 'Letmeout1!') @user.reload expect(@user.password_changed_at).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) end it "should set force_password_reset to false" do expect(@user.force_password_reset).to be_truthy do_patch('Letmein1!', 'Letmeout1!', 'Letmeout1!') @user.reload expect(@user.force_password_reset).to be_falsey end it "should redirect" do do_patch('Letmein1!', 'Letmeout1!', 'Letmeout1!') expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin") end end context "unsuccessful password change" do it "should have current password incorrect" do
  1. context(logged in)::describe(GET 'update')::context(unsuccessful password change)::it#should have current password incorrect has a flog score of 34
do_patch('Letmeout1!', 'Letmein1!', 'Letmein1!') expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmeout1!')).to be_falsey expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmein1!')).to be_truthy expect(assigns[:current_user].errors[:current_password]).not_to be_blank end it "should not update password_changed_at" do
  1. context(logged in)::describe(GET 'update')::context(unsuccessful password change)::it#should not update password_changed_at has a flog score of 27
do_patch('Letmeout1!', 'Letmein1!', 'Letmein1!') @user.reload expect(@user.password_changed_at).not_to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current) expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmein1!')).to be_truthy end it "should have current password and new password are the same" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. context(logged in)::describe(GET 'update')::context(unsuccessful password change)::it#should have current password and new password are the same has a flog score of 28
do_patch('Letmein1!', 'Letmein1!', 'Letmein1!') expect(assigns[:current_user].errors[:password]).not_to be_blank @user.reload expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmein1!')).to be_truthy end it "should have new password as invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. context(logged in)::describe(GET 'update')::context(unsuccessful password change)::it#should have new password as invalid has a flog score of 28
do_patch('Letmein1!', 'aB1defgh', 'aB1defgh') expect(assigns[:current_user].errors[:password]).not_to be_blank @user.reload expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmein1!')).to be_truthy end it "should have password as invalid when confirmation is different" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. context(logged in)::describe(GET 'update')::context(unsuccessful password change)::it#should have password as invalid when confirmation is different has a flog score of 28
do_patch('Letmein1!', 'aB1!efgh', 'aB1defgh') expect(assigns[:current_user].errors[:password_confirmation]).not_to be_blank @user.reload expect(@user.valid_password?('Letmein1!')).to be_truthy end end end end end