
spec/controllers/admin / signatures_controller_spec.rb

564 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
9 churn
1675.21 complexity
1053 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::SignaturesController, type: :controller, admin: true do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, email: "user@example.com") } context "not logged in" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
describe "GET /admin/signatures" do it "redirects to the login page" do get :index, q: "Alice" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login") end end describe "DELETE /admin/signatures/:id" do it "redirects to the login page" do delete :destroy, id: signature.id expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login") end end end context "logged in as moderator user but need to reset password" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, force_password_reset: true) } before { login_as(user) } describe "GET /admin/signatures" do it "redirects to the login page" do get :index, q: "Alice" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/profile/#{user.id}/edit") end end describe "DELETE /admin/signatures/:id" do it "redirects to edit profile page" do delete :destroy, id: signature.id expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/profile/#{user.id}/edit") end end end context "logged in as moderator user" do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } let(:token) { SecureRandom.base64(32) } let(:verifier) { ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier.new(token, serializer: JSON) } let(:signature_ids) { verifier.generate([signature.id]) } before do login_as(user) session[:_bulk_verification_token] = token end describe "GET /admin/signatures" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before { get :index, q: "Alice" } it "returns 200 OK" do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end it "renders the :index template" do expect(response).to render_template("admin/signatures/index") end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/:id/validate" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
context "when the signature is validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/validate)::context#when the signature is validated has a flog score of 40
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:validate!).and_return(true) post :validate, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signature validated successfully") end end context "when the signature is not validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/validate)::context#when the signature is not validated has a flog score of 52
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:validate!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :validate, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signature could not be validated - please contact support") end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/:id/invalidate" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
context "when the signature is validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/invalidate)::context#when the signature is validated has a flog score of 40
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:invalidate!).and_return(true) post :invalidate, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signature invalidated successfully") end end context "when the signature is not validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/invalidate)::context#when the signature is not validated has a flog score of 52
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:invalidate!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :invalidate, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signature could not be invalidated - please contact support") end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/:id/subscribe" do before do signature.update!(notify_by_email: false) end context "and the update succeeds" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "redirects to the search page" do post :subscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do post :subscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signature subscribed successfully") end it "changes the notify_by_email attribute" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/subscribe)::context(and the update succeeds)::it#changes the notify_by_email attribute has a flog score of 25
expect { post :subscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" }.to change { signature.reload.notify_by_email }.from(false).to(true) end end context "and the update fails" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/subscribe)::context#and the update fails has a flog score of 36
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:update).with(notify_by_email: true).and_return(false) end it "redirects to the search page" do post :subscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do post :subscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signature could not be subscribed - please contact support") end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/:id/unsubscribe" do before do signature.update!(notify_by_email: true) end context "and the update succeeds" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "redirects to the search page" do post :unsubscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do post :unsubscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signature unsubscribed successfully") end it "changes the notify_by_email attribute" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/unsubscribe)::context(and the update succeeds)::it#changes the notify_by_email attribute has a flog score of 25
expect { post :unsubscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" }.to change { signature.reload.notify_by_email }.from(true).to(false) end end context "and the update fails" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/:id/unsubscribe)::context#and the update fails has a flog score of 36
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:update).with(notify_by_email: false).and_return(false) end it "redirects to the search page" do post :unsubscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do post :unsubscribe, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signature could not be unsubscribed - please contact support") end end end describe "DELETE /admin/signatures/:id" do context "when the signature is destroyed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(DELETE /admin/signatures/:id)::context#when the signature is destroyed has a flog score of 40
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:destroy).and_return(true) delete :destroy, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signature removed successfully") end end context "when the signature is not destroyed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(DELETE /admin/signatures/:id)::context#when the signature is not destroyed has a flog score of 40
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with(signature.id.to_s).and_return(signature) expect(signature).to receive(:destroy).and_return(false) delete :destroy, id: signature.id, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signature could not be removed - please contact support") end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/validate" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
context "when the signature is validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/validate)::context#when the signature is validated has a flog score of 39
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:validate!).and_return(true) post :bulk_validate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signatures validated successfully") end end context "when the signature is not validated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/validate)::context#when the signature is not validated has a flog score of 51
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:validate!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :bulk_validate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signatures could not be validated - please contact support") end end context "when the signature ids hmac is missing" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_validate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: "", q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request for \[\d+\]/) end end context "when the selected_ids param contains an invalid id" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_validate, selected_ids: "1,2", all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request - \d+ not present in \[\d+\]/) end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/invalidate" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
context "when the signature is invalidated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/invalidate)::context#when the signature is invalidated has a flog score of 39
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:invalidate!).and_return(true) post :bulk_invalidate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signatures invalidated successfully") end end context "when the signature is not invalidated" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/invalidate)::context#when the signature is not invalidated has a flog score of 51
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:invalidate!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :bulk_invalidate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signatures could not be invalidated - please contact support") end end context "when the signature ids hmac is missing" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_invalidate, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: "", q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request for \[\d+\]/) end end context "when the selected_ids param contains an invalid id" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_invalidate, selected_ids: "1,2", all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request - \d+ not present in \[\d+\]/) end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/subscribe" do context "when the signature is subcribed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/subscribe)::context#when the signature is subcribed has a flog score of 41
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:update!).with(notify_by_email: true).and_return(true) post :bulk_subscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signatures subscribed successfully") end end context "when the signature is not subscribed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/subscribe)::context#when the signature is not subscribed has a flog score of 54
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:update!).with(notify_by_email: true).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :bulk_subscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signatures could not be subscribed - please contact support") end end context "when the signature ids hmac is missing" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_subscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: "", q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request for \[\d+\]/) end end context "when the selected_ids param contains an invalid id" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_subscribe, selected_ids: "1,2", all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request - \d+ not present in \[\d+\]/) end end end describe "POST /admin/signatures/unsubscribe" do context "when the signature is unsubcribed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/unsubscribe)::context#when the signature is unsubcribed has a flog score of 41
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:update!).with(notify_by_email: false).and_return(true) post :bulk_unsubscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signatures unsubscribed successfully") end end context "when the signature is not unsubscribed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(POST /admin/signatures/unsubscribe)::context#when the signature is not unsubscribed has a flog score of 54
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new("Invalid SQL") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:update!).with(notify_by_email: false).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) post :bulk_unsubscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signatures could not be unsubscribed - please contact support") end end context "when the signature ids hmac is missing" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_unsubscribe, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: "", q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request for \[\d+\]/) end end context "when the selected_ids param contains an invalid id" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_unsubscribe, selected_ids: "1,2", all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request - \d+ not present in \[\d+\]/) end end end describe "DELETE /admin/signatures" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
context "when the signature is destroyed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(DELETE /admin/signatures)::context#when the signature is destroyed has a flog score of 39
before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:destroy!).and_return(true) delete :bulk_destroy, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash notice message" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Signatures removed successfully") end end context "when the signature is not destroyed" do
  1. context(logged in as moderator user)::describe(DELETE /admin/signatures)::context#when the signature is not destroyed has a flog score of 51
let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed.new("Cannot delete the creator signature") } before do expect(Signature).to receive(:find).with([signature.id]).and_return([signature]) expect(signature).to receive(:destroy!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) delete :bulk_destroy, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" end it "redirects to the search page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/signatures?q=user%40example.com") end it "sets the flash alert message" do expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Signatures could not be removed - please contact support") end end context "when the signature ids hmac is missing" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_destroy, selected_ids: signature.id, all_ids: "", q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request for \[\d+\]/) end end context "when the selected_ids param contains an invalid id" do before do expect(Signature).not_to receive(:find) end it "returns a 400 Bad Request" do expect { delete :bulk_destroy, selected_ids: "1,2", all_ids: signature_ids, q: "user@example.com" }.to raise_error(BulkVerification::InvalidBulkRequest, /Invalid bulk request - \d+ not present in \[\d+\]/) end end end end end