
spec/controllers/admin / tasks_controller_spec.rb

105 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
1 churn
182.34 complexity
64 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Admin::TasksController, type: :controller, admin: true do context "when not logged in" do [ ["POST", "/admin/tasks", :create, {}] ].each do |method, path, action, params|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
describe "#{method} #{path}" do before { process action, method, params } it "redirects to the login page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin/login") end end end end context "when logged in as a moderator" do let(:moderator) { FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) } before { login_as(moderator) } [ ["POST", "/admin/tasks", :create, {}] ].each do |method, path, action, params|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
describe "#{method} #{path}" do before { process action, method, params } it "redirects to the admin hub page" do expect(response).to redirect_to("https://moderate.petition.parliament.uk/admin") end end end end context "when logged in as a sysadmin" do let(:sysadmin) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } before { login_as(sysadmin) } describe "POST /admin/tasks" do context "with no selected tasks" do before do expect(Admin::TaskRunner).not_to receive(:run) post :create, tasks: [] end it "redirects back to the tasks tab" do expect(response).to redirect_to("/admin/site/edit?tab=tasks") end it "sets the flash :notice key" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Please select one or more tasks to execute") end end context "with invalid params" do before do expect(Admin::TaskRunner).to receive(:run).and_return(false) post :create, tasks: %w[task_1], task_1: {} end it "redirects back to the tasks tab" do expect(response).to redirect_to("/admin/site/edit?tab=tasks") end it "sets the flash :notice key" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("There was a problem starting the tasks - please contact support") end end context "with one task" do before do expect(Admin::TaskRunner).to receive(:run).and_return(true) post :create, tasks: %w[task_1], task_1: {} end it "redirects back to the tasks tab" do expect(response).to redirect_to("/admin/site/edit?tab=tasks") end it "sets the flash :notice key" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Task started successfully") end end context "with two tasks" do before do expect(Admin::TaskRunner).to receive(:run).and_return(true) post :create, tasks: %w[task_1 task_2], task_1: {}, task_2: {} end it "redirects back to the tasks tab" do expect(response).to redirect_to("/admin/site/edit?tab=tasks") end it "sets the flash :notice key" do expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Tasks started successfully") end end end end end