
spec/helpers / admin_hub_helper_spec.rb

147 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
7 churn
282.29 complexity
170 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe AdminHubHelper, type: :helper do describe "moderation count helpers" do let!(:tag) { FactoryBot.create(:tag, name: "one") } let!(:petition_recently_in_moderation) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :recent) } let!(:petition_nearly_overdue_moderation) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :nearly_overdue) } let!(:petition_overdue_moderation) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :overdue) } let!(:tagged_in_moderation_petition) { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, tags: [tag.id]) } describe "in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number in moderation" do expect(helper.in_moderation_count).to eq 4 end end describe "recently_in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number recently in moderation" do expect(helper.recently_in_moderation_count).to eq 2 end end describe "recently_in_moderation_untagged_count" do it "returns the number recently in moderation that are untagged" do expect(helper.recently_in_moderation_untagged_count).to eq 1 end end describe "nearly_overdue_in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number nearly overdue moderation" do expect(helper.nearly_overdue_in_moderation_count).to eq 1 end end describe "nearly_overdue_in_moderation_untagged_count" do it "returns the number nearly overdue moderation that are untagged" do expect(helper.nearly_overdue_in_moderation_untagged_count).to eq 1 end end describe "overdue_in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number overdue moderation" do expect(helper.overdue_in_moderation_count).to eq 1 end end describe "overdue_in_moderation_untagged_count" do it "returns the number overdue moderation that are untagged" do expect(helper.overdue_in_moderation_untagged_count).to eq 1 end end describe "tagged_in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number of tagged petitions" do expect(helper.tagged_in_moderation_count).to eq 1 end end describe "untagged_in_moderation_count" do it "returns the number of untagged petitions" do expect(helper.untagged_in_moderation_count).to eq 3 end end end describe "#summary_class_name_for_in_moderation" do before { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :recent) } context "when there are no overdue and nearly overdue petitions" do it "returns the CSS class name 'queue-stable'" do expect(helper.summary_class_name_for_in_moderation).to eq("queue-stable") end end context "when there are no overdue but there are nearly overdue petitions" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :nearly_overdue) } it "returns the CSS class name 'queue-caution'" do expect(helper.summary_class_name_for_in_moderation).to eq("queue-caution") end end context "when there are overdue petitions" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before { FactoryBot.create(:sponsored_petition, :overdue) } it "returns the CSS class name 'queue-danger'" do expect(helper.summary_class_name_for_in_moderation).to eq("queue-danger") end end end describe "#action_count" do describe "for counting the moderation queue" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "returns a HTML-safe string" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_moderation, 1)).to be_an(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) end context "when the action count is 1" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_moderation, 1)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1</span> Moderation queue") end end context "when the action count is 1000" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_moderation, 1000)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1,000</span> Moderation queue") end end end describe "for counting the government response queue" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "returns a HTML-safe string" do expect(helper.action_count(:awaiting_response, 1)).to be_an(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) end context "when the action count is 1" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:awaiting_response, 1)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1</span> Government response queue") end end context "when the action count is 1000" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:awaiting_response, 1000)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1,000</span> Government response queue") end end end describe "for counting the debate queue" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "returns a HTML-safe string" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_debate_queue, 1)).to be_an(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) end context "when the action count is 1" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_debate_queue, 1)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1</span> Debate queue") end end context "when the action count is 1000" do it "returns a correctly formatted action count" do expect(helper.action_count(:in_debate_queue, 1000)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1,000</span> Debate queue") end end end end end