
spec/helpers / cache_helper_spec.rb

413 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
11 churn
932.37 complexity
386 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe CacheHelper, type: :helper do describe "dependencies" do let(:klass) { CacheHelper::CacheKey::Dependencies } let(:dependencies) { klass.new(fragments) } describe "#fetch" do let(:fragments) do { petition: { }, status: { dependencies: [:petition] }, notes: { dependencies: [:status] }, outcome: { dependencies: [:notes, :petition] } } end it "returns an array of dependencies" do expect(dependencies.for(:status)).to eq([:petition]) end it "returns an nested dependencies" do expect(dependencies.for(:notes)).to eq([:status, :petition]) end it "eliminates duplicate dependencies" do expect(dependencies.for(:outcome)).to eq([:notes, :status, :petition]) end end end describe "keys" do let(:klass) { CacheHelper::CacheKey::Keys } let(:keys) { klass.new(helper) } describe "#archived_petition_page" do
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it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:archived_petition_page?).and_return(true) expect(keys.archived_petition_page).to eq(true) end end describe "#constituency" do context "when the @constituency instance variable is not set" do it "returns nil" do expect(keys.constituency).to be_nil end end context "when the @constituency instance variable is set" do let(:constituency) { double(:constituency) } before do assign('constituency', constituency) end it "returns the petition" do expect(keys.constituency).to eq(constituency) end end end describe "#create_petition_page" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:create_petition_page?).and_return(true) expect(keys.create_petition_page).to eq(true) end end describe "#home_page" do
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it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:home_page?).and_return(true) expect(keys.home_page).to eq(true) end end describe "#last_petition_created_at" do
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let(:now) { Time.current } it "delegates to the Site instance" do expect(Site).to receive(:last_petition_created_at).and_return(now) expect(keys.last_petition_created_at).to eq(now) end end describe "#last_signature_at" do
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let(:now) { Time.current } it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:last_signature_at).and_return(now) expect(keys.last_signature_at).to eq(now) end end describe "#last_government_response_updated_at" do
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let(:now) { Time.current } it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:last_government_response_updated_at).and_return(now) expect(keys.last_government_response_updated_at).to eq(now) end end describe "#last_debate_outcome_updated_at" do
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let(:now) { Time.current } it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:last_debate_outcome_updated_at).and_return(now) expect(keys.last_debate_outcome_updated_at).to eq(now) end end describe "#page_title" do it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:page_title).and_return("Petitions") expect(keys.page_title).to eq("Petitions") end end describe "#petition_page" do
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it "delegates to the template context" do expect(helper).to receive(:petition_page?).and_return(true) expect(keys.petition_page).to eq(true) end end describe "#petition" do context "when not on the petition show page" do before do expect(helper).to receive(:petition_page?).and_return(false) end it "returns nil" do expect(keys.petition).to be_nil end end context "when on the petition show page" do let(:petition) { double(:petition) } before do assign('petition', petition) expect(helper).to receive(:petition_page?).and_return(true) end it "returns the petition" do expect(keys.petition).to eq(petition) end end end describe "#reveal_response" do before do expect(helper).to receive(:params).and_return(params) end context "when 'reveal_response' is set to 'yes'" do let(:params) do { reveal_response: 'yes' }.with_indifferent_access end it "returns true" do expect(keys.reveal_response).to eq(true) end end context "when 'reveal_response' is set to 'no'" do let(:params) do { reveal_response: 'no' }.with_indifferent_access end it "returns false" do expect(keys.reveal_response).to eq(false) end end context "when 'reveal_response' is not set" do let(:params) do {}.with_indifferent_access end it "returns false" do expect(keys.reveal_response).to eq(false) end end end describe "#site_updated_at" do
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let(:now) { Time.current } it "delegates to the Site instance" do expect(Site).to receive(:updated_at).and_return(now) expect(keys.site_updated_at).to eq(now) end end describe "#url" do let(:request) { double(:request, original_url: "/petitions/123") } it "delegates to the request's original_url method" do expect(helper).to receive(:request).and_return(request) expect(keys.url).to eq("/petitions/123") end context "when the URL isn't encoded properly" do let(:original_url) { "/petitions?utf=✓&q=foo".force_encoding('binary') } let(:request) { double(:request, original_url: original_url) } it "forces the encoding to UTF-8" do
  1. describe(keys)::describe(#url)::context(when the URL isn't encoded properly)::it#forces the encoding to UTF-8 has a flog score of 26
expect(helper).to receive(:request).and_return(request) expect(keys.url.encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) end end end describe "#method_missing" do it "returns an assigned variable in the template context" do assign('signature_count', 32) expect(keys.signature_count).to eq(32) end end describe "#for" do let(:last_signature_at) { "2015-07-08 09:00:00".in_time_zone } it "returns an array of key-value pairs" do assign('signature_count', 32) expect(keys.for([:signature_count])).to eq([[:signature_count, "32"]]) end it "expands array values" do assign('signature_counts', [1, 2, 3]) expect(keys.for([:signature_counts])).to eq([[:signature_counts, "1/2/3"]]) end it "expands time values" do expect(helper).to receive(:last_signature_at).and_return(last_signature_at) expect(keys.for([:last_signature_at])).to eq([[:last_signature_at, "20150708090000000000000"]]) end it "expands value that respond to cache_key" do assign('signature', double(:signature, cache_key: "signature/1-20150708090000000000000")) expect(keys.for([:signature])).to eq([[:signature, "signature/1-20150708090000000000000"]]) end it "calls to_param otherwise" do assign('message', { foo: "bar" }) expect(keys.for([:message])).to eq([[:message, "foo=bar"]]) end end end describe "fragment" do let(:klass) { CacheHelper::CacheKey::Fragment } describe "#keys" do
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context "when there is no key information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({}) } it "defaults to []" do expect(fragment.keys).to eq([]) end end context "when there is key information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({ keys: [:petition] }) } it "returns the keys from the hash" do expect(fragment.keys).to eq([:petition]) end end end describe "#dependencies" do
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context "when there is no dependency information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({}) } it "defaults to []" do expect(fragment.dependencies).to eq([]) end end context "when there is dependency information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({ dependencies: [:petition] }) } it "returns the dependencies from the hash" do expect(fragment.dependencies).to eq([:petition]) end end end describe "#version" do context "when there is no version information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({}) } it "defaults to 1" do expect(fragment.version).to eq(1) end end context "when there is version information" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({ version: 3 }) } it "returns the version from the hash" do expect(fragment.version).to eq(3) end end end describe "#options" do context "when there are no options" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({}) } it "defaults to {}" do expect(fragment.options).to eq({}) end end context "when there are options" do let(:fragment) { klass.new({ options: { expires_in: 5.minutes } }) } it "returns the options from the hash" do expect(fragment.options).to eq({ expires_in: 5.minutes }) end end end end describe "cache key" do let(:klass) { CacheHelper::CacheKey } let(:config) { Rails.root.join("config", "fragments.yml") } let(:yaml) { YAML.load(source) } let(:source) do <<-YAML.strip_heredoc head: keys: - :site_updated_at options: expires_in: 300 YAML end describe ".build" do
  1. describe(cache key)::describe#.build has a flog score of 32
let(:now) { Time.current } let(:hash) { { site_updated_at: now.to_s(:nsec) } } let(:digest) { Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(hash.to_param) } before do CacheHelper::CacheKey.reset_fragments expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with(config).and_return(yaml) expect(Site).to receive(:updated_at).and_return(now) end after do CacheHelper::CacheKey.reset_fragments end it "builds a cache key and options pair" do expect(klass.build(helper, :head)).to eq(["head-1/#{digest}", {expires_in: 300}]) end end end describe "#csv_cache" do after do Rails.cache.delete("csv/foo") end context "when caching is not enabled" do before do allow(controller).to receive(:perform_caching).and_return(false) end context "and the cache key is not set" do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "calls the block" do expect { |b| helper.csv_cache("foo", nil, &b) }.to yield_control end end context "and the cache key is set" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do Rails.cache.write("csv/foo", "bar") end it "calls the block" do expect { |b| helper.csv_cache("foo", nil, &b) }.to yield_control end end end context "when caching is enabled" do before do allow(controller).to receive(:perform_caching).and_return(true) end context "and the cache key is not set" do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "calls the block" do expect { |b| helper.csv_cache("foo", nil, &b) }.to yield_control end end context "and the cache key is set" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do Rails.cache.write("csv/foo", "bar") end it "doesn't call the block" do expect { |b| helper.csv_cache("foo", nil, &b) }.not_to yield_control end end end end end