
spec/helpers / date_time_helper_spec.rb

241 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
14 churn
482.91 complexity
443 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe DateTimeHelper, type: :helper do describe "#local_date_time" do it "displays nothing if the date is nil" do expect(helper.local_date_time_format(nil)).to be_nil end it "displays a GMT time in winter" do date_time = DateTime.parse("17:45 25th December 2012") expect(helper.local_date_time_format(date_time)).to eq("25/12/2012 17:45") end it "displays the BST time in summer" do date_time = DateTime.parse("17:45 15th June 2012") expect(helper.local_date_time_format(date_time)).to eq("15/06/2012 18:45") end end describe "#last_updated_at_time" do it "returns nil when no date" do expect(helper.last_updated_at_time(nil)).to eq(nil) end it "returns just the time" do date_time = DateTime.parse("17:45 25th December 2012") expect(helper.last_updated_at_time(date_time)).to eq("17:45 GMT") end it "returns just the time" do date_time = DateTime.parse("17:45 25th July 2012 GMT") expect(helper.last_updated_at_time(date_time)).to eq("18:45 BST") end end describe "#waiting_for_in_words" do let(:now) { Time.current.noon } context "when the date is nil" do it "returns nil" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(nil)).to be_nil end end context "when the date is today" do
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let(:date) { 2.hours.ago(now) } it "returns 'Waiting for less than a day'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for less than a day") end end context "when the date is yesterday" do
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let(:date) { 1.day.ago(now) } it "returns 'Waiting for 1 day'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 1 day") end end context "when the date is last week" do
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let(:date) { 7.days.ago(now) } it "returns 'Waiting for 7 days'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 7 days") end end context "when the response threshold was reached last month" do
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let(:date) { 30.days.ago(now) } it "returns 'Waiting for 30 days'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 30 days") end end context "when the time span crosses the spring DST boundary" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:now) { Time.utc(2016, 4, 11, 11, 0, 0).in_time_zone } let(:date) { 30.days.ago(now) } around do |example| travel_to(now) { example.run } end it "returns 'Waiting for 30 days'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 30 days") end end context "when the time span crosses the autumn DST boundary" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:now) { Time.utc(2016, 11, 11, 12, 0, 0).in_time_zone } let(:date) { 30.days.ago(now) } around do |example| travel_to(now) { example.run } end it "returns 'Waiting for 30 days'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 30 days") end end context "when the response threshold was reached 3 years ago" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
let(:date) { 1095.days.ago(now) } it "returns 'Waiting for 1,095 days'" do expect(helper.waiting_for_in_words(date)).to eq("Waiting for 1,095 days") end end end describe "#scheduled_for_debate_in_words" do context "when the date is today" do let(:date) { Date.parse("11/11/2016") } it "returns 'Scheduled for debate on 11 November 2016'" do expect(helper.scheduled_for_debate_in_words(date)).to eq("Scheduled for debate on 11 November 2016") end end context "when the date is today" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:date) { Date.current } it "returns 'Scheduled for debate today'" do expect(helper.scheduled_for_debate_in_words(date)).to eq("Scheduled for debate today") end end context "when the date is tomorrow" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:date) { Date.tomorrow } it "returns 'Scheduled for debate tomorrow'" do expect(helper.scheduled_for_debate_in_words(date)).to eq("Scheduled for debate tomorrow") end end end describe "#christmas_period?" do
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context "when the date is before the 22nd Dec" do around do |example| travel_to("2017-12-21") { example.run } end it "returns false" do expect(helper.christmas_period?).to eq(false) end end context "when the date is the 22nd Dec" do around do |example| travel_to("2017-12-22") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.christmas_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is between 22nd Dec and 4th Jan" do around do |example| travel_to("2017-12-26") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.christmas_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is the 4th Jan" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-01-04") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.christmas_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is after the 4th Jan" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-01-05") { example.run } end it "returns false" do expect(helper.christmas_period?).to eq(false) end end end describe "#easter_period?" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
context "when the date is before the 30th Mar" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-03-29") { example.run } end it "returns false" do expect(helper.easter_period?).to eq(false) end end context "when the date is the 30th Mar" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-03-30") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.easter_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is between 30th Mar and 9th Apr" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-04-01") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.easter_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is the 9th Apr" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-04-09") { example.run } end it "returns true" do expect(helper.easter_period?).to eq(true) end end context "when the date is after the 9th Apr" do around do |example| travel_to("2018-04-10") { example.run } end it "returns false" do expect(helper.easter_period?).to eq(false) end end end end